Chapter 14: Bitterness

Will this work?


I woke up as the sun hit my face and filled the room. I looked over at the alarm clock.

8:00 am

I realised the feeling of warmth wrapped around my waist. Hongbin

His face was so peaceful as he breathed in and out in a pleasant sleep. I touched his face... His small imperfections... His dimple... His lips

If only our life would be as peaceful as your sleeping face.

I sighed and got up from bed carefully entangling myself from his embrace. All my thoughts went to Hongbin and yesterday. Yesterday was supposed to be an amazing night... Well, it was until Maya came. 

...and to think Hongbin is hiding something from me again... 

I made myself look presentable even though I was staying home for most of the day. My stomach made noises signalling that it was time to make breakfast. 

I took one plate out and had second thoughts... 

Even though I'm upset at Hongbin I should still act like a good wife. I don't want things to turn out like last time we ignored each other. 

I made a westernised breakfast... Bacon and eggs. His favourite food apart from red bean balls. 

I heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen as I set the table up with the food.

I braced myself as my heart pounded within me

What should I do? What should I say? 

He entered the room with a unreadable expression. His hair was messy and he was still in his clothes from last night. 

I turned my face back to the plates in front of me not knowing what to say. Not wanting to humiliate myself further.

"Morning" he said softly as he sat down in the chair opposite me

"Morning" I replied 

The bitterness filled the air as we began to eat in silence. The awkward jingle of the cutlery and the small glances towards each other. 

Hongbin stood up to take his dishes to the sink. 

"You don't have to do th-" I began but got cut off

"it's fine". He continued to go to the sink 

I stood up myself and took my plate. I rushed to the sink and took his plate "really it's okay. I'm the wife, I can wash the dishes" 

He sighed as I had made up my mind. I concentrated my mind towards the dishes in front of me but soon felt Hongbin's arms wrap around my waist. His lips met my neck as chills went up my spine at the small touch. 

"I can't stand not talking to each other" he finally said

"I don't know what t-to say" I stuttered 

" just promise me you won't leave me... Even after I tell you the truth" 

"the truth?" I put the dish down into the sink as Hongbin's warm embrace left my body.

he took my arm and led me to the couch. The couch where we sorted our problems before. 

"The truth that I was supposed to tell you in front of Maya" 

...silence... Silence filled the room after his words. I couldn't get myself to speak any words. My throat was incapable.

"Listen to me okay? Please... Please don't leave me. I need you" Hongbin's eyes glistened as the words came from his mouth. His voice was raspy as he pleaded for me to listen... To stay

He needed me? 

He took a deep breath but it seemed like he couldn't say anything. On instinct my hand met his and squeezed it in reassurance. 

Truthfully I don't know... After I hear this...will I be willing to stay? 



I'M SO SORRY!! Truthfully I am so sorry . I am the worst author... I have not updated in forever. All of my stories have not been updated and my excuse would be like school... But seriously I still am such a bad author and I'm so Sorry! Please forgive me. Since this chapter was also very short I'm thinking of giving you another update so stay tuned and enjoy 

...not really edited either... 

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196 streak #1
Chapter 30: 🥰
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Chapter 21: 💜
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I love reading this story
kkaeul #5
Chapter 25: I literally cried 2 or 3 times @_@
Chapter 30: Can't wait for the one shot!!
adorable x.x <3
Chapter 29: Hahaha okay that was cutee . Good job authornim
Chapter 29: ... Am I still alive?
Chapter 29: Good job author-nim :D