Girl's Weekend

Best Friend Vacation

"What do you mean you don't get a vacation? That's the worse thing I have ever heard EunMi." They were best friends and MiRae could not have been more proud of EunMi. She worked so hard as a doctor, saving lives daily. It wasn't hard for MiRae to admit that EunMi was her backbone, the light in her darkness, her reason for being, but MiRae was frustrated that EunMi's superiors felt it necessary to work her to death.

"Rae, unnie, trust me I wish more than anything I could take time off and go have a girls vacation with you, but otteke? This is the profession I chose and unfortunately the schedule I must live with."

"Well it just seems like you take a little break MiMi. It's not like I am asking for a month, just a long weekend. You deserve the time away and I really could use some tbff time before my schedule picks up in a couple weeks." MiRae was a singer and was about to debut a new solo in just a couple weeks, so she was bound and determined to take her time off and enjoy it. 

"I know Rae, trust me, I want both too. I just don't know what I can do......I gotta go Rae, break time is done. We'll talk later, ok? You're my sanity Rae and I love you so much unnie." 

"Love you too MiMi, work hard." MiRae hung up the phone and tossed it beside her on the couch, completely frustrated. What could she do to rescue her best friend from the evils of her internship and those stupid superiors? She slouched back on her couch and rubbed her face. Partially out of anger, partially out of frustration, but mostly because she was trying to wipe away the tears that stained her rosy cheeks. Before she knew it, she found herself talking out loud to the walls. "Is is too much to ask to rescue my best friend from the evils of her busy job? Is is too much to ask to want to have some quality one on one time with my reason for being? I think not. All I want is to take her away for a while, but noooooo....her damn superiors don't understand how important it is to have a friend that is actually more like a sister. I wish they understood how she keeps me sane...maybe then they would be ok with me giving her a small vacation."

"Babe, are you talking to yourself again?" MiRae's husband said, entering their living room after a long hard day of being a top kpop star.

"Yah, yah I am..." MiRae looked up revealing her tear stained cheeks to her beau.

"Oh, baby." He said concerned, sitting down beside her, scooping her up in his arms. "What's with these tears staining your beautiful face?" He kissed her cheeks, kissing away the tears.

"It's EunMi." MiRae sighed beginning to explain her sad story. "Ji, all I wanna do is have a small girls getaway with her now that I have a couple of weeks off from my packed schedule and her damn superiors won't allow her the time off. Not even a little but, how is she supposed to work under those conditions? It's just not fair." MiRae looked at her husband searching his face for a hint of an answer.

"Well you know hospitals, they can't just close down."

"I am not asking the hospital to close down, Ji. All I'm asking is for EunMi to get a few days off so I can take her away to relax. She deserves it and they just won't cooperate." MiRae sat back again in her couch, slouching more and pouting. JiYong sat back himself, beginning to look as if he were in a trance. His face strained itself as if his brain were working overtime to come up with a solution for his wife. After a few moments Ji looked over at his sad faced wife with a wide smile proclaimed, "I got this. You go pack your bags and leave everything up to me. You will get your vacation, I will make sure of it. Your hubby has a plan!" He stood and proceeded to the entry table, grabbing his phone and quickly beginning to type on it.

"A plan? What do you mean you have a plan? What can you do to make this work? MiRae was considering the possibility that her husband had finally lost it.

"I got this babe. You know I can pull strings when I need to, trust me I have it all worked out, I won't let you down." He smiled mischieviously at his wife, then turned his focus back to his phone, furiously moving his fingers on the screen.

"Uh-huh, right." MiRae said, confident in her husband's mental breakdown.

"Whaaaat? You don't trust me or something?" He asked.

"Well it's not that I don't trust you, its just..well, need I remind you of the great Raymen debate of last week. How do you expect to pull this off if you can't even get my the right kind of Raymen?" MiRae giggled.

"Aish, never are gonna let me live that down are you? Babe, this is completely different than a darn food situation. Besides, how long have you known me? You know when it comes to important things like this, I'm all over them. Just go upstairs and pack your bags babe..leave it all up to me." Jiyong pulled his wife to standing and kissed her lightly on the lips, then slapped her and pushed on her way upstairs.


