Ch.15 - Come Back Home

Just Another TaeNy Story

“Hey, Tiffany,” Taeyeon called the other girl’s name. It was the last break on Friday and Taeyeon went to the classroom, she knew Tiffany would be in.

Tiffany looked up and she slightly smiled. Then suddenly, as if she realized it, her expression turned blank. “What do you need?” she asked quite coldly.

Taeyeon went closer to the girl, so the other people wouldn’t eavesdrop. Nobody knew about the mission Taeyeon had failed, but everybody knew about the kiss of course, so they were curious. “I’m sorry, but I can’t stay at school after the last lesson. I know we agreed on doing the project here just like the last time, but I really don’t have enough time. But you can stop by over at my house in the evening, or if you are uncomfortable with that, we could meet in some kind of café,” she quickly said. She just met Sunmi who, of course, told her she wants her to carry her bag home again.

Tiffany kept quiet for some time, looking like she was thinking. “Your place is fine. I’ll be there at five. Is that okay with you?”

Taeyeon nodded. “Yes, sure.”                              

Then Tiffany broke the eye contact, obviously suggesting she has no intention on continuing the conversation. Taeyeon just quietly sighed and left the classroom. She has one more lesson to attend and she needs to get Sunmi coffee before it starts.



Tiffany was punctual. She arrived just in time.

“Hi,” Taeyeon greeted her, smiling.

Tiffany remained expressionless. “Hello,” she said. She was having an inner conflict though. She wasn’t sure how to act now.

“Please, come inside,” Taeyeon invited her project partner inside the empty house as her mother was at work and led her into her room. It was the first time Tiffany was in Taeyeon’s house. It was as small as it looked from the outside. Everything, every piece of furniture, every wall, seemed a bit shabby, at least around ten years old, some stuff seemed even older, and nothing was from Ikea. But it wasn’t dirty or anything, it was just obvious Taeyeon’s family wasn’t rich.

“I’ll get us something to drink. What would you like?” Taeyeon asked sweetly.

“Anything is fine,” Tiffany answered.

“Ice tea?”


Taeyeon disappeared in the kitchen next door and Tiffany meanwhile looked around Taeyeon’s room. It was cute. Simple, just a table, a chair, a bed, a wardrobe and a bookshelf. And some posters on the walls. Mostly Girls’ Generation. “Hey there, little buddy,” Tiffany smiled as she petted Taeyeon’s puppy when she noticed it sleeping on the floor under the window. It was so black it looked like a piece of fluffy fabric from distance. “Cute.”

Then Tiffany’s attention caught a board on the wall with some photos. The biggest photo was Taeyeon with some guy. Then there was another one, of a similar size and Taeyeon was with the same person, but there was also a middle aged lady. Tiffany suddenly started to see some kind of similarity between them. Must be Taeyeon’s mother and brother. Then she saw one photo of Taeyeon with Yuri, one photo of Taeyeon with that girl she saw her with on the New Year’s Eve, one photo of Taeyeon with that blondie from last time. They seemed very close. Then there was another picture of Taeyeon with a very pretty girl. And they also seemed close. Tiffany just shook her head. Kim Taeyeon, you little-

“That’s my cousin Yoona. She’s very pretty, isn’t she? She’s a model,” Taeyeon’s voice echoed, sounding all proud and startling Tiffany a bit.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to-“ she started, but Taeyeon interrupted her.

“No, that’s fine,” Taeyeon said, smiling. “If I didn’t want people to see it, I wouldn’t have it here,” she reasoned as she put their drinks on the table and stood next to Tiffany also looking at the photos. “This is my mom and my brother. He lives in Paris,” she said. “This guy right here,” Taeyeon said, pointing at an old black and white photo. “That’s my dad. That’s the only picture of him I have.”

“What happened to him?” Tiffany asked.

Taeyeon shrugged. “Don’t know. I don’t even remember him. He left many years ago and I haven’t heard of him since then.”

“Sorry to hear that.”

“That’s okay. Anyways, you know Yuri and these are my other friends Sunny, you’ve seen her, and Hyoyeon,” Taeyeon said.

