Bonus (Jongdae's POV)


"Jongdae, I need to tell you something," the familiar deep voice rumbled through the chest of the giant crushing him. "Well...more like give you something."


Pulling away from the hug, Chanyeol sheepishly shoved an envelope into Jongdae's hand before shoving the black box full of old letters into the latter's chest.


"Wha-" Jongdae began before realizing Chanyeol had already disappeared.




What was up with Chanyeol? 


Jongdae stared at the box and envelope that he had placed on the desk in his room. 


Wasn't Chanyeol supposed to give this box to his crush? 


Picking up the envelope, Jongdae slowly tore it open before taking out the thin piece of paper in it.


So why do I have it now?


Unfolding the letter, Jongdae let his eyes travel down slowly. He was afraid of what it was going to say.


There's no way Chanyeol likes me. . . right?


Slamming the letter face down onto his desk, Jongdae took a deep breath. He hadn't even read the first word yet his heart was pounding in his ear and his stomach twisted and turned out of anxiety. Standing up, Jongdae left his room, avoiding the letter for the rest of the day.




Jongdae stared at his ceiling blankly, occasionally throwing the letter on his desk a nervous glance, as if it'd come to life at any moment and steal his soul. The blinking digital clock on Jongdae's nightstand indicates that it's 10:37pm into the second day since he's gotten the letter yet it's still face down the way he left it because he couldn't bring himself to read it just yet.


Not yet.




It's been 3 days and Jongdae's sitting on his bed with the little black box open at his side, like when he was at Chanyeol's except the presence of the giant was missing. He slowly takes his time in re-reading the letters in the box again, this time with more care and pretending that they might actually be for him. His heart flutters every time he reads an 'I like you' and clenches every time the words 'but I can't bring my self to tell you' are scrawled onto the page with messy handwriting. It takes him the whole day to go through the entire box but Jongdae doesn't care. He gently places the letters back into the box and tucks it away safely under his bed so that no one can find it but him.


He likes to think of it as his little secret for right now, before he finds out that Chanyeol doesn't really like him.




Day 4 and Jongdae's now curious about the contents of the letter. Although he still won't bring himself to read it, he wonders what could be written on it that's so important that Chanyeol can't tell him face to face. He wants to take a peek but he's afraid that it'll shatter his heart because he'll find something like 'I like (insert name here) and I need your help to get with them' or 'I know you like me but I think of us as just friends. But knowing you like me, we can't be friends anymore. It'd just be too awkward' 




Jongdae clutches the letter in his hand as he's curled up on his bed. It's 11:49pm and curiosity has gotten the better of him so he's mustered up all the courage he has to read the letter. It's been 5 days and Jongdae doesn't want to constantly live in fear of a stupid little piece of paper. (Although it may determine the fate of one of his longest and closest friendships)


Letting his eyes drop, Jongdae finally starts to read.




Dear Jongdae,


 Ever single day I wrote a letter to the person that's held the number one spot in my heart. From the day I first saw them until now. It's been 2 years since I first saw them and wow, they really blew me away. They're dazzling and lovable and everything I could ever hope for. From their soft hair to their deep eyes to their button nose to their feline lips to their slim torso all the way down to their lithe thighs. Every single day, I just want to kiss them and hold them in my arms and tell them how much I love them but they don't know how I feel,sadly. This is why I'm writing a letter to you.

 Because you're that person. You're the one that blew me away and you're the one that I love oh so much. I know this is SUPPEERRR cheesy but it's true.


I like you.


I really do. I want to hold you in my arms and kiss you and be there for you through everything. I want to be with you but I don't think you know how I feel. Every single one of those letters in the box is for you. I guess that's why I freaked out when you found it? But still, I wrote all of them for you. Ever single day since I met you and they are all true up to today. I never had the courage to tell you how I felt before and my handwriting was horrid so I could never give you any of the letters. But since you said you liked the letters, I guess that's why I'm confessing right now. Jongdae, I want you. I want to be with you. Ever since I first saw you, there has been no other in my eyes.


I like you



 Park Chanyeol


P.s. Please Respond soon. I don't care wether you say yes or no. Suspense kills me.




 Jongdae's eyes widened as he re-read the letter. It couldn't be true, could it? That the person Chanyeol has liked the whole time was . . . Jongdae? Jongdae's heart raced even harder than it did before and all he could hear was the steady pounding in his ears. Jongdae hugged the letter to his chest before carefully placing it back into the envelope. Clutching his blanket closer to his chest, Jongdae has trouble falling asleep that night.




6 days and Jongdae finally knows the contents of the letter Chanyeol gave to him. Re-reading the letter over and over again, Jongdae spends the entire day letting the words finally sink in.




It's officially been a week since Jongdae last saw Chanyeol and to be honest, he's hasn't been this anxious to see the giant since the time they agreed to sneak out in the middle of the night to watch the midnight airing of some irrelevant movie and Chanyeol was late because he took a nap and overslept.


Taking a deep breath, Jongdae grabbed both the letter and the box, determined to make it all the way to Chanyeol's dorm and not chicken out half way there. After a painfully slow journey, Jongdae rocked nervously on the balls of his feet as he stared at the closed door of his best friend's room. Knocking, Jongdae's cheeks tinted pink when the door suddenly opened to reveal the lanky, long limbed boy.


"You're stupid," Jongdae mumbled. Chanyeol's hair was messed up and he had bags under his eyes. It was evident that he'd been waiting for Jongdae restlessly.


Dropping the box and envelope, Jongdae lunged forward, hugging Chanyeol while burying his face into the latter's face out of embarrassment. Dumbstruck, Chanyeol just hugged Jongdae back absently. Standing on his tiptoes, Jongdae leaned upwards and pressed his lips against Chanyeol's now grinning lips in a sweet, chaste kiss.


"I like you too," Jongdae blushed.



Anyways, I hope you enjoy this un-beta'd pile of what is this even.


Thank you sooooo much for waiting patiently for this and i'm sorry it took so long. You are awesome.

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javlatua #1
Chapter 2: awww cute cute cute
chanchen makes my heart flutter
Chenchenlay #2
Chapter 2: ohhh..sweet sweet and lovely..
LeeJi98 #3
Chapter 1: author-nim ah this is so romantic! may I translate this into Vietnamese? I'm sure my friends will love it! and I'll be back with the link when I'm done <3
Love you <3
hwithme #4
Chapter 1: You made my day ♥ My week ♥ That was so ing cute, I think I'm dead now. I don't know TT_TT So sweet, I was smiling like I've received money OTL I really liked it, thank you ♥ ♥
otpisaweakness #5
Chapter 1: You just earned all my love <3 and a subbie
Chapter 2: ERMERGERD THAT WAS FRICKKIN ADORABLE TO THE HECKIES!!!! :3 that was.....*whispers* deeper than the sea......
babychennie #8
Chapter 1: Yey chanyeol and chen together !! I like this otp so much ! I like your fanfic toooooooo write more about them
Chapter 2: i'm so happy i stumbled upon this fic sjfdjahdkajhdka

chenyeol might not be my otp, like chanbaek but i ship them ;o; /
and this fic brought lots of feelsssssssssss
oh-tea-twelve #10
Chapter 2: it took so long for dae to man up and read the letter... finally!
but it's nice to know that he has feelings for yeol as well heehee
thank you! ¦:3