An autumn vacation

“Are you joking?!”

Ryeowook looked out at the sea of colourful leaves that adorned the backyard of Kyuhyun's home, his mouth wide open.

“I didn't sign up for this, Kyu-ah! You said we'd only do a little bit of raking then get to snuggle in your house all day.” He pouted, holding the rake limply by his side, “If I knew it was your entire backyard then...”

“...You wouldn't have come?” Kyuhyun interjected. “You would have left your poor boyfriend to do this by himself?” He said, puppy eyes in full force.

Ryeowook laughed mockingly, “Of course I would have left you to do this yourself, idiot! It's your house!” He kicked at the foot-tall pile of leaves scattered around Kyuhyun's backyard, sulking. “And it's cold too,” he whined.

“You're such a baby Ryeowookie.” Kyuhyun teased.

"Am not!" He responded, sitll whining.. 

A big bunch of leaves suddenly rained down on Ryeowook's head, causing him to jump up in surprise. He then felt something metallic swat him on his behind.

Ryeowook covered his bottom, turning to yell at the other, “Kyu!”

Upon seeing Ryeowook, nose red, eyes watery, hair tousled from the wind, and leaves messily poking out from his hair, scarf and jacket, Kyuhyun started laughing. Hard.

“You look so ridiculous!” He held onto his rake to keep him steady as he doubled up in laughter, mouth wide open.

...Until a large bunch of leaves were thrown at his face. He sputtered, trying to spit out the leaves that had entered his mouth. Vengeful, he looked up at Ryeowook, marking his target as he grabbed some leafy ammo.

Upon seeing the glint in Kyuhyun's predatory eyes, Ryeowook knew he was in for it. He started to run away, giggling all the while. 

And so commenced a (very unproductive) leaf fight.

It all started the previous Saturday, when Kyuhyun had found out that his house would be empty for the week – with his parents off in Taiwan and his sister overseas, as per the usual. Now, knowing that his cranky boyfriend was going stir-crazy because he missed the Mexican weather, he decided to invite him for a one day staycation on their shared day off. It wasn't Mexico, but it was the best he could do in consideration of their work schedules. Sadly for him, once his father heard about his plans, he immediately demanded that his son 'fulfill his filial duties' and rake their rather large backyard. The sneaky maknae tried to get out of it, saying that he had an unexpected recording, but his father was smart enough to know when his wily son was lying. And so he announced that if the backyard wasn't clean by the time he got back, he wouldn't let his Kyu-line friends visit the house to drink and have Starcraft battles ever again. The defeated sulking Cho Kyuhyun then guilted his lover into raking with him, saying that it 'was 50% his fault anyway' and that 'it wouldn't take too long'. Ryeowook agreed, hesitantly, although he didn't know what he was getting into – having never properly noted the number of trees in Kyuhyun's backyard.       

Ryeowook, who was now lying on a bed of colourful leaves, panting after their fierce battle, finally took the time to count.

 “Eight. Kyuhyun there are eight trees in your backyard. Who needs eight trees in their backyard?! My family only has two! Come to think of it, who needs a backyard this big?”

“You didn't complain about it when we had the family barbeque here this summer or our private picnic or when we shared the hammock together.” Kyuhyun said from his position beside Ryeowook, where he was also catching his breath after their leafy tussle. “If I remember correctly, you really enjoyed our time in the hammock.” He grinned, staring up at the sky.

The older’s cheeks turned pink as he grimaced, knowing that Kyuhyun had seen through his weak complaints. Instead of answering, he grabbed a handful of leaves and threw it weakly in the direction of his boyfriend. Most of it was caught by the light breeze, allowing the leaves to flutter above them for a few seconds – a swirling whirlwind of pale gold.  

They both let out a light gasp, taken by the beautiful sight above them. They naturally threaded their fingers together, savouring the moment. Kyuhyun looked at his boyfriend, who was dressed in several thick layers, his cheeks pink from the cold, with leaves still adorably perched in his hair. Slowly, Kyuhyun reached over, gently shaking the leaves out of the other's hair, before reaching over to give him a light kiss. 

