The Start of a Friendship

Lost Love Story

"Hey Amber, get up already!" The tomboy awoke from her comfortable bed, feeling quite groggy to the scoldings of her sister, Jackie Liu. She glanced at her alarm clock. 6:35 AM. "Crap, I'm going to be late!!" Amber jumped out of bed, feeling a burst of energy awoken in her after seeing the time. The tomboy grabbed her toothbrush and a towel as she locked her bathroom door and the sound of a shower starting echoed through the house.




"Yah, wake up you lazy bum." Krystal opened her eyes, and saw her sister in front of her face. She blinked once at her and then fell back to bed and covered herself with her blanket. "Hey, you're not a princess who gets to do whatever they want! You're going to be late for school unnie!" Krystal groaned in reply, as she did not like waking up early on Monday mornings. All she wanted was more sleep and not go to school. "Yah, get off of bed you monkey!" After hearing her sister's insult, Krystal shot her icy glare at her. It didn't take even seconds for her sister to run out the door. "Today is going to ...," the tired princess crawled out of bed and locked the door to her bathroom.


"OHCRAPOHCRAPOHCRAPOHCRAP," Amber bursted out of her bathroom door with the most wet, shaggy hair and took a quick look at her clock. 7:20 AM Amber didn't even bother to grab breakfast, knowing that her school bus would come in about 5 minutes. She grabbed her jacket and backpack, hugged her sister goodbye, and dashed out the door like an Olympic sprinter.




"Have a good day my little princess," Krystal's dad said in a soft voice as he pat his daughter's back. "Thanks dad, saranghae." Krystal opened the passenger's seat of the car, grabbed her backpack out of the trunk, and bid her father goodbye. "Another crappy day today for a ty one tomorrow," she remarked as she entered the school's ground.

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