bonus for chapter 5


Well ..something did happened last night tho >< (shy ) said rikki 

Omgosh.. Mr popular is blushing XD Said Erika 

Shut up!!! Said rikki while Trying to find A place to hide.. 

So something did happened isn't it? Said Erika while smirking XD   

Yes yes something happened.. said rikki 

Omgosh.. tell me what happened? said Erika while jumping up and down like a kid 

Why are you so Happy? said rikki 

Hehe.. nothing XD said Erika 

Fine.. I'll tell you what happened but not here..let's go somewhere more private.  Both of them found a quiet place to sit down and rikki start his story 

So that night... I brought her out of the party and we sat down on the bench and she lie on my shoulder.. well I was a bit tipsy at that time and I really have no idea what my brain was thinking about.. I kissed her and she kissed me back and my hand went under her skirt. But she Stop me and she said "not here babe! They will see us " she hold my hand and we secretly went to the nearest toilet we can find hoping no one will see us. I swear I didn't know She's this kind of person... That night was ing I wish we can spend a longer time in the toilet.. just so I can explore her body more.and If I'm not wrong.. she can't find her after that XD I wonder where did it go and it turns up to be in my pocket.. hahaha.. can't Stop laughing at how She's holding on to her skirt while She's on her way back to the venue.. 

Omgosh.. so you her that night!??!? said Erika

 Duh!!!isn't it obvious???? said rikki 

(Giving that speechless expression ) okay.. I got it.. seems like you have a fun time with her last night. Said Erika 

Yesssssss....very fun. Said rikki 

(Shake her head )I need to go now... Bye 

Byeeee.. said rikki  

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Chapter 11: LOL KISS~ chu~
Chapter 1: owo cool story~