He then stood up, brushed the leaves off his clothes and extended his hand.

“Might as well get started then, baby. Then we’ll be able to go inside faster.”

He pulled him up, using a little too much force so the other fell into his chest. He gave his lover a tight hug, kissing him once more before setting off to recover his fallen rake.

“Stay warm Ryeowookie!” he called back.

Ryeowook pouted, pulling his scarf closer to him before looking for his own rake.

The two started raking the sizable backyard, working on creating neat piles of leaves, then loading them into large bags. 

They worked for several minutes in silence, each lost in their own thoughts, enjoying the light fall breeze that nipped at their cheeks amidst the bright sunlight. 

And then Kyuhyun started singing, his low voice mingling with the wind. Ryeowook paused, smiling, as the melodic lyrics of a love song spilled from his lover's lips. He returned to raking, quietly humming along to the song, joining in when he recognized the lyrics, sometimes harmonizing along.

And they sung together as they gradually worked their way through the backyard.

After two hours or so of raking, Ryeowook, who had gotten quieter and quieter as time passed, dropped his rake, stomped over to a deck chair and planted his bottom on it, unwilling to move any farther.

Kyuhyun looked at his pouting lover, brows furrowed and arms crossed, as if he were a child moments before a tantrum. He grinned and then joined him, pulling off his gloves as he sat down on a stone ledge beside the upset man.

“Did Ryeowookie lose his toy?” He teased.

Ryeowook adjusted his jacket, looking huffy, “Kyuhyun-ah, why are we here?!”

Kyuhyun was confused.


“No, I mean here, Kyuhyun-ah.”

“To...make out privately in the comfort of my bedroom?”

“Wha-, no! I mean, why are we outside in freezing cold Korea! Why aren't we on vacation somewhere warm where the sun is shining, just the two of us. Why are we in the cold, raking leaves...in the cold, Kyuhyunnie?” He yanked off his toque, angrily swatting off some leaves then roughly pulling it back onto his head.

Kyuhyun, who knew this rant was coming, was at a loss for how to deal with his angry lover.

“Because we already went on vacation this year?” He said, meekly.

“You know that doesn't count. Hyuk and Hae were watching us like hawks. We should go on vacation together somewhere nice and secluded. Where the fans and the members won't stalk us. And where it's warm!” He sniffed.

“Like Santorini was supposed to be? Remember, that wasn't my fault. You were the chatty one.”

“How was I supposed to know that someone can book tickets that close to departing? I can't believe the managers forced Hyuk to come with us. It was supposed to be a lover's vacation! We were supposed to make out on the beach! I'm not ready to be in a with Hyuk.”

Kyuhyun's nose crinkled. “Why would you even...” He shut his eyes, evidently trying to erase the disturbing imagery.

“Kyuhyun-ah.” Ryeowook said seriously, “Next year, let's elope.”

Kyuhyun burst out laughing, falling back onto the ledge, clapping his hands.

“Why...why would you say that?” His words came out in gasps as he attempted to calm himself down.

“We barely get to spend time together overseas! We don't even get to spend our vacations alone together! The managers are so caught up with this whole gay relationship thing that they won't even let us be alone together, thinking that we're going to get caught up in the atmosphere and start making out on the streets!” The words burst out of Ryeowook, leaving him breathless. “I just want to go somewhere warm, where we could go hiking and swimming together....and make out on the beach.” He sniffed and wiped his nose on his sleeve. 

Kyuhyun stood up, walked over to Ryeowook and sat on him, straddling his legs. He pulled his anxious lover into a long, tight hug. He understood the feeling very much, wishing that they had the chance to be a normal, happy couple walking hand-in-hand on the streets, enjoying the scenery together.

“So where do you want to go then? On vacation, I mean, not to elope.”

Ryeowook nuzzled into Kyuhyun's shoulder.

“Somewhere warm. Let's go to Guam. Or Hawaii.” He said, dreamily. 