Tiffany chuckled a bit bitterly. She was really pretty sure Kim Hyoyeon must be Kim Taeyeon’s sister, she practically made herself believe that. Okay, so maybe they are not. But the name… what a coincidence.

Tiffany looked away from the board. “Shouldn’t we start?”

Taeyeon quickly nodded. “Definitely.”

“Okay, so any possible idea what we could create.”

“Phew… not really. Maybe some kind of led watches?” Taeyeon suggested.

“No, that’s too complicated. Do you have any idea how it works?”

Taeyeon shook her head. “Not at all.”

“Maybe we could create something like… a drill?” Tiffany hesitated if that was a good idea.

“Well, a drill is easier than led watches I guess. Maybe he should try to create some kitchen appliance.”

“Kitchen appliance sounds good,” Tiffany nodded. “Let’s think about that.”



Forty minutes later, then still had no idea what to do.

“Let’s create a mug that will keep your tea or coffee warm,” Taeyeon mumbled her suggestion, lying on the floor on her stomach, supporting her head with her hands.

“There is such a thing already. Thermos mug,” Tiffany opposed, sitting on Taeyeon’s bed, supporting her head in a similar way, but with her elbows on her knees. They were starting to get pretty desperate.

“No, I mean… like some battery powered cup with some magical button that will make your drink warm. Something between a kettle and a mug. Got it?”

“I don’t know…” Tiffany sighed as she looked at Taeyeon. “No offence, but it’s not that cool.”

“I know it’s not cool, but do you have any better idea? And let’s be honest, name one project that was actually cool. Remember the golf one? How ing stupid.”

“Okay, true, let’s do this kettle slash mug thingy.”



“No idea.”                



“Are you sure your mom will be okay with that?” asked Tiffany another hour later when Taeyeon was in the middle of destroying their own old kettle.

“Yes, we got a new one recently, we just didn’t throw this one away yet,” Taeyeon nodded as she managed to broke off another part of the kitchen appliance using a screwdriver accompanied by a weird cracking sound.

Tiffany looked up. “That didn’t sound good, you totally broke it,” she stated.

“I know, it doesn’t matter, we just need this to make a sketch of it. Unless you find something online?”

Tiffany shook her head. She borrowed Taeyeon’s laptop and was trying to google something, but was unsuccessful.

“How do we make this battery powered?” Taeyeon wondered as she looked at the… something she was holding in her hands.

“Let’s take a break, shall we?” Tiffany suggested after five more minutes of her browsing the internet and Taeyeon breaking the poor kettle even more. “Dinner maybe?”

Taeyeon scratched her head. “I don’t think I have anything at home. But we can go to that restaurant across the street, it’s cheap. I-I’ll pay.”

“Okay then.”



Taeyeon and Tiffany were eating in an absolute silence. They had French fries with ketchup. Taeyeon ordered it because it was cheap and Tiffany said she would have the same basically because she knew Taeyeon couldn’t afford much.

“H-how have you been lately by the way?” Taeyeon then dared to ask. Tiffany refused to talk about anything but the project, but Taeyeon had to try.

“Fine,” Tiffany simply answered.

“That’s good then,” Taeyeon said, thinking hard how to keep the conversation.

“I’m not angry,” Tiffany said then, after like a minute of silence breaking her own promise to herself.

Taeyeon looked up from her plate, surprised. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

“I’m not angry,” Tiffany repeated, looking into Taeyeon’s eyes.

Taeyeon just blinked, puzzled. “You’re… not?”

“You should have told me,” Tiffany continued, making Taeyeon even more confused. Tiffany slightly smiled as she continued, seeing Taeyeon’s lost expression. “You should have told me Sunmi was threatening you, making your life miserable, bullying you… and we would figure something out.”

“Would you be willing to shoot a tape with me?”

“No,” Tiffany said, frowning.

“You see. So it doesn’t matter. It would still end up the same,” Taeyeon sighed, looking back at her French fries.

Tiffany let out a quiet chuckle as she continued to eat as well. “This is where you are wrong. I thought you said you liked me,” she said calmly and matter-of-factly.

