We sailed on together, We drifted apart.

Open Arms




Who would have thought that after WGM Yonghwa and Seohyun would drift apart.

Not that they wanted it to happen..

Yonghwa always dreamt of being them...

He always thought of many things including those impossible ones just to be with her

And he always will and still even if someone is claiming to be his girl.

Yes. He is indeed in a kind of relationship now but not with her, not with his Hyun.

~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~


Seohyun was trying to smile, to hide the pain that she’s dealing seeing the man who used to be her husband although fake but truly her 첫사랑 (first love). She laughed with her eonnies and friends eventhough she and the soshi knows that she is crying inside. But she can’t do anything for what he had promised has been kept and locked.

How long had she been like this?

Since the night when she was informed that she and her make-to-believed husband show will end soon because their schedules couldn’t insert the show's filming time anymore.  She and her members will have their world tour concert and he will be the lead guy in a drama with another partner.


Flashback (Last Filming of their WGM *Off-Cam*)

Seohyun: Eotteoke oppa?

Yonghwa: Just don’t let go of me, promise me. arachi?

Seohyun: I promise oppa but what if…

Yonghwa: No what ifs hyun. I promise you, I will forever be your Yo~ong and you’ll forever be my Hyun~.

Seohyun: Arasseo oppa.

Yonghwa: Things may go wrong, there might be difficult times but I promise you, you will be the only one for me, my lovelight.


End of flashback

They’re having a get-together party with her friends from the different Kpop groups, they arranged that event every now and then, after all they are all friends. When she heard about CnBlue is there already, Seohyun can’t take what she felt anymore, she felt tears threatening her eyes so she excused herself from her friends and she went in the rest room. She knew he’d come, her twin Minhyukkie texted her and what’s worst is “She’s” with them. (she? The girl rumored to be his girlfriend and the issue is really rampant ever since the start of their drama. The girl who claimed him as her boyfriend, the girl who is only allowed to his company to be with him) She’s not yet ready to meet him, worse him with her, clinging in his arms.

After Seohyun calm herself in the restroom, she went out and pretended to be okay as if she’s in her usual self but she failed. Her eonnies know her, which is why they guarded her; they didn’t let her stay close with Yonghwa, they even block her way to prevent her from seeing Yonghwa. The blue boys too, they know why the soshi act strangely that night, they talk a lot, scratch that, MORE A LOT to their maknae.

Krystal has been observant too, though her super charming boyfriend is always on her side. When she noticed Yonghwa was about to approach her Hyunnie eonnie, she took an action and drag Minhyuk with her to talk with Seohyun. After they talk, Seohyun decided to call it a night, she’s not really feeling well, it is because of exhaustion from their schedules that day and the cold breeze, plus the feelings she’s feeling at that moment. She knows what her eonnies and other friends has been doing to protect her heart that night, they must enjoy this night, seems like they’re becoming her guardians that time instead of being free and have fun. She bid her goodbyes to her eonnies, she told them that she’s feeling ill and she needed rest. Her eonnies agreed, and tiffany insisted to drive her home but she refused the offer and told her that her dad is fetching her.

As Seohyun made her way out of the venue, Yonghwa saw her. Unknown to her he’s been observing her after he first saw her that night and he never leave her from his sight sever since. Yonghwa immediately stood up, leaving "the girlfriend" behind and ran after Seohyun but unfortunately Seohyun got into the cab already, he directly went to his car and drive faster than usual following the cab where his Hyun was. When he reached into the cab he blocked its way then go out immediately from his car. He opened the passenger seat of the cab and grab Seohyun away, he held her tight and give some cash to the cab driver, Seohyun couldn’t think of that moment because she was shock for the sudden happening. He grab Seohyun but when she get back to her senses, the stubborn Hyun ascended, she let go and was about to call for another cab but Yonghwa carry her and let her in at his car. After Yonghwa secured her with the seatbelt, he didn’t know what to do anymore, he felt that he should explain everything to her...


Yonghwa: Shinhye and I…

Seohyun: I’m tired Yonghwa-ssi, I want to go home.

She cut it off. She doesn’t want to hear anything about him and that girl. She’s hurt, she give her best not to let him see her weakness, if he’ll talk about it now, she’s afraid she’ll end up crying in front of him, she doesn’t want him to pity her, she doesn’t want him to know that she still felt the same after that night of promises between him and her.


Yonghwa: No.  *Sternly said*

Seohyun: I have schedules tomorrow…

Yonghwa: I said NO.

Seohyun: c’mon Yonghwa-ssi, we both know you have schedules tomorrow too...

Yonghwa: NO DAMMIT!

Yonghwa started to raised his voice and thump the steering wheel. Seohyun was surprised, she can’t understand the way Yonghwa act.


Seohyun: why?

Yonghwa felt like he was being poured with a super cold water. He doesn’t know how to answer Seohyun’s “Why?” he doesn’t even know the meaning of it and where she got it. Is it the question Why he didn’t contact her after all this time? Or why he acted that way to her now? Or what?


Yonghwa: I Just want to talk to you, to be with you… *said it calmly*

At that moment Seohyun wanted to let hear tears flow.


“To talk about what? *She talks to herself*

That all he has been saying to her, those promises must not be taken seriuosly, that they are just for the sake of the show and she has to forget those because he has a girlfriend now… You’re so cruel Yonghwa! *She talks in her mind again*


Seohyun: There’s nothing to talk about.

Yonghwa: Please… let’s talk.

Seohyun: Listen to me Yonghwa-ssi ... whatever we had way back then is nothing. So let’s stop this and let me go home.

Yonghwa: So it was nothing to you? But to me it was my everything and to me your my everything...

*He let out his tears from his eyes*


Seohyun: Please stop Yonghwa. Stop this. What kind of game are you up to? Huh?

*she let out her tears too, she just can’t control it anymore*


Yonghwa: I can’t stop. I’d never tried and will never try stop loving you...

Seohyun: C’mon Yonghwa. We didn’t make it, YOU didn’t make it. For now, just be with your girlfriend, she’s probably looking for you by this time.

YonghwaL I don’t care and I don’t mind!

Seohyun: Look Yonghwa, stop doing this, ok?

Yonghwa: Can’t you hear me? I love you then and i love you still nothings change Hyun, I swear nothings change.

*He sobs once again*


Seohyun: For goodness sake Yonghwa! You have a girlfriend now and it was rumored all over the internet or even in the world. Don’t expect me believe you in all the things you said to me now.

Yonghwa: She’s not my girlfriend okay? I never liked her, I have never done any actions for her to be my girlfriend and she just assumed that we are because of that night…

Seohyun: That night?

She can’t believe it. She can’t believe she’s hearing from him that something did happen to them. It broke her heart.

Yonghwa: no no no please. Please listen to me it’s not what you think. Nothing happened please babe listen to me…

Seohyun: Unlocked the car.

Yonghwa: Please. Let me explain everything first baby…

Seohyun: I swear to God if you won’t unlock this damn car, you will never see me again, ever!


Yonghwa gets scared, he knows that every word Seo Juhyun would utter when she’s mad she’ll mean it so, he had no choice but to unlocked it, when it was unlocked Seohyun immediately got off and hailed a cab. 

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pipipink #1
Chapter 1: what happend??, that night?? update please,,,
YmaYma #2
Chapter 1: Oh for crying out loud. Let him explain and brave the truth. That is the real truth of the world. Hee hee... Please update soon.
yurissi #3
Chapter 1: T__________T
what happened??

update asap authornim
YongSeoForever7 #4
Chapter 1: Aigoo, the couple are all broken hearted right now, I hope they'll finally be able to overcome their trials together.