Chapter 25: No one

Will this work?


I was not in the mood for Maya’s games anymore. I just got _______ back and I’m not going to let anyone get in the way of that.

Maya smirked at our linked hands “Didn’t you get the message at your birthday party? Hongbin is mine so leave me alone.”

I looked at ______ as she looked at her shoes, a tear running down her cheek. It’s as if she actually believed Maya’s words.

‘Maya, that ’

I finally looked at Maya, my eyes shooting lasers “First of all. Didn’t you get the message at the party? I don’t have feelings for you. Sure maybe in the past I did, I’ll give you credit for that but not anymore. Second of all. I’m not yours! We haven’t spoken or seen each other in ages and that’s probably because well.. I don’t want to go in any detail so in plain you’re a . Also seeing as your follower Hyuk is over there you’re probably already all over him and lastly… I’m in love with _______-ah. NO ONE is going to stop that and NO ONE will ever change that.”

I smiled at my little rant. I looked towards ______ and I could see a little smile creep up to her face. Maya on the other hand was furious.

“You know what Hongbin?! I don’t care about you anymore. We’re over. Let me spell it out for you O-V-E-R OVER.” With that Maya left the store dragging Hyuk with her. I rolled my eyes at her retreating figure ‘I can’t believe I actually used to like her and I wanted to spend my life with her that I even used _____ to make her jealous. How times have changed’

_______-ah turned to me “I don’t think she got the message that you two were O-V-E-R OVER ages ago”

I laughed at her statement “You’ve got that catch phrase on point” I squeezed her cheeks as I wrapped my arm around her waist “Just so you know I hope you never use that catch phrase on me.. because we are never going to be over. Okay?”

Her cheeks turned red “Yah! Are you trying to do the ‘Okay?Okay.’ thing from the fault in our stars? Oh my you’re so cheesy. AND who says we’ll never be O-V-E-R OVER?”

“What? I thought you said we were end game? And I can be as cheesy as I want to be because like I said NO ONE will ever change the fact that I love you”

I saw her roll her eyes but I knew it was just her playfulness coming out. “So now can I buy you this red dress?” I said holding it up.

“You will never get over that dress will you?”

I smiled at her and shook my head. “I’ll buy it for you and you can’t say no because I came shopping with you… which reminds me you still owe me red bean balls”


The rest of the day was great. Just being in her presence was good because she could always make me smile.

“Oppa are you going to help me or just stand there looking good?” ______-ah said as she took me from my trance. She was cutting fruits in the kitchen for any afternoon snack.

I fake laughed at her remark “Okay Miss Bossy. Wait, did you say I was good looking?”

“No… I uhm said you were looking good. There’s a difference” She said in a matter- of- fact tone.

I mumbled ‘sure’ in amusement. She continued cutting the fruit as I took the other knife to help her cut the remaining fruits. _______-ah was so concentrated on cutting her fruits it was a really cute sight to see. Her hair was in a messy ponytail she was wearing a flowery pink apron over her white jumper and jeans and she had a crease in her forehead as she steadily cut the fruit. I sight I rarely saw because she always had to look so proper and diligent in front of her parents. They were strict in some way but I knew it was always because they wanted the best for her. I guess they thought the best for her was putting her in an arranged marriage… well it worked out eventually but I sure put her through a lot of pain at the start.

I sighed in frustration with myself. I must have been in deep thought because the next thing I know ______-ah is screaming at me looking through the cupboard.

“Oppa! Pabo yah. You cut yourself with the knife.” _____-ah called out still looking through the cupboard.

I looked down and I was in shock to see my fingers bleeding

“It’s not a bad cut but you should be careful” She handed me a band- aid with a concerned look on her face.

“aw are you worried about me?” I said squeezing her cheek

She pouted and replied “I’m worried for the fruits actually” she stuck her tongue out at me as I was taken aback by her response

“Yah. Come here.” I edged towards her with a glint in my eye

“Oh no… I know what you’re going to do Oppa~” She backed away and ran around the lounge her giggles filling the room

I ran after her determined as she shouted “You know my weakness when it comes to tickling”

‘She was so cute running around in her apron’

Finally I caught her in my arms, tickling her stomach as we collapsed in laughs onto the couch. Her laughs lessened as we rested on the couch. “That was payback for teasing me” I stuck my tongue out at her

She giggled again as I kissed her on the forehead. “Let’s just stay like this forever” she mumbled closing her eyes as her head nestled onto my chest.

“I’m afraid we can’t because we’d get hungry… like I am now” I laughed moving her head so I could retrieve the fruit from the kitchen

“Always thinking about your stomach Hongbin oppa.”

“Not as much as you think about me right?”

She rolled her eyes at my cheesiness as we spent the rest of the day feeding each other fruit and laughing at one another try to catch the grapes in our mouths.


Hi! I’M SORRY! That’s really all I can say… since I left you hanging last year. I won’t even be surprised if some of you don’t read this update because you’ve forgotten the story. All in all I’m really sorry. Okay so we have one more chapter left… which I’ll probably update later today. I hope this story has been good or at least tolerable for you. I know my chapters (especially my first chapters) were horrible, not written well and too short but I tried…

Thank you so much to all the comments you gave me! To my lovely subscribers I really appreciate you sticking with me through my slow updates. I love you upvoters!

Shoutout to my recent upvoters-






One more chapter left!!! 

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196 streak #1
Chapter 30: 🥰
196 streak #2
Chapter 21: 💜
196 streak #3
I love reading this story
kkaeul #5
Chapter 25: I literally cried 2 or 3 times @_@
Chapter 30: Can't wait for the one shot!!
adorable x.x <3
Chapter 29: Hahaha okay that was cutee . Good job authornim
Chapter 29: ... Am I still alive?
Chapter 29: Good job author-nim :D