
Forever & Always
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Starring: Kim Sora (YOU) & Jung Daehyun


            Dark clouds; not a single ray of sun. A gloomy day greeted Sora. She swore that today would be one of the best days ever in her life. A while day to be spent with Daehyun. As she was about to take a bath, her phone rang. She ran to her desk where her phone is charging and checked who it was. A smile suddenly crept on her face. The sender was Daehyun.


            “Good Morning! =)” The text said. Sora had no idea what to answer back. So, she decided to reply back with a simple “Good Morning”. When she sent it, she quickly ran to the bathroom and bathed. She came out fresh wearing a simple white blouse, pastel skirt and white flats. She also can’t forget to bring the small bag that Daehyun gave her in her last birthday. Then, another ring was heard. She grabbed her phone and it was Daehyun again.


            “Let’s meet at the usual café we go to. I’ll be waiting if I get there first!” Another smile crept on her face. “Kk! I’ll be leaving now!”   She replied back. She placed her phone inside her bag and went down.


            “Good morning Sora!” Her parents greeted her and she greeted back.


            “Someone’s looking very happy today.” He mom said as Sora grabbed a piece of bread and headed to the main door. She twisted the doorknob and the door creaked open. Before she went out, she turned her head to look at her parents and she gave out the brightest smile she could give them. As she went out and closed the door, her parents finally got the idea why she’s so happy today.


            “Daehyun.” They both said in unison and started talking about the both of them in a good way.




            She headed straight to the café where they always meet. She just kept a smile on her face though it is about to rain.


            After 20 minutes of walking, she arrived at the café. She opened the door and the bell chimed making all the workers look at her with a bright smile.


            “Welcome!” & “Good morning!” all the workers greeted her cheerfully.


            Mike, a close friend to Sora and Daehyun who works there, guided her to a table. “Would you want anything to drink, Sora?” He asked.


            “No, thank you. I’m fine. I packed a piece of bread but I would like to have some coffee, please?” She said.


            “Coming right up!” He said being all-jolly today. She can never get over the kindness of all the workers in this café. That is why she always goes here.


Her coffee arrived and she started eating the bread she packed. She’s just there sitting; looking at the people entering and exiting the café every time she hears the bell chime. Sitting there; being all lonely, waiting for her phone to ring with the special ringtone.


            It’s been three hours and she’s still waiting. Not a single sign of Daehyun in the driveway. She decided to go out and ask strangers if they have seen him anywhere. She asks and asks but there is no hope. She tried no to breakdown to her knees but they gave in. Tears streaming down her cheeks as her knees came contact with the concrete ground.  After a few minutes, her phone rang. It’s Daehyun calling.


            “Hello?” A different voice was heard on the other line. “Is this Ms. Kim Sora?” It was a male with quite a deep voice asking.


            “Yes. Yes it is. What happened to Daehyu

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forJDH130111 #1
Chapter 1: I teared. ㅜ.ㅜ I love this song so much.
Chapter 1: This story is soooo sad T.T
nelladaexoxo #3
Chapter 1: Omg this so sad. /cries/ great job author-nim!