Simple Love [ EDITING ]

"Yeon, what are you doing?" Chem groggily said, slowly getting up.

Yeon Ae lightly slapped his cheek and left to the kitchen with red cheeks.

Chen looked at Lay with a confused while Lay replied with a blank one.

What's up with her?

Well someone has a y sleepy voice. Oh my gosh, Yeon, get ahold of yourself!

Yeon Ae looks up and down inside the fridge and hears her stomach grumbling.

She's about to turn around when she feels two arms wrap around her back and a chest pressed against her back.

Her heart speeds up and face heats up.

"Ch-Chen..?" Yeon Ae stutters.

"Let's go out for lunch." Chen whispers in her ear.

Chills run down Yeon Ae's spine and she turns and pushes Chen away with a red face.

"Yah! Why are you being like this?" Yeon Ae yells in embarassment.

Chen smirks and was about to say something before Lay rushed to the kitchen with a worried face.

Yeon Ae has a confused face while Chen's got stern.

Just what are you doing, hyung?

Chen lightly glares at Lay and Lay's face returned to a blank one and he walks out.

Chen turns to Yeon Ae and smiles.

"Let's go, Yeon."

Lay goes and sits back on the couch with a blank look.

The members are still sleeping for some reason.

God, Lay. What in the world are you doing? Of course they were just playing around..

Lay puts his head in his hands which are propped up on his knees.

He hears footsteps coming closer to him and he looks up.

Chen's face is stoic while Yeon Ae's is apologetic. There hands are intertwined.

Lay's heart pains a little but he gives a small smile anyways.

"We're going out." That's all Chen says and he walks towards the door.

Lay turns his head to them and Yeon Ae gives him a smile and a wave.

His heart skips a beat and he waves back.

...Just when?

Chen's and Yeon Ae's date went well and now it's time for school.

And Yeon Ae's running late.

"Crap! Umma, I'm late!" Yeon Ae yells as she's running down the stairs.

She almost trips when she misses a step but she regains balance again and speeds down.

She sees her siblings and bends down to give both of them a kiss before storming out of the house.

She arrives at school and her hawk eyes spot everyone's eyes glaring at a certain someone and a girl.

She focuses on that person while she rushes to her class and she sees that it's Chen.

What the hell?!

Chen is leaning against the wall while talking (flirting) to a girl with a baby face (Yeon Ae looks closer, "Thank God, it's not Junmi.") and the girl is extremely uncomfortable and she's willing to look for an excuse anytime.

Yeon Ae gives the two a secret glare (which everyone sees anyways) before running again but she runs into someone and her papers fly.

Gasps fill the air and then it's just silence.

Yeon Ae's on the floor and when all papers are on the floor, she looks up and sees Lay.

Everyone sighs a sigh of relief and Yeon Ae nearly pounces on Lay.

"Yah! I'm so sorry, Xing!" Yeon Ae laugh cries.

Lay just laughs and helps Yeon Ae clean up.

Yeon Ae starts too and she looks up at him.

Lay's choco brown hair slightly covers his eyes and he shows a small smile that still manages to show a dimple.

Lay looks up to see Yeon Ae gazing at him and he smiles even wider.

Yeon Ae's face heats up and her stomach is fluttering with butterflies.

Since when was Lay so handsome?!

"Yah, hurry and pick up your papers, Yeon." Lay lightly pokes Yeon Ae's forehead to get her out of her trance.

Yeon Ae flushes and she does so.

Lay hands her her papers, their fingers touch and there's a spark of electricity from the touch and they look at each other in shock.

Yeon Ae shyly takes her papers back and gets up.

Lay flashes her a smile and grabs her wrist.

"Come on, don't wanna be late for class now, huh?"

They rush to class and everyone returns to their regularly ways while someone stands there in obvious anger.

I thought you were backing away, hyung...

Yeon Ae has fallen asleep in her seat while Lay blankly looks at the ceiling when Chen finally shows up in class.

Glares are sent his way and he stomps towards his seat.

The teacher just sighed and continued class.

Junmi became rigid as Chen slid the chair open and sat right down and put his head down.

She silently sighed in relief and relaxed.

Still, she felt the stares in her direction and she slightly turned her eyes in that way and realized that they were glaring at Chen instead of her.

