Chapter 16: Aftermath

Will this work?


“I ruined everything didn’t I?” I sighed turning to my friends Hakyeon, Ken, Ravi and Zinni who came after a desperate call from me.

“yes” Zinni Replied

“wow… thanks for being so blunt”

I looked towards the floor as I heard awkward shifting from my friends. They didn’t like this situation at all because after all they liked ______ and they didn’t know what to say.

“So where is she now?” Hakyeon asked trying to ease the silence

“Parents” I slowly answer “I keep looking at the door hoping she would come back”

“Well you do know your endless wishing isn’t going to work” Zinni looked at me, fire in her eyes “I invited her to my small night out so you better do something other than look at that door”

I nodded slowly. Zinni had invited a group of us to go to an exclusive club in celebration of her new job. At first I didn’t want to go but after hearing _____ would be there… I knew I had to do something better than just sit here in my house depressed.

“When is the night out?” Ken asked awakening me from my thoughts

“Thursday” she answered Ken and then turned to me “that means you have 3 days to get up and make a good impression”


After my friends left the house Zinni’s words kept ringing in my mind “make a good impression”

I couldn’t wait three days to see her. I needed to know if she was okay.

“You can do this” I told myself. “Buy flowers, see her at her house and simply acknowledge her, let her know you were willing to fight for her love”

That was the plan.

So I bought some roses… every girl likes roses right? Or flowers in general…

Happy with my plan I began driving to her parent’s house, ready to see the beautiful face that I needed in my life, ready to make a good impression and hoping to have her back in my arms.

Just as I pulled up in the driveway I saw two figures through the window.

The girl I wanted in my arms… in the arms of a man I had never seen before.

After seeing the pair I drove back quickly to my house. Anger written across my face… but deep within I was just truly heart broken. Heart -broken that I lost my chance. She was crying that’s for sure… and I knew it was all because of me.

I can’t be the one to hold her in my arms, tell her everything will be okay… because I’m the ing reason for those tears. I through the things in my path around the room in anger until I stared at all the damage I had caused.

Pillows everywhere, glass scattered from mirrors on the floor, chairs turned upside down.

I’ve become something that I can’t control…


So the night out came and I was sitting at the bar already on my fifth… sixth drink…. I don’t even know. Heck I shouldn’t be this drunk because in a minute Zinni was going to walk in with the girl I made cry, the girl I cheated on, the girl who was my wife, the girl who I saw in the arms of another man, the girl who I loved.


1 deep breath…. 1 step towards the door…. Here goes… It’s been 3 days since I set eyes on Hongbin. I really didn’t want to see him… but I knew I had to face him sooner or later… even if it meant having my heart broken for the millionth time.

Another deep breath… and there he was. Hongbin… in a suit. Looking handsome as usual but he was drinking… totally out of it. Not the best view to see after three days of not seeing him but it was him. The man I fell in love with…

And now he was coming up to me. Oh gosh… what should I do? What should I say?

He gave me a crooked smile as he brought me into an abrupt hug. I smelt alcohol. I was disgusted. This was not the Hongbin I knew. In his eyes it was sadness, jigsaw puzzles and hurt.

“Let’s dance okay?” he whispered in my ear

“I’m not up for dancing t-tonight…” I said slowly, his voice and appearance slightly scaring me

“Why not?!” he suddenly shouted at me as he left the embrace. The music turned down and everyone was staring “You would gladly dance with the guy you were crying to!”

What was he talking about? 

“H-hongbin… you’re uhm” I gulped nervously as his eyes never left my face “you’re obviously drunk… let’s sit down” I said quietly

“NO! You can’t tell me to sit down… not unless you freaking dance with me”

“Hongbin… please” I could see everyone on the edges of their seats in the corner of my eyes. All too scared to confront Hongbin.

“You’re not going to dance with me?!” Hongbin shouted into my ear as the smell of alcohol filled my surroundings. “You are a good for nothing ! You can just go cry in the arms of that other guy because you know what?.. you’re just a useless !”

A millisecond before I knew what was happening next my world turned black



Author's note:

UPDATED!! not edited... hopefully i can edit it soon. but enjoy the chapter :)

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196 streak #1
Chapter 30: 🥰
196 streak #2
Chapter 21: 💜
196 streak #3
I love reading this story
kkaeul #5
Chapter 25: I literally cried 2 or 3 times @_@
Chapter 30: Can't wait for the one shot!!
adorable x.x <3
Chapter 29: Hahaha okay that was cutee . Good job authornim
Chapter 29: ... Am I still alive?
Chapter 29: Good job author-nim :D