He is home

Is our love strong enough?

First of all I'm so sorry guys q.q The last weeks where a mess and I couldn't find time to sit down and write. Hopefully you will like the new chapter. I know it's small, but the next chapter is going to come faster! Let me know in your comments what you think will happen next ;) Also would you like a chapter in Hyunseungs sight?


You totally forgot about the person waiting infront of your home. It didn't matter, right now. How long you stayed in this position, before deciding you are going to sleep...it didn't matter in your eyes. After laying down in your bed, you kept silence for the next couple of minutes, then your heard someone opening your front door. Your eyes widened. It could only be one person coming...Hyunseung. He was the only one having a key, after all it was his home too. While turning yourself to the opposite side of the door, closing your eyes listening to th steps coming to your shared bedroom- "Babe? Are you awake?" Hyunseung asked, while approuching your side of the bed. Closing your eyes as tightly as possible you tried your best to breath as calm as possible. After some minutes of waiting, you heard him sigh and making his way to the bathroom. Some minutes later he came into the bed. Slowly getting as near as possible to you, before hugging you slowly. You tried your best not to let him now you were awake. Something that was really hard for you to do, because your heart starts racing. As unbelievable is might seemed to be, you still loved him. You loved him more then anything else and it hurts you to see him promoting with Hyuna again. As Hyunseung seem to sleep tightly, you turned around to look him into his face. He seemed to be so relaxed when he slept and so happy. It was rare nowadays to see him like this and that he came home, seemed to you that he still cared about you. Right?

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icyalice #1
Chapter 2: hahaha. this was what cross my mind seeing their new mv and all of troublemaker video. if one of them indeed having a relationship but not with each other, what would their lover think or feel?

and i suddenly craving a fic about that and i found your fic. hahaha, please update soon. wanna know what will happened next~ ^^
Chapter 1: Ah~
......pls update soon ^.^