The other teams!

Go! Wizards!

Mr. Luois: Leo, you're the leader, please pay attention.

Leo: Sorry, teacher.

Me. Louis: You will have to work with other teams as well and please be careful. Tomorrow, you all will have to go. So, make preparations this evening and remember to sleep well!

The wizards: Yes, sir.

Mr. Louis: Bye, good morning! No, good afternoon.

Before he finished, his students had gone.

Leo: ( Lily, you said you will help me right? How?)

Lily: ( Hn, i'm the illum ownwe remember?)

Yuki: Hey! Leo, you've to treat me ice cream!

Leo: Okay.

Jacky: So,I'll go home now, see you all tomorrow!

Melly: Wait, Jacky, I'll come with you!

Aiki: Hey, Seiya, I'll walk home with Mamoru now, bye!~

Yuki: Ice-cream! Leo! Ice-cream! Leo!

Seiya: Yuki, if you want to eat ice-cream, I can treat you.

Yuki: No, I want leo to treat me, I saved him!

Yuki: No, I got it. Seiya treats me one and Leo treats me one!

Leo: Okay with me, so long as I'm one! Here's the money, go and buy yourself. Bye!

Yuki touched leo's forehead.

Leo: * What the heck is she doing?* Hey!

Yuki: Body temperature normal, so why is he so crazy?

Leo: What the-

Seiya: yuki, here's your ice cream, let's go home now!

Yuki: Okay!

Thr next morning,

As usaual, Leo came to school while reading his book.

Reina: Hey~~~~ LEO, HERE!!!

Yuki: You're late!

Karuta and Seiya: Yeah!

Karuta: Don't copy my style!

Seiya: No, YOU copy my style!

And they went off into an agreement.

Leo: I'm not late, it's just that you're early.

Jacky: Oh, come on, let's be ready to welcome the other teams! Don't argue now.

Melly: My Jacky is always right!

Yuki: What? They're coming here? Why isn't it we to go to the other team's school?

Leo, Karuta, Seiya and Mamoru: I think you got the point.

And they turned back and looked at their school which had been half destroyed by Minato.

Aiki and Melly: Yes......

And they swear dropped. Then, they heard laughters and 5 girls came in sight....

Lucy: Hi there, is this the Chreame High?

Leo: Yes and may I ask who you are?

Lucy: We are the wizards of Mizkreal High, I 'm Lucy, She's Loola, she's Ansha, Carriana and she's our leader, Suri.

Leo: Nice to meet you, I am the leader of Chreame High wizards, my name's Leo. And this is Jacky, Melly, Reina and Aiki.....and she is-

Yuki: I'm Yuki, nice to meet you!

Leo: Hey! Don't interrutpt!

Yuki: Hn, who let you flattered? You're going to sent me vomitting!

Leo: So what?-

Loola: Oh my GOD!!! You call that a school?

Jacky: Er.... It only happened yesterday by a student who's a bit a craze-so...

Ansha: I see,-

Then, a bunch of boys came in sight

Takumi: Sorry to interrupt you, but excuse me, may I ask if this is the Chreame High school?

Jacky: Yes, and you all must be the wizards from the Krondatt High school. Welcome! I'm Jacky, and this is Melly, Leo, Reina, Aiki and Yuki.

Melly: Hi!

Reina and Aiki: Nice to meet you.

Takumi: Nice to meet you, ladies, my name is Takumi and please allow me to introduce my mates. This is Oliver. This is Ori, kin and this is our youngest friend Kuroba.

Carriana: Hey, I like that Karoba!

Looka: Really? I like Kin!

Ansha: Who's that guy arguing there?

Ansha pointed to Seiya.

Melly: You mean Seiya? HEY SEIYA! COME HERE FOR A WHILE!

Seiya: What?

Ansha: Aww~~~~so cute!!! No I mean handsome!!!

Seiya: Really?

And he brushed against his hair.

Seiya: Unfortunately, I already have a girlfriend.

Ansha: Who?

Seiya: There she is, Yuki, is her name.

Yuki: Hey, I thought i heard my naem! What are you talking about?

Seiya: Just that you're my girlfriend!

Yuki: Shut up!

Leo: What are you talking about?

Yuki: Nothing, anyway, let's get back to our conversation.

To the boys group with Jacky and the other girls.

Jacky: Let us not stand here, please, let's go into a room and discuss.

Reina: three, two, onw, No need to discuss! My brain tells me that our opponent is easy enough to be done with 3 wizards...

In front if the school,

Minato: Hn, Aiki, you'll all get into trouble later! Thanls to Reina. Here's the money you wnat, Thank you! And let's go now, it's not a good idea to peep into the school like this.

A man: Yes, miss if you need to use me agin, please call me.

Minato: Goodbye, Aiki, just believe your dear friend and die!

A/N; Enjoy~ I will update soon~

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Chapter 1: Reading again coz its really funny XD
Chapter 16: Haha! Update soon~
Chapter 16: cool! Update soon! ~
Chapter 15: Please update soon~ XD ^.^
Chapter 11: Hope you update soon~ XD ^.^
Chapter 10: Hope you update soon~ XD >.<
Chapter 9: lol! Reina!
Chapter 10: Update soon! :D
Chapter 8: Haha! Yuki and Seiya! Aiki and Mamoru! XD >.<
Chapter 3: Yuki falls in love???! OMG!!!XD >.<