Lets Die Together?

I'm Your Boyfriend

"Kailieee-ahhh!!!" i heard some one call.

i looked out the window, down onto the ground and saw a tall brunette(?) boy, it was Jo Kwangmin one of my best friends.

"What do you want Jo?" I laughed.

"Yah! Meanie...Can i come up...Youngmin-hyung went somewhere with mommy D;"

"psh you big baby...go home-lah~~"

"Andwaaaeee D; ~~~~ i wanna play wif chu~~~" he cutely said.....gahh curse his aegyo......

"Arasso...just come through the front door i dont want you falling down from my window...again." i said thinking about his sprained thumb.

And before i knew it he was in my room holding a small yellow thing....

"Wae? What is that??" i asked curiously

"THIS! is your Pikachu ^^" he smiled handing me the plush.

"Aigooo this is soooooo cute >w< Kwangmin you weirdo you play with dolls?? :D" i laughed.

"ANIIII...okay maybe i do BUT only Pikachu cuz he's AWESOME :P." he started turning pink

"psshhh freak :P -merrrong-"

"YAH! Show some respect im older than you >:O...You dont even call me oppa ungrateful jerk."

"HEY only by a couple of months okayy YOU were born in April and I was born in December :P"

"So.... it'd still be nice if you called me oppa once in a while..." he said looking sad.

"Aigoo....ara....Kwangmin oppaaaa ~aegyo~ " he looked at me, "will you buy me some ice cream" i said hugging him.

"SEE now that wasnt so hard was it?" he responded laughing.

"YES IT WAS... NOW GO GET ME MY FROZEN TREAT!!" i demanded while pouting cutely...hehe he cant resist.

"Not unless you call me oppa the whole night." he demanded.

"PSH fine :P. Now letsss gooo oppaaaa i hate being trapped in here alll day." i said tugging on his arm.



"Kwangmin-ah...ooopps i mean Oppa," i started while the ice cream.

"Nae?" he replied.

"What if i suddenly died one day??" i asked him seriously.

"BWOH O.O why would you suddenly die????"

"I dunno oppaaa just answer it ^^" i smiled.

"i would kill myself and join you in heaven...." he replied.

"OMO oppa Jinjja???" i replied shocked.

"Nae..Jinjja? wae? surprised?" she winked.


"Waeyo?" he asked.

"BECAUUSSEE Youngmin doesnt love you as much as i do ;D" he said while putting his arm around my neck (I am much shorter than he is -.-)

"Arasso oppa then someday lets die together!!!!" i exclaimed laughing and clinging onto his arm.



Weird i know ^^ haha Youngmin was not in this i know but he WAS mentioned a couple of times (: well now i guess the adventure starts here ^^ wait til Youngmin comes up in the next chapters ^^ wait til the "mystery guy" comes hehe....i know this is bad but hey im still a rookie at FF so dun blame meh :P.....

p.s i am sincerely sorry if there are grammar/spelling mistakes that confused you ^^

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Imallaboutkpop #1
LOL i love the part with the pikachu xD so cute. Update soon ^^
hahaha! yaddong star XDDD I wonder what the surprise is ^^ update soooonnn!!!
not bad...i love the jo twins...UPDATE SOON..
ommo.. don't die yet!!! :DDDD
ok that really short foreword made me so curious!!! >.< please update soon ^^ I'm writing a boyfriend fic too :D