Taeyeon almost choked. She started to quietly cough until she got the goddamn fry out of . Tiffany worriedly looked up. “I-I still do,” Taeyeon rattled, still coughing a bit, her cheeks red from all the choking.

“That’s what would change. Don’t you get it?” Tiffany said, still being completely calm.

Taeyeon frowned a bit. “What do you-… I-I don’t want to misunderstand,” she stuttered. “But… it kind of sounds like you cared for me.”

“You are smart,” Tiffany said, still with that little smile on her face.

Taeyeon didn’t know what to say, so she remained silent and just continued eating. She was feeling even nervous in Tiffany’s company now. Tiffany cares or at least used to care for her. Does it mean she liked her? Taeyeon was confused and she didn’t want to overthink those things, but it seriously seemed like Tiffany actually had considered her a friend.

Tiffany didn’t say anything anymore as well and they finished their dinner. Taeyeon then paid and they left the restaurant. The sun had set already.

“I think I should go home already,” Tiffany said.

“Okay, if you wish so. Are you still living on your own?” Taeyeon asked. It took Tiffany a while to remember Taeyeon had spent half of a night in her apartment. After all, she was drunk that night.

“Yes,” Tiffany nodded.

“Can I- Can I walk you?” Taeyeon asked then.

Tiffany hesitated for a moment, but then she nodded. “Yes.”

“Cool,” Taeyeon smiled. “Can I ask you something?” she said a few seconds later.

“Yes, of course.”

Taeyeon opened , but no words came out.

“Well?” Tiffany incited seeing Taeyeon had problems to say it.

“Give me a minute, I’m gaining my courage.”

“Okay. Whatever you will ask tonight, I promise you to be one hundred percent honest. It can be your once in a life-time opportunity, so don’t waste it.”

Taeyeon was genuinely surprised by the offer and she was sure determined not to waste it.

“How did you notice Sunmi had been bullying me?” she asked then. “That’s not the question by the way, still don’t have enough courage for that,” she added quickly.

“I have been watching you lately. I was really disappointed about the whole situation and I was just wondering how you feel. I actually wonder how people cannot see you are being bullied.”

Taeyeon shrugged. “Nobody has ever noticed. Because I am nobody. Yuri noticed once or twice, but she is not very smart, actually she’s a ing , I just told her it’s nothing and she let it go.”


“Why? She would beat Sunmi up and that would only cause more trouble for both of us.”

Tiffany sighed. “It’s very complicated. I had no idea…”

“Nobody did, don’t worry. And apart from you and of course Sunmi and her slaves, nobody still really knows.”

“I promise we will figure something out.”

“It’s useless, there are days left till the end of the high school, Sunmi will probably enroll to some SKY university, I’ve heard she got accepted to all three of them, and I will probably end up working, we will never see each other again.”

Tiffany frowned. “Firstly, she can’t get away with that. Secondly, what do you mean, working? Why wouldn’t you go to the university?”

“Firstly, yes, she can and she will. Secondly, money issues,” Taeyeon sighed. “My mom is trying, but universities are still too expensive.”

“You did well during College Scholastic Ability Test though, didn’t you?” Tiffany asked, concerned.

“I did. But unless I get scholarship to Seoul National University, I’m done.”

“Scholarship for?”

“Singing,” Taeyeon shrugged.

“I had no idea you could sing,” Tiffany breathed out.

“Nobody at school does, only Yuri and maybe Yenny. But hey, why is it you asking about me? I thought it was supposed to be the other way around,” Taeyeon then realized as they were almost in front of Tiffany’s home.

Tiffany smiled. “Okay, so ask.”

“Do you like me?”



“He is totally blackmailing us. Do this and that or I won’t let you graduate,” Yuri complained, mimicking Mr. Parks voice.

“I know,” Jessica growled, half asleep. They were in Yuri’s house, working on the project as well as Taeyeon and Tiffany did. But they still had no idea what to ‘invent’ and most of the time, Jessica slept and Yuri did sit-ups.

“ this, let’s make out?” Yuri suggested then.

Jessica smirked at the suggestion. “Maybe later,” she said then. “I’m sleeping now,” she said, making herself comfortable on Yuri’s bed. Yuri jumped on the bed right next to her.