She turned her head around slightly to check on Yeon Ae and sees her sound asleep on her desk and Lay gazing at her.

Sigh, why don't they date instead?

Junmi's eyes turned wide and she whipped her head back around.


Junmi shakes her head and returned to paying attention to the lesson.

Yeon Ae wakes up and she groans.

Lay beside her laughs.

She always has the best timing

Right when Yeon Ae fully awakes, the bell rings, signaling for lunch.

Yeon Ae looks at Lay and pouts.

Lay stares at her lips for a split second before returning to her eyes and tilting his head, a habit he does whenever he's like "what?".

"I'm tired, Xing." Yeon Ae whines.

Lay smiles, happy with his nickname that she made for him.

"We gotta go to lunch, Yeon." Lay says, getting up.

Yeon Ae gets up too and sees Junmi waiting for them.

"Ah, sorry, Junmi. I tend to sleep in class a lot and feel really tired afterward. It's a bad habit."

Junmi nods in understandment.

"It's alright. Now let's go, food is waiting for us." She says, pulling on Yeon Ae's arm.

Yeon Ae is walking to the cafeteria when she hears yells of "you're gonna get it!" and "aah! Soomi, i'm sorry!"

Yeon Ae smiles and shakes her head when she opens the door to the cafeteria, wondering what her best friend is doing now.

Her eyes widen at the scene when she walks in. So does Lay's and Junmi's.

Soomi is gripping onto Chen's collar while her fist is in the air near her head and Chen is on the floor, helplessly sprawled.

All eyes are on Yeon Ae, Lay, and Junmi now and the air is tense.

Soomi doesn't let go and Chen is pleading for help.

The triplet walk towards the scene and Chen is mad again at Yeon Ae and Lay and Yeon Ae is mad at Chen. 

Soomi can sense Yeon Ae's anger and is about to throw a punch to Chen's face before a hand stops her.

She looks up at the intruder and her heart speeds up.

"Let it go, Soomi." Kai says with an unreadable expression. He lets go of her fist and walks back to his seat.

Soomi stops and she walks out of the cafeteria.

Yeon Ae goes to her seat without a care and left Lay and Junmi in confusion.

Uh... This is bad. Both Lay and Junmi think before taking their seat.

Chen walks out of the cafeteria too in anger and Yeon Ae is left with the rest of the members staring at her in worry.

A sigh escapes her lips and a tear unconsciously falls from her left eye.

Lay is the first to notice and wipes the tear away, shocked at his courageous move before brushing it off.

Kris, Suho, & Baekyeol stare in shock too.

The air in the cafeteria stays tense until the bell rings and everyone's mood is down since Yeon Ae's & Soomi's mood is down also.

Even now, the weather turned sour and it's raining hard.

Junmi looks at Yeon Ae who is sitting near the window, looking out sadly.

We need to fix this.

a/n: JAJANG ANOTHER CHAPTER this one i finished at 1:30am muahahah but yeah I'm pooped and funny how I was listening to BTS while updating this. Maybe I should guest star them, who knows? ALSO does anyone want a side story with Soomi and Kai? I mean like they seem to be strange, hmm? And idk the idea just popped up in my head. I'm willing to do it, only if you guys want me to so answer this poll!

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11/30/14 ; guys please answer the poll on chapter 13! c: ty.


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Chapter 17: It's really simple n sweet....Loved it!!! :)
Maria18 #2
Awesome storie even if the last chapter was short ;)
NurinaZaini #3
Chapter 9: Update pls
Chapter 6: YEONLAY NO! Yeon you don't need Chen! YOU NEED LAY! LAY IS LOVE. LAY IS LYFE. I'm sorry. #LAY4LYFE
Chapter 5: Oh my goodness. But what 'bout lay? Update please :D
Chapter 5: Poor Lay... Update soon! :D
Chapter 3: May i know what is a beta? I've seen the word flying around fanfic many times.. mind explaining? Anyway good story, update soon! ^^
Chapter 4: No she can't cuz Lay is the one for her xD
Chapter 3: Hmmm. It'd be really cool if you did a double update. Anyways so Chen and Yoon Ae have small crushes on each other so far? Hmm. Interesting. Liking your story so far.