Kyuhyun pulled back and saw the far away look in his lover's eyes.

“Baby, I love you but the most we can do is Thailand. Maybe. At most for 2-3 days if you can take a couple days off from Sukira. I'd love to go for a Thai massage right now.” He stretched out his arms, then wrapped them loosely around Ryeowook's neck.

Ryeowook rested his head on Kyuhyun's shoulders, resigned. “Hmm, I can't take days off Sukira for a while because of my eye surgery. Ahh, I just wish we could be somewhere warm. Not raking leaves in the cold.” He glared at the bed of leaves as if he were offended by their presence.

Kyuhyun chuckled lightly, voice warm as he said, “Ryeowook-ah, you really don't like the cold, do you?”

The other shook his head furiously, looking adorable. Kyuhyun instinctively pulled him in for another hug. 

“So how about we finish up quickly then go inside my warm house. It might not be a real vacation, but at least we can enjoy our private time together, hmm?” He whispered quietly into his lover’s ear as he played with the strands of hair that peeked out from the other’s toque.

Ryeowook blushed, knowing exactly what was on Kyuhyun's mind. He nodded into Kyuhyun's shoulder, loosening his hold on the maknae, “Okay. Let's finish this up.”

Kyuhyun gave him a quick peck on the lips, then stood up, once again holding his hand out for the other. They returned to raking, this time in silence as they hurried to finish amidst the sun's setting rays.   

As Ryeowook stuffed the last bag with leaves, elated at finally finishing, he felt Kyuhyun gently prying his hands away. He was tugged towards his lover's body, felt arms enveloping him and was pulled into a gentle slow dance.

Kyuhyun moved his head close to Ryeowook's ear, whispering:

“Just spare me a few minutes Ryeowook-ah. I don't know when we'll ever get to be alone together surrounded by such beautiful scenery. I feel like I’m in a story.” He held the other close, quietly starting singing a love song about autumn love as they slow danced.

From his position, head nestled on Kyuhyun's shoulder, Ryeowook could see what the other meant. Kyuhyun's backyard was naturally gorgeous, enclosed by tall white fencing, with a lovely vine-covered gazebo adorning the center of the sprawling gardens. Stately trees dotted the yard pouring out beautiful fluttering leaves. It was one of the most breathtaking views he had ever seen.

They rotated on the spot slowly, lost in the moment as newly falling leaves floated about them, bathing them in gorgeous colours of red, orange and gold. They shared chaste kisses and quietly whispered dreams of future autumns together as they enjoyed their rare private moment together.

It was only when Ryeowook started shivering that Kyuhyun realized how cold the breeze had become now that the sun had almost fully set. 

He hugged his lover, saying. “Let's go inside and get warm, baby.”

Ryeowook nodded, looking shyly down at the ground, “I'll get some warm blankets and make some hot chocolate for us.”

They smiled at each other, clasping their fingers together, ready to go inside.

“...And Kyu?”


“Thank you.”

He smiled into his scarf, pulling his lover behind him.

The couple went inside, tightly holding onto each other's hands, grateful to Kyuhyun's dad for the time they spend together enjoying the picturesque autumn scenery. 

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Chapter 1: OMG!!! This is just sooooo wonderful!!! The scene is beautiful and I felt like I was there enjoying (spying) on kyuwook :D Whining Wookie is so adroable <3333
Chapter 1: Wow.... this story is so well written...
And the idea of an autumn vacation is just so
unique and cool, everything is brilliant :D
Chapter 1: this is soooo fluff XD really love it~
i love it when wookie nagging at kyu hehe
leunah23 #4
Chapter 1: awwwww....this is so sweet :) and fluffy and cute :)
superannesnow #5
Chapter 1: Can you make a sequel please ? So that ryeo wish can come true ??? Pleaseee ?
superannesnow #6
Chapter 1: I like this. A very simple date yet so sweet :)
Chapter 1: Omo...kyuwook, they are so cuteeee ^_^