Are you in love?

The Sweetest Ice Cream [One Shot] Myungsoo/L

Sorry if you guys were expecting more from this >.< I don't think this is one of my best one shots T.T but please don't be too harsh. Thanks for everyone that waited.

It was another day at the parlor. My uncle owned it and naturally the family got involved. I always worked here, but my favorite part of working here was making new flavors of ice cream and handing out ice cream. I always thought it was nice to see children’s smiling faces and couples in love while sharing some ice cream. I always thought it was so wonderful


Even thought I would spread this kind of happiness to a multitude of people, I never actually experienced this “love”. I guess you could call me oblivious. I never really noticed when a guy had feelings for me. Even if they did have feelings for me, I never had anymore than friendly feelings for them. So I guess you could call ice cream my first and only love. I’m still waiting for the day a guy will take my breath away. Until then I’ll just stay handing smiles to others.


“Hello, How may I help you?” I chanted. I looked up to see a very handsome guy that seemed to be around my age. I was actually kind of shocked. Sure there were many guys I thought were handsome, but this is the first time I literally couldn’t stop taking note of his appearance.


“Just a plain vanilla please,” He said, looking indifferent.


“Are you sure you want just a vanilla?” I asked. He nodded. I shrugged and punched in his order while getting his change.


“Please take a seat and we’ll pull that right out for you,” I said. As I was pulling out his ice cream, I saw my neighbor come in with her younger brother.


“Raera?” She asked. I smiled and waved.


“Hello,” I greeted pulling out the young man’s cone and heading out from behind the counter.


“Here you go sir,” I said, handing him his cone. Then my neighbor’s younger brother, Sai, ran up and hugged my waist.


“Noona,” He exclaimed.


“Hi there Sai… have you been behaving for your sister?” I asked. He nodded I look up at his sister and she was smiling. “Well Sai what kind of ice cream do you want?” I asked. He looked around and pointed to the pink and blue one.


“Bubble gum please!” He asked. I ruffled his hair and went to get him his ice cream cone. Then I kneeled down and handed it to him.


“Eat it well okay Sai,” I told him. He nodded and happily started his ice cream cone.


“Here let me pay for it,” His sister said. I shook my head.


“Don’t worry about it. It’s on the house. It’s enough just to see him smile like that,” I told her heading behind the counter.


“Well okay… lets go Sai, Dad told me to be home before Auntie and Uncle get back.” He told him, grabbing his free hand.


“Okay… by Noona!” He yelled as his sister headed towards the door.


“Thank you for the ice cream,” His sister thanked. I waved and smiled at them.


“You’re welcome,” I said. “What a cute kid,” I thought out loud. Then the guy from earlier came up to me.


“You really like working here don’t you?” He questioned. I nodded, a little confused as to why he was approaching me.


“Yes it’s fun,” I replied. He smiled and turned to face me. I took note of how much more handsome he looked like with a smile on his face.


“Why?” He asked. I grinned and looked around the shop.


“Well there is something about making sweets that brings smiles to other’s faces that has its own charm. I love that feeling. I love seeing little kids laugh and people fall even deeper in love just with ice cream.” I replied. He merely nodded and threw away his trash.


“Cute.” He commented as he headed towards the door. “Thanks for the ice cream,” He said as he left. I felt my face burn up and I stared at his slowly disappearing figure.


What was that all about?


[The Next Day at School]


I was walking with my friend Mina and she was rambling about some boy that moved to our school.


“Can you believe if? Kim Myungsoo is coming to our school! I heard he was going to be in our class too!” She squealed. I didn’t comment. I remained indifferent and continued walking. “Hallo! Raera?” She said. I looked at her.


“What?” I responded. She rolled her eyes at me.


“When will I ever get to see you obsess over a boy?” She wondered. I chuckled.


“When one grabs my attention I’ll let you know,” I joked. When we finally got to school and walked in to class I saw this “new boy” that all the girls were obsessing about. He was surrounded by a group of girls.


“It’s Kim Myungsoo!” Mina exclaimed. I looked over at him and suddenly realized that he was the guy from the shop.


Call it destiny…


I took my seat right in front of him and started getting ready for class to start.


“You’re the girl from the ice cream shop huh?” He asked, as he leaned forward on his desk.


“Yes. I hope you enjoyed your ice cream.” I replied, putting my backpack on the back of my chair.


Then that’s how it all started. Innocent enough right? Well ever since then I guess Myungsoo or L as nickname says, came to me for comfort from all his girl fans. I offered it greatly. After all, I wasn’t really ever interested in him like most of the other girls were. Now the story is different. I feel different about him now. I don’t know what this feeling is but it reminds me of ice cream. Strange huh? This feeling makes me feel good but a bit more than what a sugar high could offer.


What the heck is going on with me?


I’ve been thinking this for a while, but I couldn’t come up with a conclusion as to why L made me feel strange. However, it was a weekend and I got to spend it at the parlor. I wasn’t about to spend the whole day worried about that when I could make some ice cream.


“Hello how may I help you?” I chanted. I looked up and found myself face to face with the cause of all my troubles.


“Selling ice cream I see,” He commented, smiling at me. I smiled back at him not really knowing what to say.


“Do you want a plain vanilla?” I asked. He nodded. As I scooped it out for him I could see that he was watching me


“Here you go,” I said, handing it over to him. Then he stood there.


“Can we talk?” He asked. I shrugged and nodded. It was a slow day so I didn’t mind a little conversation. I sat down at a table with him. We stared at each other for a while until he initiated some conversation.


“Raera… have you ever been in love?” He asked. My eyes widened at his question


Why was he asking something like this?


“I guess…” I responded. His eyes soon showed a glint of curiousity.


“What do you mean by I guess?” He wondered.


“Well I know it sounds weird but I’m in love with this place. I’m in love with ice cream.” I admitted, embarrassedly. He chuckled at me.


“I mean have you ever been in love with someone?” He asked. I shook my head.


“I don’t think so,” I said. He smiled.


“Close your eyes,” He commanded. I did exactly as he told me. Less than a couple seconds later I felt something soft pressed against my lips. When I opened my eyes I was surprised to see L kissing me. I kept thinking about how sweet and simple the kiss was. It was not passionate nor was it shy. It was perfect.


“Are you in love now?” he asked, as we parted from our kiss. I couldn’t help my reddening cheeks, or the fact that I couldn’t look him in the eyes.


“I-I think… I am,” I admitted. He smiled and his ice cream.


“I think I’ll be coming around for something other than your ice cream,” He told me, with a coy smile floating on his lips. I blushed and went back to work. Not even the sweetest ice cream could compare to that.


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Animekpoplover1 #1
Chapter 1: Omg so cute!
Chapter 1: So sweeeeeeeet <3
Chapter 1: Make a sequel if u haven't ready!! It's so good
huhudad #5
Chapter 1: Seeeeeeeequel it up authore nim
huhudad #6
Chapter 1: Seeeeeeeequel it up authore nim
nanakissme #7
Chapter 1: awesome... yahhh, it's really awesome.. :) daebak!
sequel sequel sequel~~ <3 sweetness overload~~
Xiao_BiMing #9
this is really sweet...just like ice cream...i really love this~~