Chapter 23: Unconciously

Will this work?


‘On the lips’

My mind went completely blank at this point. No emotion ran through my mind. Suddenly soft lips crashed onto mine whilst his hands cupped my face, he gave me a quick tender kiss that made my heart melt. I was in complete shock. ‘Had I wanted that kiss to happen or not?’

“I told you I deserved one” He said smirking

I looked in the opposite direction and blew my hair from my face. “okay then Hongbin okay” I said cooly while a permanent smile took over his face.

I could feel his gaze on me as we walked to the car hand in hand. It took all of my willpower not to look at him in this moment… but of course being weak when it comes to Hongbin I did turn towards him.

I saw his beautiful eyes shining under the moonlight. I got lost in his eyes as they looked into mine. They were beautiful, magical. I had always thought I’d like guys with crystal blue eyes but Hongbin’s brown eyes were something different. Or maybe I thought they were different and special because they belonged to Hongbin.

“HEY! Watch where you’re walking” A man on a bike shouted as I abruptly lost eye contact with Hongbin.

We both laughed as we got into the car. “As much as I loved today we need to bring you home”

“and face my death sure” I said sarcastically

“I’m sure it can’t be that bad. They liked me once” He said putting my seatbelt on for me

I just laughed at his comment ‘oh Hongbin’

As we drove towards my house my heart beat became faster. The last time I saw them was the time I ran out looking for someone I loved but they didn’t approve. It seemed like ages ago but in reality it was yesterday. I spent a lovely day with Hongbin and now we are back where we were yesterday except the tables have turned. I’m walking through the front door with Hongbin, Daehyun won’t be there and my parents well they might be even more frustrated than yesterday.

Breaking me front my thoughts Hongbin said “Don’t worry I’ll get them back with my smile” He squeezed my hand in encouragement to relax

I shook my head at his playfulness “You probably won’t be smiling when they shout at you”

“Come on _______-ah lighten up”

I took two deep breaths. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

‘This is what you wanted remember?’

As I saw the familiar bushes of my house and the neighbouring houses my heart beat sped up.

“H-hongbin…” I looked at him worriedly.

He turned to me as he parked the car in front of the house. He cupped my face in his hands and made me look at him.

“Look we are going to get through this okay. This is what you want and your parents most important desire is your happiness. I’ll be with you for the whole thing okay? I’m not going to leave you anymore and I promise you I will take care of you like I should have before. I’m sorry I only found out how much I cared for you now but I promise to be with you for the remainder”

I looked into his eyes. He was being genuine and I felt closure in his words. I nodded slightly before he opened the car door and led me towards the front door.

The series of having my parents open the door, let us into the house and sit us on the couch was a blur. Hongbin just led me through the whole thing. The nervousness racked my mind as the gazes of my parents on the couch opposite us were like lasers.

“So how are you both?” My mum started the conversation

I couldn’t speak a word as my mouth wobbled with fear. Unlike me Hongbin spoke casually.

“Good. We’ve been catching up today” A small smiled appeared on my mum’s face. I think in the back of her mind she was hoping I’d be with Hongbin instead of Daehyun. She could probably tell Daehyun and I didn’t match. On the other hand my dad’s face was as stern as ever.

“So you think even after doing all that, it is going to change your past?” My dad spoke sternly

I looked at Hongbin as he squeezed my hand in his

“No I don’t think any of my actions will change our past. I’ve done so many bad things that I regret and to be honest I don’t know myself why your daughter came back to me because I can’t forgive myself but I promise you from now on I will be more responsible for your daughter. I know gaining trust is hard and I don’t expect it to come easily but like what _______-ah did when we first started this arranged marriage give it a chance” Hongbin said looking my parents in the eye with the utmost calming and determined voice.

My dad turned to me now after hearing Hongbin’s words. His expression did not change which made my heart cringe in nervousness. “______-ah tell me the truth. Are you willing to do this? Are you willing to let Hongbin into your heart again”

At his question I thought to myself ‘Am I willing to let him into my heart?’ but then I realised after the morning with breakfast and spending the day at the amusement park I had already unconsciously opened myself up to Hongbin so easily… again.

I smiled to myself as silence filled the room. Everyone’s gazes went to me as I answered

“I think I already have or he just never left”


AND BOOM this is the end of Chapter 23! But not the end to my story… yet.

As usual thank you for all your lovely comments! They are so nice to read and all your reactions are so funny and cute and I love how we share the same emotions :)

I’m going to mention my newest upvoter who is….*queue drumroll*   xoxo12xoxo

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! Sorry for any mistakes…

If you are wondering… yes I did change my username

Oh and don’t expect an update tomorrow… my holidays are ending so I’ll be back to being a slow updater :P 

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Thank you so much to all the readers of 'Will this Work?' I really appreciate all of your support


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196 streak #1
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I love reading this story
kkaeul #5
Chapter 25: I literally cried 2 or 3 times @_@
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adorable x.x <3
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