— tortoise rp (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) opened, accepting. where awkward ...tortoises meet! \ o /

tortoise roleplay


Main Image
Line texture


none atm!


none atm!

crackships are welcomed, btw. (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)


★ dd / mm / yy: asdfghjkl.
★ dd / mm / yy: asdfghjkl.
★ dd / mm / yy: asdfghjkl.
★ dd / mm / yy: asdfghjkl.
★ dd / mm / yy: asdfghjkl.




01. subscribe!
02. this is a semi-open roleplay. meaning interactions exclude following each other are allowed.
03. be active! 3 days of inactivity will be given a warning.
04. no and yuri, sorry. keep the TL clean ; pg-15. password is why do you love your bias.
05. even though we're awkies, please do try to socialize and be approachable. biased peoples are not allowed : face-chase too.
06. r/s after 4 days of joining : or 350+ tweets.
07. ooc in brackets [ ] { } ( ) // limit it.
08. please talk in ENGLISH, and simple korean only.
09. hiatus maximum 1 month, semi-hiatus 3 weeks : tweet once in a while. tell us if you want to do so!
10. hehehe. 
11. \(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥
12. sarangs po yuuuu.

How to join

01. decide who you wanna be, then comment below with the pass given.
02. wait for the approval, then you'll have 2 days to make the acc!
03. uname format : nametts. ex : soeuntts NOT soeun_tts nor ttssoeun.
04. you may add anything in your bio, but please add "tortoise" and your liner, if possible.
05. follow the base and admin first.
06. mention both the base & admin upon your arrival.
07. wait for the verification, then you can join the bundle of awkie-ness. okwat. e u e


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Chapter 2: may i be exo's kai?
their fan service and how they can be
such dorks and gdi the bromance. 8c
Chapter 2: may i reserve apink's chorong? fan service, and uhm. their voice geggles.
eternalstars #3
may I be exo sehun?

+fan service and dem abs babe
i'd like to reserve 2eyes' yeonjun, please. c8
// : omona, everything about them is just perf, from their personality to their looks. oh! and, the way they interact with their fans, cries. < 3
may i be girl's day's sojin?
/ because they're just so adorable i cry oceans of tears and just act like i'm a dying elephant when i see their face / hear their voice / the mere mention of their name. : )
Chapter 1: do you allow youtubers? if so, may i be christina grimmie?
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though : )
: // they're just so dorky. like have you seen bts fooling around in
rookie king. omg i can't. why do i even stan them like srsly nO