“Not even a little bit?” she asked, straddling the other girl’s lower back, as Jessica was lying on her stomach.

“Uhh, you’re so heavy,” Jessica hissed.

“Are you implying that I’m fat?” Yuri asked, acting insulted, but in fact she wasn’t. It was very hard to insult her.

“Yes, exactly.”

“I will punish you for that,” Yuri said, bending forward and brushing Jessica’s hair away and then kissing the back of her neck.

“You’re such a tease,” Jessica groaned into the pillow.

“And you love it, don’t you,” Yuri grinned. Rubbing Jessica’s upper back.

“Gosh, let’s invent some toy or something,” Jessica suggested.

Yuri laughed. “You are very naughty.”

“Let me just…” Jessica tried to turn on her back with Yuri still sitting on her. Yuri surprising got the message and lifted herself off Jessica’s body, she kept straddling her though.

Jessica turned around and Yuri seated herself this time on Jessica’s lower stomach.

“Ugh, so heavy,” Jessica hissed.

Yuri rolled her eyes. “Again?”

“It’s true.”

“I’ll make you shut up.”

“Oh really, are you going to kiss me?” Jessica teased, lifting herself up a bit, supporting her body with her elbows.

Yuri smirked. “You wish.”

“Then how exactly are you going to do it?”

“Your little sweet mouth will be busy ,” Yuri leaned towards Jessica and kissed the shorter girl’s cheek, jaw and neck.

“I wanna see that,” Jessica breathed out.





“Do you like me?”

The two girls stopped walking. They were already in front of Tiffany’s home.

Tiffany had slightly opened, no words coming out. Taeyeon gulped, nervously watching her. Tiffany promised to be one hundred percent honest, she must have known Taeyeon would ask this question.

“I… I-I don’t know if I can answer this question,” Tiffany eventually said.

“You promised,” Taeyeon breathed out.

“I know, but how could I possibly truthfully answer a question I don’t know the answer for?” Tiffany explained.

“Are you sure you don’t know the answer? I won’t be angry if you hate me, in fact, I would be surprised if you didn’t,” Taeyeon said.

“I don’t hate you,” Tiffany said surprisingly quickly, looking directly into Taeyeon’s eyes.

“Okay,” Taeyeon nodded.

“I like you,” Tiffany blurted out then without thinking. Even she herself seemed shocked about it as her eyes widened.

“G-good,” Taeyeon stuttered. “I’m very happy to hear that. Let’s be friends then. Shall we? Please? I am very sorry for what I did and I know it was bad, but I think we could be friends, no?”

Tiffany’s big sincere eyes were looking right at her and that was making Taeyeon’s knees shake. She gulped, waiting for Tiffany’s answer.

Tiffany then slowly nodded. She was biting her lower lip. “Okay. I have forgiven you already. Let’s try to be friends.”

Taeyeon smiled. “Thank you,” she said, taking a step towards Tiffany, making the other girl a bit startled. Taeyeon noticed. “Just a hug?” she explained her doings. Tiffany hesitated, but then she nodded and Taeyeon happily wrapped her hands around her neck. She heard Tiffany sigh and felt her hot breath on the shoulder. Then Tiffany slowly put her hands around Taeyeon waist. When Taeyeon pulled away, she had a feeling Tiffany was almost reluctant of letting her go. Stop it, Kim Taeyeon, you’re naïve and paranoid, she scolded herself in her mind.

“I should go back home now,” Taeyeon said. “So bye, see you on Monday!”

Tiffany smiled. “Bye, TaeTae.”



Taeyeon walked back home, being in an exceptional mood. It has been a while since she felt this happy. Yeah, she still had the same old Sunmi problem, but at least she settled things down with Tiffany and actually ended up being her friend! How lucky she is! She only needs to survive few more weeks and she will be free of Sunmi’s wrath as well. She just needs to survive it. She realized Sunmi can’t find out about her friendship with Tiffany – Taeyeon didn’t know what Sunmi would do, but she was damn sure she wouldn’t like it and it could only make things worse.



