He's Okay

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Sunhee landed on her bed after a long tiring day of shopping. She grinned as she looked at the shopping bags that consists lots of branded stuffs. She felt grateful to have such loving parents. Sudeenly, Sunhee's mobile phone rang. She quickly picked it up. 

"Yah!! How was your birthday? I hope it was bored cause your pretty bestfriend was not with you today!" Her bestfriend joked at Sunhee who pulled the phone a distance away from her hearing organs due to Yi Joon's yelling tone. 

"Oh god, Yi. Calm down! Okay, I admit that my birthday would be more meaningful if you take me out to shopping tomorrow." Sunhee giggled after her bestfriend groaned out of frustration. So they chatted and chatted till Sunhee fall asleep.


Sunhee woke up as her phone rang. It was the alarm showing that it is 8 in the morning. "It's Monday. How can I forgot to turn off the alarm when I'm on my semester break?" She muttered to herself. The girl yawned and stretched out her slender arms. She started her morning routine and headed downstairs.

Her heart almost stopped when she saw her parents were sitting in the living room, staring at her. They looked like they wanted to tell something.

"Morning. What's wrong?" The daughter asked as the parents looked at each other and nodded. 

"Sunhee, your father and I want to tell you something. Sit down." The mother said in a warm tone. Sunhee sat down and raised her eyebrows as in 'Yes?'

"We have planned this since last year. I hope you will react just as how we want you to." The parents declared. Sunhee grew confused.

"Mom, Dad, what's wrong? Straight to the point, please." 

"Your father and I have arranged a marriage for you since last year." Sunhee's mother went straight to the point.

That line made Sunhee feel more shocked than seeing a penguin fly.


"No! Mom, I did not agree to this! How can you do this to me?!" She protested. Her voice started to crack as tears streamed across her milky skin. She was not ready for a serious matter like this.

"That is our final decision and you're gonna get married to the person we chose for you!" Sunhee's father got up from his chair and said the line in a very stern voice that made Sunhee froze.

"Dad.. How could you? I'm not ready for this matter! Especially getting married to a complete stranger!" Sunhee almost yelled at her father. The mother was completely still. She didn't want to make things worse.

"Sunhee, you're gonna accept it whether you like it or not and that's final! Now, hurry up and get dressed. We're gonna meet the Huang family in two hours." Sunhee's mother notified her before the parents went upstairs. 


"How can they do this to me?! It's still too early to get married! I hate life!" Sunhee slammed her door and threw herself onto her bed. She then reached for her phone and told Yi Joon about the crisis she was having. Sunhee broke into tears and thought about this matter over and over again. 

'I can't say no to my p

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xoxo1401 #1
Chapter 7: Update pleaseeee:D i love this story!
Chapter 6: urhh cant wait !!!
Update soon I really like your story. It's great :D