Out of Sight


Sometimes, you need to have someone with the ability to see things that you consider to be out of sight.


i've been wanting to get this drabble published for fOREVER. blind!yixing for y'all, because i think it kinda suits him. don't take this the wrong way i don't want him to become blind i just think the way xing is in this drabble is very... yixing-like???? idk

אחד הדברים המרחפים ביותר שכתבתי בחיי דרך אגב


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chomesukesharp #1
Chapter 1: “We only know what we know, because if we didn’t know what only we know, we wouldn’t know anything at all.”
*dies *
Chapter 1: This is so lovely, I love it so much ♡
Chapter 1: This was just so innocent and beautiful. I loved it. Really. ♡
miss_schweini #4
Chapter 1: It's short but still, it's beautiful. Love this :D please, write more sulay ^^
Chapter 1: Please update ^^ Yixing is a blind boy. Interesting story :D