"I can honestly not believe you pulled all of this together in an hour Ji. Whatever would I do without you?" MiRae asked as Jiyong worked to load her bags in the trunk of his Benz. 

"Oh Babe." He said closing his trunk, then turning around with a broad smile on his face. "You know I have your back." He wrapped his arms around his wife's waist  and lightly pecked her lips. "I'd move heaven and earth for you. And I'd pay off a bunch of grouchy ol doctors to see you happy and living it up with your best friend. Now, get that cute behind of yours in the car so I can get you to the airport." 

MiRae shouldn't have been surprised at the fact Jiyong had worked this out. After all he'd always been good with surprises and devious plots. He was the best thing to happen to her, next to Eunmi and MiRae could have not been more thankful for him. Through the ups and down, he always had a way of fixing any problem and making MiRae feel as if life would always be ok. "So you talked to Zic, right? He's in on this too, totally agreeable?" 

"Of course. In fact, he should be picking EunMi up right now." Jiyong smiled, carefully driving through the streets of Seoul.

-Across Town-

"Hey beautiful, how was your day?" 5Zic asked EunMi as she plopped into the car seat, exhausted.

"It was the my off, help sick whiny patients, get yelled at by my superiors kind of day. And to top it off, I managed to upset you know..pretty much ty all around." 

"I'm sorry babe. What happened with Rae?" 

EunMi laid her head back and looked out the window at the night sky of Seoul, wishing she could just call in sick for three days to be able to take a much needed vacation with her best friend. "All she wants is to take her best friend on a vacation for a break and I can't even let her do that HanGil. She's so incredible and I feel as if I always let her down, especially when I can't even figure out a way to take time off to go away with her."

Zic grabbed EunMi's hand and lifted it to his mouth, kissing it softly. "Babe, you know Rae, she totally understands. She's your biggest supporter and loves you no matter what."

"Yah..I know...I really feel like I don't deserve her." EunMi said, shifting her head to look at her husband as he focused intently on the road. "She's the best thing to happen to me, next to you HanGil and I still can't figure out how I got so lucky as to have both of you in my life."

"You're amazing and only attract the best people babe. That's why you're so lucky, that's why you are married to me and have Rae as a best friend." He squeezed her hand.

"I just... I hate feeling like I let her down on a daily basis and consistently leave her hanging. I don't have the time to do what she wants. I barely have the time to talk to her sometimes and yet, ever faithful she's always there, sticking beside me. She's always faithfully waiting and I can't even get time off for a vacation with her, how is that fair?" EunMi peered back out the window and realized they were driving in the opposite direction of their house. "Um, babe, where ya going?" She asked confused.

"I am taking you for a drive. Thought it'd be relaxing. And trust me, Rae never feels let down. I work with her on a daily basis at Jungle, I talk to her about you all the time...and trust me, she gets it. I'm not saying she doesn't miss you like hell, but she loves you and will never stop supporting you and loving you, even if you are a busy doctor."

"What would I ever do without her?" EunMi smiled thinking of the girl she got to call her best friend. The girl that was always there with an encouraging word, funny story, or eye blinding moment of great modesty. EunMi was sure her whole world would fall apart if not for her tbff MiRae. "I just wish this once I could give her a vacation with her best friend." EunMi sighed in an attempt not to cry.

"Who says you can't?" Zic asked. 

"Did we not just discuss this babe? I say I can't, my superior's say I can't. This damn profession says I can't." EunMi felt tears began to fall from her usually bright eyes. She was heartbroken wishing she could be with her tbff in some far off island paradise.

"You know what babe, let's not talk right now. How about you close those beautiful eyes and listen to some music while I drive us home."

-30 Minutes Later-

"Hey, babe, wake up, we're here." Zic kissed his wife's cheek and lightly shook her. EunMi slowly opened her eyes and rubbed them, attempting to focus as the bright lights of the airport blinded her. 

"What, what are doing at Incheon?" She looked at her husband confused.

"You're here to go on vacation with Rae." He smiled excited to have been in on this surprise for his wife.

