Meeting The Bastard

Learn Korean Quickly You Bastard

‘This year is going to be great!’ Tao thought excitedly as he wandered down the halls of his new school. He was now officially a sophomore. He had a great summer, hung out with his friends, went to the exotic Bahamas with his girlfriend, Nisa, alone and got a new wushu stick. He couldn’t be happier and nothing could bring down his mood. Except for bumping into a complete stranger and having his drink spilt all over Tao’s new Givenchy t-shirt. The panda-eyed boy looked up and growled at the looming blonde-haired figure. He was handsome and well-built with an intimidating stare, but that wasn’t going to make Tao back down. Not one bit.

“Who do you think you are? You ing bumped into me and then have the nerve to glare you ing bastard!” Tao yelled in Chinese, forgetting where he was.

Kris smirked and replied with a witty, “What’s it to you, shorty?” in Chinese.

That was Tao’s breaking point, which was almost always impossible to reach, but something about this guy made him want to just punch him in the face.

“I’m not short! You’re just a freak of nature!” Tao pouted.

“I hate to break it to you panda princess, but whining isn’t going to get you anywhere.”

Tao’s face turned a fire-truck red and just like how a fire-truck attracts attention, so did his face. People were all staring at the small argument happening between the resident popular boy and the new Chinese -god. Everyone was pointing and whispering, some were even taking pictures. Tao heard the unmistakable sound of notification ringtone and saw a picture of him and Kris with caption “Angry Lovers”. Were these people stupid? All of them should know by now that he was in a relationship, and with a girl no less, meaning he was straight. Well, he may have been experimenting with a boy from his English, but he certainly wasn’t cheating, because no one could replace his girlfriend not even that “experiment”, but lately, he found himself watching both girls and guys. He knew he was biual, he wasn’t going to deny it, and Kris seemed extremely handsome, but of course he wasn’t going to admit that. So he decided to do what he does best…. make a dramatic exit.

He growled at Kris who gave a lopsided grin that may or may not have caused Tao’s heart to speed up a bit.

“You win this time……..” Tao trailed off, realizing he didn’t even know the name of the person whom he got into a fight with. He felt embarrassed, but thankfully, Kris didn’t comment.

“My name is Kris Wu, and what is yours, panda princess, although I can’t promise I’ll remember it,” then he gave a fake smile that had Tao shaking with rage, but he didn’t want to cause an even bigger commotion, so he replied gruffly, “None of your business.”

Kris gave a cheeky smirk, “Bye then, none of your business.”

Tao snarled and stalked away. As he was leaving he tossed a casual, “Don’t call me princess you er,” over his shoulder.

“How is it that one guy could ruin my entire day?” Tao complained to Baekhyun, the diva of the school and Tao’s best friend.

“I dunno, you tell me.”

Tao glared, “Not helping. I mean, my morning was perfect until I crashed into him.”

Tao woke up feeling refreshed, something not everyone can achieve on the first day back to school. He got ready with fifteen minutes to spare and even then his makeup was immaculate. He ate a wonderful breakfast and felt great because everything up until that point was perfect. He picked up Nisa and walked to school with her.

Why couldn’t everything remain like this? Why did that bastard have to rile him up? He sighed and rested his face gently against the table because it was just too perfect to ruin no matter how distressed he was. Baekhyun nudged him harshly, waking him from his little world of self-pity.

“Oi, lover boy, here comes your pretty pink princess.”

Tao shot up like a rocket, knocking down his chair and searching frantically for his girlfriend, who just so happened to like pink. A lot.

She looked like a model who stepped out of a Valentine’s Day photo shoot for all the pink she wore. However, despite her sweet, yet slightly ty appearance which everyone loved, Tao included, she was- bluntly put- a . With her Fendi shades and practically see-through skirt, she made people like Baekhyun, who didn’t really like her, roll their eyes. The diva always wondered what Tao saw in her. He was such a kind boy even though he looked murderous half the time. He did well in school and could have anyone he wanted, so why her. It was then Baekhyun remembered that she was the one who had consoled him when his grandmother died, but then again, he also consoled him, yet he doesn’t get kisses like Nisa does!

Tao walked over to his girlfriend who gave him a smile and latched to his arm, a pet peeve of his, but he tolerated it because he loved her. What he could barely stand was the way her cleavage pressed against him, her chest basically swallowing his arm like some sort of man-eating human body part. It was disgusting, but he held in his cringe and tried to make light conversation with her friends, but one glare from her had him closing his mouth before he could make a squeak.

She dragged him into one of the chairs then sat on him and in spite of her skinny physique, that girl weighed more than an elephant Tao was sure.

“Baby, feed me,” she said with a sickly sweet voice and a pout that Ta couldn’t ignore. He picked up some of her salad with a fork and fed her. She hated using chopsticks because she was born in America and didn’t want to “lose her roots” although Tao could swear that she said that she didn’t want to be “Korean freak” when she talked to her friends, who were also American, once.

He fed her quietly for the next few minutes until there was a slight uproar, which was strange because that usually only happened when a popular walked in and as far as he knew, they were all already in the cafeteria.

Suddenly, his girlfriend got off his lap and ran as fast as she could in her five-inch heels towards something. He turned and saw that it was Kris Wu. He growled as he saw his girlfriend who was always so haughty, acting humble. Not to mention that she was Kris’ arm and giggling. Tao felt betrayed because the person whom he thought would stick with him through thick and thin already found someone else. Tao felt tears spring in his eyes as he heard her question which she purposefully said loudly enough for everyone to hear.

“Sweetie, would you like to be my boyfriend?”

Tao got up got for the second time, but instead of walking to his girlfriend, who hadn’t even bothered to break up with him before targeting Kris, and punching her in the face, he began to walk towards the cafeteria doors.

Kris, noticing this, grabbed Tao’s hand and spun him around. There were tears streaming down his face. Everyone was shocked that he was crying and even more so because he was crying over someone people knew to be a . Did he not know she wanted to have with every single good-looking male on the planet, or was he really that stupid?

Kris stared into Tao's eyes and seeing how heartbroken he was, he felt sympathy. No matter how much someone hurt him, if there was one thing he wouldn’t do, it was steal that person’s love, but since the girl came onto him and Kris had actually begun to like the feisty male- whose name he still didn't know- in the first half an hour that he knew him, he decided to give everyone his answer through actions.

Wrenching his arm from Nisa’s grip, he cupped Tao’s face with both hands and pulled him in for a heart-stopping kiss.




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Chapter 2: Pleasee do BTS! (TaehyungXJungkook) =^-^=
SHINeeg1rl #2
Chapter 2: Please do SHINee
brightjeon #3
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Elvinluv27 #4
Chapter 2: Taoris is my OTP but I understand how you feel so I won't be too mad. If you do end up changing it would you be able to do Taejin from BTS?
Chapter 2: No Taoris? ;__;
In that case... Bts maybe, Taeseok/Vhope? Or B.A.P, Daejae?
Evil_Keshi #6
Chapter 1: The first chapter is interesting as we learn a bit about Tao, his friends and girlfriend, but it seems like everything goes pretty fast ^^ Kris kissed Tao just like that and even though I don't complain, it is a bit... Well, fast ^^
I really wonder what Tao's reaction will be ! :)
Chapter 1: I love it :>
Chapter 1: whaaaaaaaaa? i was definately not expecting that...nope nope nope...