I walked past him. Unexpectedly.

A Walk Past Him


“When do I get out of this hell hole.” I moaned as I wrote random Team A/Winner names and doodles on my test paper.  The teacher with his curly black hair kept writing numbers and signs on the board with all the geeky and nerdy students in the front answering every questions he asked. Math. Yea, it looked more like of a hell hole to me. And the numbers on the board? More like satanic Latin symbols.


I was stuck with all the intelligent students in this special Math class. It’s not like I came here on my own. I was forced since there is also an advantage to attending this class like no projects and homeworks for the upcoming quarters. I took the class for the sake of that so, yea.


The bell rang and it was the best bell ring of my life. I stood up and folded the math test papers and slid my pen on my pocket. I didn’t really bring anything. Who cares anyway. So, it happened like that and I got out of the hellhole. I searched my way to my friend’s place since they live just near the school so I had no difficulty finding company. Well, my friend didn’t come with me to that special class because her parents didn’t permit her so I ended up being alone.


I was on my way to my friend’s house when I saw my crush walking with his buddies. Yes, my one and only perfect crush. He looked really good as usual. He wore a slightly green tee with knee-high tan pedals and of course, my favorite, his brown shoes. I asked myself in my mind many times, how do his friends even feel when a bunch of girls try to look cute in front of their friend. I guess it just doesn’t matter to them. They’re guys after all.


Finding out that my crush and his buddies went on some bakeshop to eat, just near my friend’s house, I quickly went in to hide. Of course, I wouldn’t want him to see me. Yeah, he knows I got a crush on him.

So, I went in like usual and greetedy friend. She was still in her pjs watching television in the living room. We insulted each other like always and ended up exchanging updates of Kpop news. And then I told her about my Mr. Perfect and as always, she insulted him. ing best friend.


I stayed for like half an hour and decided to go back to school to check if my parents have arrived already to pick me up. I waved my friend goodbye and made my way back to the school. Now, just near the corner where a chicken shop stood, I saw my crush walking. Our eyes met. Oh my gosh. I don’t know where he came from and why he was alone but I felt my heartbeat fasten. With every step I took, we were getting close with each other. I bowed my head in embarassment but eventually looked at him back up. His eyes were so gorgeous. He was the most perfect person I’ve ever seen in close up. I swear. We were really getting closer with every step and my heart has been battling every internal organ in me. I felt like it was gonna burst any minute. I wanted to collapse but at the same time I wanted to smile at him and tell him how beautiful he is. Then we walked past each other. I almost drowned to the thought that he was inches from me. He smelled really good. But another step, and I walked past him. I don’t know if he looked back but I didn’t look back. I don’t know why though. I guess I just wasn’t calm enough. Until right now, typing this thing, believe it or not, I am still ing high. 



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Chapter 1: get a life kim freagin' siguis :3