"Um, I'm not, I have to work at 6am tomorrow, stop joking and take me home." Zic ignored her request and promptly got out of the car. He headed to the trunk and pulled out his wife's favorite luggage set, pulling it behind him as he headed to the passenger door, opening it to a still very shocked EunMi.

"Yes, yes you are. Now come on and get out of the car, you have a plane to catch." He held his hand out, EunMi smiled and grabbed it, as she alighted from the car.

"" She asked still trying to collect her thoughts.

"GD and I have our ways. We couldn't let you girls not have this chance for a getaway." Zic winked.

"Really? Really???" EunMi said, growing in excitement as the reality of what was happening finally sunk in.

"REALLY!!!!" Her best friend shrieked from behind her.

EunMi turned around to see MiRae and GD standing behind her, MiRae's bags packed and her standing there with a huge smile on her face. "Please tell me this is for real, that this isn't some horrible joke." She said still trying to grasp the situation.

"If it is MiMi, I'll die!" MiRae said, running up to her friend and hugging her tightly as they bounced up and down in excitement.

I'd say our job is done." GD said, laughing as he and Zic stood by watching their wives enjoy this moment.

"Man, we are the best husband's ever!" Zic said, causing both him and GD to bust out laughing. After a few more moments of shrieking and bouncing and hugging and shrieking some more the two best friends let go of each other and turned to their husbands. 

"How the hell did you pull this off?" EunMi said, hugging her husband as MiRae attacked her own.

"Let's just say those superiors of yours can't say no to two of Kpop's royalty." Z replied.

"Or, a bribe or two." GD chimed in. The girls hugged their husband's once more and were sent off into the airport for their much needed vacation.


"Can you believe this is actually happening?" Rae asked MiMi as they got into their amazing red mustang convertible that GD had arranged for them to drive. The sun was just starting to peek out over the ocean, as morning dawned over the island. 

"Rae, please pinch me so I know that I am not dreaming right now!" EunMi said, sitting down in the passenger seat. Obliging, MiRae smiled and pinched her friend on the arm. "Ouch, hey, I wan't serious!" EunMi said rubbing her away the pain on her arm. 

"Well then don't tell me to pinch you MiMi." She laughed. "Let's get this top down and pump up some music shall we?" The girls smiled at each other as Rae began to head towards town and MiMi worked to get the music blaring. In true vacation fashion the girls threw caution to the wind and began to sing the first song, Exo - Growl, at the top of their lungs, allowing all cares and stressed to fade away. Even if they were both adults, each married to their bias, living the life of their dreams, when their Kpop music came one they turned into fangirls. To them, this was the best way to start a much needed girl's getaway on Jeju Island.

After an hour of getting into their hotel and doing all the business type stuff vacations required MiRae and EunMi found themselves at the beach, relaxing on some towels as the sun poured it's rays all over their bodies. It was perfect weather and both girls were finally in a state of relaxation, having left all of lives trials and every day responsibilities back in Seoul with their husbands.

"Rae.." EunMi said looking over at her best friend.

"Mmmm???" MiRae muttered in response, as if in a trance.

"Thank you." 

"For what MiMi? I didn't do this, this was all of our hubbies planning." 

"No, I mean for sticking beside me when my life is hectic and hellish. For always being there in spite of how busy I get. For making me laugh, giving me something to look forward to everyday. For... being my sanity. I'd be lost without you, ya know?" EunMi said, sincerely.

MiRae say up and looked over at her best friend, smiling widely. "MiMi, you never have to thank me. It's called love. I love you unconditionally. I will never not be here for you. I'm nothing but proud and supportive of your career as a doctor. It is hard to have less time with you, yes, of course, but no matter what MiMi, I am behind you 150%. You're my best friend, the best friend anyone could ask for. You've been through hell and back with me and I would do anything for you. You're my sanity just as much as I am yours and other than JiYong, you are the one person I can't be without. You're my world." 

"RAEEEEE!" EunMi shrieked as she attacked her friend with a hug. "I love you too."

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Nana_1112 #1
Nice :DDDD
Chapter 1: aww ^^ this was nice !
this seems imteresting ^^