I am...what?!

Testing love

“The meeting is over, thank you everyone” Kibum said and stood up, taking his things.


Kyuri stood up too and was about to go out but she looked at me “Yah Len! What are you waiting? Christmas? Stand up~” she pulled me up

“What’s with the secretary thing, huh?” I asked grabbing her wrist

“Eunji is going to leave the school, so we need a new secretary of the VP..and I suggested to give my place to you~ I'll be the VP's secretary! ” She explained as my jaws were going to drop.

“Are..you..serious?”  She nodded

“Come on! Kibum oppa is waiting for us~”


-After half an hour-

“Thank you for the ice cream Kibum oppa~” Kyuri said bowing at him and I saw him giving her one of those smiles that makes my heartbeat fast..


“Yah..” she nudged me in my arm and I stopped daydreaming

“T-Thank you f-for…” I stuttered and couldn’t finish talking. I looked down in the ground once again.


“You’re welcome” He said


“We are going now..” Kevin said and we waved goodbye to them.


-At Len’s house-

“Did you have fun?” Kyuri asked, laying on my bed.

“Yup~” I excitedly said hugging her “Thank you unnie~ this is the best day of my life!”

“Chill” she laughed “it’s not like I had make you guys married or something…”

“But now I can see him everyday! I mean, not only see him, but even be with him every hour~ Every minute, every seco--”

“Hey hey hey, stop daydreaming there” she cut me off


“Being a secretary isn’t that easy! Besides, you are a secretary, not a stalker..” She mocked me emphasizing the word ‘secretary’

“Ow!” she groaned when I hit her with my pillow


“Whatever~” I stuck my tongue out “I’ll smile for the whole night~” She tsk-ed and just shrugged.

“Are you sleeping over?” I asked, giving her my puppy eyes.

“Nope” she said standing up and holding her backpack

“Why?” I pouted

“Cause I know you won’t let me sleep and will non-stop talk about Kibum here and there..” She rolled her eyes


“Yah~” I playfully said, giggling at her imitating me “Just stay a little more unnie~”

“Okay...” she sighed and we both sat on my bed.


“Unnie, do you have a crush?”

She widened her eyes and awkwardly laughed.


“Ha ha ha..what a stupid question..” she looked away “Of course not. I don’t have time for that..”

“Don’t lie~” I tickled her “I won’t stop until you’ll confess who’s the person you like~”

“Stop..it!” she said between her laughs


“Who is it~?” I insisted and she fell on the floor “Omo unnie! Are you okay?” I asked worried “Sorry sorry sorryyy”


She stood up and took her things “Unnie, are you mad? I’m sooo soo soo… sorry!” I muttered tugging her shirt but she didn’t answer and opened the door.

She was about to close it when she looked at me “See you tomorrow baa~bo~” She stuck her tongue out and quickly closed the door.


“Aishh..she tricked me..” I sighed shaking my head.

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inkisspm012 #1
this is so good..<br />
Can't wait to read chapter 6.. :DD
@MBTupa0721 LOL thanks for reading~ ^^<br />
ahhh!!! She kissed Bummie~! NOOO!!! I'm supposed to be his first kiss!! hahaha!! XDD JK
HeoHyunHee #4
~SUPER !!! OMG O___0 .i can't even move !! while reading this fanfic!!<br />
-i super duper enjoy the chapter 5..and i hope you will update as soon as possible!! ^^ the chapter 6.!!<br />
well done !! >__< i super duper love it "MYLOVEKO<333"
@PoohPoohTripleS haha she didn't got betrayed by her bestfriend ^^ Chapter 4 explains everything~ hehe :)<br />
@leitou; @ffloverespukiss Nee~ will try to update ASAP ^^ <3<br />
Thanks for reading/commentingg~~ <3 :D
ffloverespukiss #6
Update the chapter 5 faster please?
leitou #7
I hate betrayer...!
@shinlen hehe happy you like it my loveee~ :) <3<br />
@hcheartjkpop Thanks for reading and commentingg :) I'll try to update soon ^^
AWW~~~ new reader ^^ update soon!<3