Oh My Gosh

Exaggerated Jealousy

Today was one of the few days when Sehun finally got Lu Han all to himself.


After they were given their well deserved break, the other EXO members decided to spend time together outside the dorm. Lu Han was too busy texting with an online friend, so he reluctantly declined the offer to continue chatting away. Actually, Sehun wanted to go, especially when Joonmyun promised to treat them to grilled steak. But when he heard that Lu Han was staying, he immediately shook his head and shoved the other boys out, excited to spend alone time with the doe-eyed hyung.


As soon as they left – or rather were kicked-out, a sound of silence filled the usually noisy dorm. Sehun quickly locked the front door just in case the others came back. There were no more distractions for the maknae’s plan. He smiled at the thought and skipped towards Lu Han’s room.


“Lu Han-hyung~” Sehun sang happily as he opened the door. But after seeing the elder, he immediately frowned.


Lu Han’s back was facing him and made no intention to move. The blonde-haired Chinese continued to fidget with his phone, occasionally laughing at the funny messages his chat partner sent. Squatting behind the computer chair that Lu Han sat on, Sehun decided to wait for his hyung to notice him.


Five minutes.


Ten minutes.


Twenty minutes.



Lu Han would never stop texting. Sehun’s leg began to numb at the position he was sitting with. He shifted his weight a bit and felt the blood rush back, causing him to groan at the sudden feeling. Startled at the sudden sound, Lu Han turned back to look at the younger male.


“Sehun?” He finally asked, making the said boy to look up and grin happily.


Sehun got up to brush the collected dust off of his pants. “Yes, hyung?”


“When did you get here?”




“I thought you were out with the others.”


“Uh, no, I stayed.”




“Yep!” Sehun nodded his head.


He thought that finally finally he could get what he wanted.


Ever since they met each other, Sehun definitely had a thing for Lu Han. He could’ve sworn that the heavens arranged this meeting because even by just looking at Lu Han, he could hear little wedding bells go off in his head. Call Sehun crazy and all, but the elder just had a huge effect on him. When Lu Han would smile, laugh or even blink at him, his heart would do little somersaults and dive into the pits of his stomach. But even though they were in the same group, Lu Han was in the other half of EXO. Sehun couldn’t see him that much because they worked in different countries and Joonmyun would never allow him to swim across the Eastern Sea just to see his beloved. And because of the painstaking distance, Sehun decided to make Lu Han his. Now that they’re both alone, he can finally confess to him. Maybe, just maybe, when he says yes, they can finally be together and –


“Oh, okay.” Lu Han replied bluntly and went back to his phone, disturbing Sehun’s thoughts. The younger could only gape at him.


Hyung, you’re so cruel,” Sehun whined loudly. “Who are you texting with anyway?”


“Ah, she’s someone I met online. She’s a really nice person so I decided to add her.” Lu Han grinned at him. He shoved his phone in front of Sehun’s face, completely unaware of a nearby shattering heart. “She’s teaching me a few English words so I can communicate with our fans more.”


Sehun grimaced at the first statement. This girl might be a potential threat to Lu Han and his imaginary relationship. He grabbed the little phone and scanned the chat box hurriedly. Nothing unusual except foreign words – English and Chinese – were there. Sehun didn’t know whether to feel relieved or tense because he didn’t understand anything they typed. What if this girl was slowly building a relationship with his hyung? No, he would never allow that. Sehun would even resort to telling Yifan about it just to stop the development between the girl and Lu Han.


“Dearest123? What kind of a weird name is that?”


“It’s a username, Sehunnie, her real name is Rose.” Lu Han snatched the phone away, earning a pout from the younger.


“Ah, right, username.” Sehun grumbled as Lu Han went back to chatting. This was seriously getting on his nerves. He had to do something quick to distract the elder from his phone. But before he could do anything, a soft female voice came from the device, startling Sehun and making Lu Han laugh.


Annyeonghaseyo Sehun-ssi,” The voice greeted happily in accented Korean. “Lu Han told me all about you!


Sehun froze before mouthing to the elder ‘What did you tell her?’. Lu Han merely shrugged and gestured for him to talk to her.


“Ah, annyeonghaseyo, Rose-ssi.” He half-heartedly said into the speaker. The girl on the other line giggled a bit and started to talk to him. Sehun listened to Rose as she thanked him for giving her a chance to talk and get to know him more. She seemed so happy and bubbly throughout the whole conversation, making Sehun a little relaxed. He began to reply a little more enthusiastically until he realized that she was still the enemy. Eventually, he cut it short by saying goodbye and pressing 'End Call' on the screen.


“See? I told you she was nice.” Lu Han smiled at Sehun, who still seemed annoyed, before spinning the chair around until his back faced him. The maknae raised his fist in the air and stuck his tongue out at the elder. He slinked back to the floor, defeated.


