

Luhan was awakened in the middle of the night, sweating profusely.

As he looked around, everyone was fast asleep. It was the same old nightmare that haunted Luhan for years.

He got down from his cosy bed and tiptoed to the window.

A slight cool breeze brushed over his face. Billions of twinkling stars held aloft a picture of peace.

Memories came flooding back before his eyes.



It was a sunny day. His fiancée, Sehun and Luhan were waiting at a harbour, with their luggage fully-stuffed.

Kai invited all of his course mates to his birthday party. They were to sail on his ship to his villa on an island. They were in good mood as they got on board. Kai, of course was overjoyed. Luhan, as his best friend, was happy for him too.

Kai’s father owned a beautiful villa. Although it is rather isolated, Kai claimed that the place was an ideal dwelling for a short stay.

It indeed was.

They were just a short distance away from their destination when the villa slowly came into sight. It was built high up on a hill. The villa stood there, majestic and in solitude, and they were truly amazed by this beautiful sight.

Luhan felt a little seasick but still managed to stay in a clear state. After the ship docked, Luhan could not stand the dizziness anymore and vomited violently. Sehun gently patted his back.

Sehun was always a loving and caring man. Kai thought so too. Luhan knew that Kai liked Sehun a lot. However, Sehun used to assure Luhan that he would only have his eyes on Luhan.

Luhan was sceptical but still he tried to believe Sehun.

He would never deceive Luhan, right?



That very night, Kai celebrated his birthday with them. Music and dances went on and on. Everyone was waltzing and partying.

Sehun and Luhan were sitting in a corner, munching their food after several dances together.

Suddenly Kai walked over to them and reached his hand out to Sehun. Kai asked, “May I have the pleasure?”

Sehun was undecided and he blinked at Luhan.

Luhan smiled and said, “Have fun.” Sehun smiled back and said that he would be right back.

Kai and Sehun danced through the night. Kai was happy and Sehun looked joyous and radiant.

Luhan grew moody and was green with jealousy as his fiancée was dancing happily with another person. A strange feeling overwhelmed Luhan. He couldn’t watch them dance anymore.

Luhan was left alone at the corner while they were having fun.

Luhan stood up and dashed back to his room. Luhan took a small dose of tranquillisers to get him into dreamland.

Not long after that, Luhan was fast asleep.



The clock struck one and the pendulum went “tick tock.”

Luhan opened his sleepy eyes and everything looked blurred. He sat up, rubbed his eyes and tried to figure things out.

Sehun was out in the bed. Luhan called out, “Sehun?” No answer.

Luhan got down and opened the door. “They were still dancing.” Luhan thought to himself. “They wouldn’t be dancing in this unearthly hour.” Luhan reasoned to himself.

At that moment, Luhan heard a giggling sound coming from the next room. The door was ajar. Luhan’s curiosity was aroused and he peeped in.

Almost immediately Luhan felt and agonizing pain in his heart.

The haunting scent of Sehun’s perfume hung in the air. It was Sehun.

How could he? Luhan hated them for their treachery.

Luhan stormed into the room and the two stood rooted to the ground, aghast.



Luhan ran to Sehun and started hitting him with all his might.

Kai grabbed Luhan’s hand and pushed him away from Sehun. Luhan knocked his head on a rickety cupboard. A vase landed on his head with a loud crash and broke into pieces.

Swiftly, Luhan picked a piece of the broken vase and whirled around. Kai, not knowing what to do, just stood there stiffly.

Luhan forward and plunged the sharp object into Kai’s stomach. Luhan stabbed him over and over again. Luhan’s hands were smeared with Kai’s blood.

Sehun was hurt too when he tried to stop Luhan.

Luhan was too strong and nobody could stop him. Hatred and anger led his mind.

Then Luhan passed out.



The police arrived the following day. Luhan was handcuffed and brought away from the island.

The doctors proved that Luhan was mentally deranged and laced him in a mental institution.

Luhan had lied to the whole world about his sanity in order to escape the clutches of the law. Luhan could not admit it. He would sentence to death.

If only Luhan had known that Kai was discussing with Sehun about giving Luhan a surprise for his birthday.

Luhan truly regretted that his impulsive actions had brought him to this terrible and pathetic situation.

Luhan had lost a friend. Luhan had lost his fiancée. Luhan had lost everything.

Luhan would be stranded here forever with the other mental patients.

Tears rolled down Luhan’s cheeks as he sobbed bitterly and wallowed in self-pity.








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minwooksuju #1
Chapter 1: It was quite a short and fast story but really touching!