Desirable Sighting - TeukChul

Super Junior Drabbles

Title: Desirable Sighting (TeukChul)

Summary: While watching a rerun of their Bonamana performance for Music Core, Heechul can't help but notice the excessive amount of Leeteuk seems to be showing off.

Author's Note: This came about after watching Super Junior's Music Core performance of Bonamana multiple times yesterday. Hope you enjoy! :)


Another flash of pink amongst pale skin on his computer screen caught Heechul's attention, causing his stomach to clench tightly. He had lost count of the number of times one (or both) of Leeteuk's s became visible for the world to see. A brief sighting before being covered by the gray outfit Super Junior's leader was wearing.

Heechul wasn't sure why the sight of Leeteuk's s on stage was turning him on so badly, it wasn't as if he had never seen them in the dorms before. In fact, Heechul had the privilege of seeing them more often then their fans realized. Probably. He saw them when the dimpled-male was changing clothes, when the other members playfully undressed him, and even late at night when the two of them were curled up in bed.

Perhaps it had to do with the fact that the quick flash of skin on worldwide television seemed scandalous, daring even. All Heechul knew was that the vision was making his stomach clench in want, his skin starting to itch uncomfortable under his clothes. Not to mention how tight his pants had suddenly become.

As soon as he found out who specifically was responsible for their wardrobe decision, he was taking them out to dinner.

Until then, he would wait until his bandmates were tucked away in bed. Leeteuk wouldn't know what hit him.

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Chapter 2: Master Hee
Chapter 2: i want more , i want moreeee... give me more TeukChulllll kkkkk~