What did he have to do to get the elder’s full attention just for once? Sehun couldn’t take the phone away and throw it into the toilet. That would only anger his hyung and lessen his chances of getting him. He couldn’t just ask either. It’d be a little embarrassing for him to say it while looking straight into Lu Han’s eyes. Even thinking about it made him blush. Maybe he could distract him for a while. But how?


Oh, wait.


His bed.


His hyung hated it when anyone touched or even went near his bed. Perfect, just perfect.


With a silent snicker, Sehun slowly crawled his way across the room. As he drew near the bed, he saw a piece of paper sticking out under it. The paper seemed to be a list of sorts, considering it had a heading and numbers with sentences. Sehun looked back at Lu Han before taking the paper and giving it a read. To his utter dismay, it was in Chinese. He was about to put it back until he noticed the little hearts scribbled around it and a phrase in red, making it standout from the rest. Sehun managed to recognize it, making him a little madder than before.




My Love.


Did this list have something to do with the girl? Now that he thought about it, he remembered that Lu Han was carrying the paper around while he was on the phone. When he realized this, something in him broke. Sehun couldn’t take it anymore. He had to make his hyung fall in love with him before this girl did. Suddenly, he thought of a plan. He would take the paper with him and let Yixing or Zitao translate it for him. Then when he fully understands it, he would hinder these plans and watch in enjoyment as the girl breaks her heart.


Wait, no, that was too sadistic. Sehun couldn’t possibly be that mean, not when he realizes that Lu Han might actually like the girl. That would mean that he would break his hyung’s heart indirectly. He wouldn’t want that, not at all. He doesn’t want to see Lu Han’s beautiful face in tears. He loved the Chinese boy too much for that to happen. He would rather go on with his unrequited feelings if it meant that Lu Han was happy. Sighing in defeat, he inserted it back under the bed sheets.


“What are you doing?”


Sehun cringed at the voice that sounded dangerously near. His brain came up with an instant excuse as he mentally panicked. “Nothing, hyung, I just thought I saw trash under your bed.”


“Stop lying, dongsaeng. I know you saw the list.”


Sehun made a choking sound before jumping over to the bed and wrapping himself with the blanket. He certainly did not want to deal with an angry Lu Han. Silently, he hoped that the elder was merciful enough to spare his face from the beating he was going to receive.


“Sehun, look at me.” Lu Han said, putting his phone by the side table and sitting on the bed near the cocooned younger. “Did you understand it?”


Reluctantly, the younger peeked out from the covers and slightly nodded his head. Sehun stared at Lu Han’s unreadable expression. The elder sighed and ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “Okay then, I think I have to tell you now or you’re probably going to hate me if you found out yourself.”


“What is it?” Sehun tilted his head a little, confused at the sudden seriousness of his hyung.


“About the paper…”




“You knew that it was about dating tips right?”


No, Sehun did NOT know it was about dating tips. But he nodded his head again anyway. The maknae was starting to get wary of the conversation. The dating tips were probably for that Rose girl. Maybe Lu Han was going to ask him to keep quiet about it and help him win her over. Sehun would rather die than do those. Or would he? Yeah, he would.


“Actually, those tips are for someone really important to me.” Lu Han gulped, causing the maknae to look at him. Seeing the elder blush cutely made Sehun realize that he was jealous of whoever Lu Han was thinking of. The sound of the imaginary bells faded into the distance. It sort of made him sad… and annoyed. “And I hope you can understand and accept it, Sehunnie.”






Sehun threw the blanket away and grabbed Lu Han’s wrists, pinning him against the wooden headboard. It happened so abruptly, even he couldn’t believe he did that. But back to the matter at hand, he looked at his hyung straight in the eye. He could feel him shiver under his grasp, but tightened his hold nonetheless.


“No, I wouldn’t accept your decision.” Sehun quietly said, his eyes slightly tearing up. “Hyung, believe it or not, I really really like you. Since the first day we talked, I really wanted to be around you. And before I knew it, I was falling in love with you. Every time EXO had to split again, my heart would hurt knowing that I wouldn’t see you in a while. Calling you, texting you and chatting you wasn’t enough anymore. The distance between us is unbearable. I became afraid that you might find someone before I can tell you. So I planned to tell you today after the others left, but you wouldn’t even look away from your phone.”


Sehun’s avoided the other’s gaze and in a breath before continuing. “If you really like Rose though, I wouldn’t stop you. But I’ll always be here, waiting for you. I really really like you, hyung.”


