A Cup of Sweet Espresso, please? - Chapter 8

A Cup of Sweet Espresso, please?

“April 24th.” Kevin read off the calendar, counting and realising it is his 23rd day of work. Things in the café had somewhat been settled, and he was getting the hang of his job already.

He doesn’t especially like talking to Kibum in secret, but every time they did, he forgot they were doing it behind Soohyun’s back. Without an agreement to, the both of them just started the habit. Kibum would stop talking to Kevin to protect the waiter from further lectures, while Kevin would move away so Soohyun wouldn’t condemn Kibum any further with words.

Waiting for yet another day (because as much as Kevin didn’t like doing things in secret, it was pretty exciting), Kevin started getting restless.

“What’s the time now?” Kevin tapped his watch slightly impatiently, frowning when the second hand continued moving as per normal.

“Eight.” Kiseop helpfully supplied. “Why?”

“Oh, nothing.” Kevin smiled briefly and shook his head, sighing when he realised his watch was indeed on time and accurate.

Where was Kibum?

Dongho looked at Kevin curiously and tapped his arm, before nudging the older when Kevin didn’t respond. “Hyung, why are you in a daze?”

“N-Nothing.” Kevin shook his head and hugged the tray he was holding tighter, looking around nervously. He checked his watch again and willed it to move slower, or turn back to seven o’clock or something. Anything to keep his hopes up.

“…” Dongho looked at Kiseop and made signals with his eyebrows, only to get a shrug in return. Sighing, Dongho walked away to start work.

“What’s the time now?” Kevin asked again, fidgeting on spot.

“Eight. A minute past eight.” Kiseop scratched his head, unsure of what to think about Kevin’s unusual behaviour.


“Excuse me.” An elegant lady raised her hand, signalling for Kevin to walk over. The waiter promptly did so, putting on his best smile before asking how he could help. “I ordered latte. Not mocha.”

Kevin widened his eyes and apologised for the mix-up, quickly taking the cup of coffee back into his tray and to the counter. Alexander said nothing about the incident, smiling as he placed a cup of latte into Kevin’s tray.

Kevin somehow thought of Kibum.

Would he say anything about the mix-up?

When the customer nodded to show that she was satisfied with the change, Kevin took a step backwards and bowed once again, before idly walking away.

It was ten o’clock already. Still no signs of Kibum.

“Hyung.” Dongho frowned as his order pad was between his fourth finger and his pinky, while holding a tray with saucers and cups stacked high up. “They want to take orders, my hands are full, could you take their orders?”

Kevin nodded, hurrying over to the table. Weird, he didn’t see them raise their hands.

“Sorry for the wait, what would the both of you like?” Kevin smiled distractedly, fishing out his order pad.

He nodded as he took down the orders, unconsciously writing “double espresso”. When he repeated the orders, the customers quickly corrected him, slightly alarmed.

“I’m sorry!” Kevin apologised, biting his lower lip guiltily. “Is two cups of macchiato and an American chocolate brownie correct?”

After confirming their orders, he made his way back to the coffee counter and dropped his head down on the coffee counter. Hearing a sudden loud bang, Alexander jumped with a squeak and turned to face the coffee counter, seeing Kevin grabbed his head in pain.

“Kev, you okay?” Alexander reached out to rub the sore spot for Kevin, worriedly hearing Kevin whine.

Eyes welling up with tears due to the pain, Kevin looked up at Alexander sadly. “What’s the time now?”

“Six minutes past ten.” Alexander checked his handphone and smiled faintly, before realising the younger was even sadder knowing the time. “Um, uh, what do you want to know the time for?”

“Is it because that regular customer isn’t here?” Kiseop asked, causing Kevin to jerk away from Alexander’s hand, stumbling over his own feet and falling onto the floor. The two baristas leaned over the coffee counter and tried to help Kevin up, and Kevin could almost see Kibum walking over and pick him up from the floor.

Except that it was Soohyun, not Kibum.

Kevin instantly let out a sigh, nodding a little when they all asked if he was all right.

Dongho panted, but didn’t say a word as he passed by Kevin, taking all the workload upon himself instead. Soohyun blinked at the sight, tapping Kevin’s shoulder and then checking the younger’s temperature.

“Hm?” Kevin asked, smiling faintly.

“You’re out of this world.” Soohyun commented, snapping his fingers before Kevin. “Are you sure you’re not sick? I heard the flu bug is out and everyone’s falling sick, so you can go home early if you need to.”

“I’m fine.” Kevin immediately replied, wanting to stay on in case Kibum appeared.

“Clean the tables then.” Soohyun said carefully, watching Kevin make his way to the nearest table. “I think you should just clear the tables today. Let Dongho takes the orders and send them. I still think you’re a bit off.”

Kevin shook his head, insisting that he was all right. Yet when he was made to clear tables, he left the ones at the corners forgotten, leaving them dirty even after an hour or more. Customers are then unable to occupy the seats, causing Dongho to politely send them away, unaware of the seats that are actually available.

Slumping against the chair Kibum used to sit on at the end of the day, Kevin dejectedly sighed. “Just where is he?”


It's 32 subscribers now! Slowly but surely climbing, so thank you!
And hehe, I have 9 comments for Chapter 7! Ah, what do I do, I feel so loved. :3
/sends out cookies and milk to everyone~! <3

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Suyu0226 #1
Chapter 17: Wow........wow........just wow. Thankyu for writing such a wonderful fic. I just can't get the hang of my precious KIBUM.oh, I just love him even more after reading this......and I think I know the secret behind Soohyuniee's behaviour.....just maybe but I won't ruin it. And plz. update. it. palli. kemaru fighting!!!!!! 김기범 사랑해. fighting for u too author. lots. of. love. for. u for. such a beautiful fic
LovelyBrii12 #2
Chapter 17: Oh this is just fabulous! It's a great thing to return to.
IllyaEmyra #3
Chapter 17: Yay...You're back
Chapter 17: Omhotkimchiiiii aisneidndjdndiensjsksksneiej is that suppose to me. I feel al eyes on me because of my username. Ashdfkgifnicf I'm sorry!

Is it me?

Oh well, if it's not..... Just happy you updated again!!!!!!! Yay! Kemaru is still alive.
Chapter 17: HEY JULIET. who are you and why are you doing this to kevin???

@EolinDociak: Sorry for the wait!! Thank you for staying by me! <3
@chocolatefrosty: Haha, sorry for the wait, and they are usually 1000 per chapter so it’s only short in comparison to BTS? XD Yeah, well, he has his reasons haha XD
@Yuki0710: Glad you liked it! Sorry for the wait >_<!
@Hiroki: Oh my, I’m so honoured you think so, but I’m sure it isn’t! Sorry for making you wait another year, OTL!
@IceCreamLover: Haha, glad you liked it? Sorry for the wait, sweetie! I’m bringing in Kevin to massage you rn! /brings Kevin the masseur lol/.
@greenbizarre: Haha, yeah he is XD Thank you for waiting! I’m so sorry for making you wait another age >_<!
@sannrk: Sorry it wasn’t any sooner, but here you go, thanks for waiting!
Chapter 16: cute~~~~~ :D
is there an update anytime soon? :)
I've been waiting for this for aaageeesss!! <3