Waking up to Bacon


Hey guys,

So again stupid title but it gives enough of a hint as to what happens. Anyway, this is what I would call the second chapter. Read on to find out more.


---The next day---

You wake up with your eyes still closed and you roll over expecting your hand to hit an open space but instead you hand hits smooth skin.

{Your POV} What the? What in the world? *moving your hand across the skin* Why do I feel like there is a person here instead of just my bed? {End}

You: “*you open your eyes and see a shirtless Baekhyun* Ahhhhhhhh! *covering your mouth and scooting away from Baekhyun*”

Baekhyun: “*jumping up and staring at you as you blush* What’s wrong?”

You: “*removing your hand from your mouth* Why are you ?”

Baekhyun: “*looking down at himself* I’m not. In case you didn’t notice I still have jeans on. *rolling his eyes* Last night after our date you fell asleep in the cab and I carried you upstairs and laid you in your bed. As I was leaving, you grabbed my arm and asked me to stay. So I did. It got really hot so I took my shirt off. By the way, do you not believe in A/C? Anyway, that is what happened.”

You: “*calming down* Are we dating?”

Baekhyun: “*nodding his head*”

You: “*smiling* I’ll go make breakfast.”

You leave to go make breakfast and Baekhyun follows you out to the kitchen. Soon after, there is a knock on the door.

You: “*from the kitchen* Baekkie, can you get that?”

Baekhyun: “*answering the door* What the hell are you doing here?”

Visitor: “I needed some flour.”

Baekhyun: “Kris, that’s what a supermarket is for.”

You: “*coming out of the kitchen* Baekkie, calm down. *turning to Kris* Attempting pancakes again? *Kris nods* I’m making pancakes too so why don’t you just stay instead of almost burning down the apartment again.”

Kris nods and comes in. Baekhyun gives him a glare and walks over to the table. You set plates down and everyone starts eating. Throughout the whole meal Baekhyun continues to glare at the tall boy who made his life a living hell.

Baekhyun: “*through clenched teeth while glaring at Kris* How long have you been living next door to (Y/N)?”

Kris: “*looking at the other blankly* Since college, I guess.”

You: “Yeah, freshman year we both somehow managed to move into the same building. He did live with me briefly during our sophomore year since he…. Either way we have been neighbors since we started college and since we graduated we didn’t really have a reason to move.”

Baekhyun: “*looking at you in utter disbelief* You are telling me that you have been living next door to this monster for the past four years?”

Kris: “*raising an eyebrow* Monster? *slight anger etched into his voice* Look you little runt, I may have been a jerk in the past but I’ve changed and matured.”

You roll your eyes at the statement, knowing full well that Kris has not changed one bit. After a few minutes Kris finishes and gets up to leave, thanking you for the meal. You and Baekhyun head to the living room to watch TV and decide what to do that day.

Baekhyun: “*eyes glued to the TV* You should move in with me.”

You: “*whipping your head around to look at the small blonde boy* What? Live? With you?”

Baekhyun: “*turning to you with a blank expression* Wae? You don’t like it?”

You: “*looking down* It’s not that I don’t like it, it’s just that it’s kind of sudden. I don’t even know why you’re asking right now.”

Baekhyun: “*standing up in front of you* I don’t like you living next to Kris. That guy made our lives miserable. How can you live in the same building let alone right next door to that…that…that monster?!”

You: “*turning  red with anger* Why do you even care?! It’s not like I’m dating him! We just live next door to each other! How is that bad?!”

Baekhyun: “*wide-eyed* You haven’t changed at all. You still stand up for your friends.”

You: “*stare at Baekhyun in amazement* You totally missed the point.”

Baekhyun: “*grabbing your shoulders* No, I didn’t. I saw the point exactly. I saw the girl I fell in love with. You haven’t changed at all.”

You: “*rolling your eyes* Argh, why are you so cute? *leaning in to kiss him*”

Baekhyun places a chaste kiss on your lips.

Okay other than the mini-fight you and Baek just had this was just cute. Too cute for me so I hope you all enjoyed. Leave comments pretty please or suffer the judgy EXO boys

The one with the best judgy face



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