Right after he said those words, he was immediately pushed back on the bed. Sehun then remembered that Lu Han was much stronger than he is. He groaned inwardly. He was pretty sure that he destroyed their friendship just now with that awkward teenage-boy confession. Suddenly, Lu Han was hovering over him, his face was dangerously near. The Chinese man held both of Sehun’s wrists over his head with one hand and used the other to flick at his forehead.


“You overact too much, Sehunnie.” Lu Han chuckled as he continued to abuse the spot under the younger’s fringe, earning strangled yelps from Sehun. “That was greasy, but it was cute.”


“Wait so you’re not mad – ouch – at me?”


“Of course not, stupid.” Lu Han grinned and sat up on the bed, pulling Sehun to sit with him. “I like you too.”




When Lu Han nodded and brought him into a quick hug, Sehun felt as if a heavy weight as lifted from his shoulders. His dreams of marrying Lu Han were closer than expected and mentally he cried tears of joy. The wedding bells – he could hear them again!


“But why Rose?” The elder asked as Sehun broke free of the hug. “Were you jealous of her?”


“Err… Yes… But that’s just because I saw you talking to her while holding the list!”


“Well then, you should know that she gave me those tips for you.”




Lu Han laughed at the younger and patted his head. “Silly little maknae.”


“I’m not silly!” Sehun pouted, swatting the offending hand away. He got off the bed and stood in front of Lu Han with earnest eyes. “I’m just that serious about you!”


“Really now?”


“Really.” The younger nodded.


“Well then,”


Before Lu Han finished his sentence, he pulled Sehun back down and threw him on the bed. His eyes flashed a devious glint. Sehun was too shocked at the sudden action that he didn’t notice that one of Lu Han’s hands held both his wrists above his head, completely pinning him down.


“I hope you don’t mind if I do this,” Lu Han said before bending down and kissing the maknae lightly on the lips, causing Sehun to blush furiously. It stayed like that for a few seconds before Lu Han moved his mouth against the younger’s. And being the inexperienced derp he is, Sehun just lied there and let his hyung do what he wanted. But he definitely did not mind that.


“Lu Han-hyung,” Sehun shivered as he felt a hand crawl under his shirt, caressing his sides. He was panting heavily now, completely into the moment. He bit his lip to hold back the weird sounds that threatened to come out. If he had known that it would end up like this, he would’ve told Lu Han his feelings years ago.


Lu Han smirked before tracing his fingers along the younger’s firm abdomen, bending down to whisper in Sehun’s ear. “I’m glad you stayed to spend time with me.”



It had been a few minutes now, but no sounds could be heard on the other line. Rose sighed deeply, tired of waiting for Lu Han to talk. He messaged her a while ago that he had to check on Sehun – the guy her chat mate was crushing on.


Rose was finally relieved that the two were alone together. Maybe then Lu Han would stop chickening out just because the kid was younger. Sehun sounded like a nice guy, but he seemed wary when he talked to her. Rose suspected that he was jealous of her, making her smile at the situation. As much as she wanted them to get together, she had to leave that to them.


Right after he messaged her though, Lu Han suddenly called. Rose answered it thinking that she had to talk to Sehun again. But no one was there. At first she thought it was bad signal, until she realized her phone was all 6 bars. It was probably a pocket call, which wasn’t surprising because Lu Han always forgot to lock his phone. But instead of ending it, she waited for him to notice it so when he realizes that he’s wasted his call load, he would go ballistic. It’d serve him right.


Rose turned to face her computer, leaving her phone on the table next to it. She continued to type her thesis work for the school project she’d missed. But before she could reach the next paragraph, a rustling sound came from her phone.


“Ugh, finally, Lu Han.” Rose shook her head as she grabbed it, placing it on loud speaker. But once again, the phone turned quiet and nothing could be heard. The situation was starting to irk her. Annoyed, she threw her phone on the bed and turned to her computer again.


But maybe, that was the worst idea ever.




Rose head snapped to the direction of the sound. Seeing the phone, her brows furrowed. She was starting to doubt her hearing skills. Was that what she thinks that was? Well, it did sound kind of ual. But she knows Lu Han isn’t the type to take advantage of the younger one like that. He was too innocent and bashful… right?


Ah! Hyung~


Rose shoved all thoughts aside as she scrambled to the bed and clicked ‘End Call’.


“Oh, my gosh.” She stared at the screen in horror, trying to grasp the whole situation. “Lu Han tops.”






This was supposed to be a Taoris storyline...

Ah but Hunhan got to me and forced me to write during stress-week... ( ; A ; )


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faithlu #1
WonderlandMinion #2
Chapter 1: I absolutely love this! EPIC!
Chapter 1: Omg the ending xD
Chapter 1: Omfg so cuteeeeee~ And if I was Rose I definitely wouldn't end the call. XD That doesn't happen everyday(?) Hahaha.