Tiffany entered the elevator with mixed feelings. She was worried and anxious, but also happy as well. She was glad she and Taeyeon made peace. It was a good thing. Yeah. Definitely. Tiffany knew Taeyeon had needed a proper friend – no offence to Yuri –, so she did a good deed. “Oh gosh, Tiffany Hwang Miyoung, you are in such a denial,” she sighed aloud as she stepped out of the lift and headed towards her apartment. She was aware of the fact she really really liked Taeyeon and she was very aware of the fact she hadn’t want to let go of the hug earlier, but she wouldn’t say it aloud. But at least she knew she was in denial. It was just a really hard to say thing, especially for her.

She suddenly remembered that Hyoyeon girl and she felt a hint of jealousy deep inside. She groaned as she went into her apartment and fell on the couch. She sighed and shook Hyoyeon out of her mind. Then she remembered Sunmi. She frowned as she thought they needed to stop that bully from what she was doing as soon as possible. But how?

Tiffany needs an ally. Well, first of all she needs Taeyeon to cooperate. She can’t stop Sunmi unless Taeyeon wants to. And… maybe she can try to convince Yuri to help as well, though Yuri seemed liked the type who is more likely to kill the instead of going with a proper plan. Oh Yuri… And Jessica... Wonder how are things with Jessica. I think she might be crushing on Yuri. And Yuri on Jessica?

Tiffany chuckled as she couldn’t really imagine the two girls together without killing each other.

What more friends Taeyeon has?

Tiffany thought about the board she had just seen. Yoona – the stunningly beautiful cousin. She looked twelve though. How old is she, oh my god? Sunny – the suspicious friend number one. But she lives in Daegu, isn’t that right? And Hyoyeon – the suspicious friend number two. Tiffany knew absolutely nothing about her.

And then another question surfaced in her mind. Taeyeon won’t really like it if I tell her friends about this and ask for their help, will she? Maybe I should try to do this on my own then?

Tiffany groaned. And she didn’t sleep much that night.



And… The only person that didn’t go home that night was Jessica.



A/N: Sorry, I will be honest - I was too lazy to update earlier :

But here you go, just a few days after the last chapter :) Hope you enjoyed it, thanks for reading, commenting, subscribing, upvoting & all :) Love you all!

I may not be able to update for a while, I will see :) But here's a little teaser anyway:

“I can’t just walk to her and suddenly kiss her!”
“You can’t? Why? Of course you can."
“....You are right."
“I am?”

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CrissYoung #1
Chapter 24: So do we need to be more patient?? No problem haha
1120 streak #2
Chapter 24: Hello authourssi😁😁😁 glad that you updated this story again and happy holiday
bubblegumblue #3
Hello author-nim!
I am that person who asked for your permission to translate your work to post on Wattpad. I don't even remember my old Asianfanfics account so I had to create a new one to send you this message.
I see that the fanfiction has not been updated for a while. Would you mind telling me if you have decided to drop it, or is the story still going to be updated in the future?
Thank you so much!
gabiel #4
Chapter 24: Please update soon outhor nim
I want to know what's tiffany father reaction
To taeny coupple
OMG! Author please update this more often! I'm a real fan of this story! I've read this repeatedly and still, I can't get over it coz it left me hanging on the most interesting part. Please have mercy for our hearts .. It's really longing for an update .. T.T THE FEELS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT HERE !!! *points to my heart* IT STILL LINGERS!! please update this beautiful story more often. The creativity, the ideas, EVERYTHING was put into a whole new level which made the story perfect for readers, especially for TaeNy shippers. Thanks author for sharing your talent!
Laboli #6
Chapter 24: Taeny moment is next right continued from the byuntae on tippanys lap
and waiting for the updates from author-nim is like forever...
Taeny2016 #8
Chapter 24: Thank you for updating. I just read all of this in a day, so please update and/or finish this soon. I know you are busy, but I think you understand that we readers don't like to be left hanging. Anyways, hopefully there will be some soon cause it'll be interesting. *hides in a corner from embarrassment.
Chapter 24: It was mid-morning when I started this, and suddenly it turned into afternoon. Kudos author-nim.
TW102015 #10
Chapter 23: OMG finally u updated this story!!!! I've been waited this for long time