
The Blind Wolf

Having heard what had happened in the office from Yongguk, Soyoung felt relieved that they have finally settled on the issue of finding a place to stay. It is difficult to find a place for all 11 of them to stay. Now, we only need to settle on the possible hostility that might come up from both groups... 

Soyoung was suddenly pulled out of her reverie when she heard yelling coming from the other end of the hallway.

"They're not arguing again are they..." Sighing, the siblings made their way over to the two arguing packs. "Looks like Jieun is trying to placate Himchan and the others." Yongguk sighed.

The closer that they got, the louder the yelling could be heard. The cussing and name calling being exchanged between the two groups made Soyoung cringe inwardly. What in the world is going on?

When they got close enough, Yongguk couldn't help but get extremely angry. He only left for a few minutes and their arguing already. Thinking about how they are going to get along once they live together was giving him a headache. As he stood there, the other wolves soon began to notice him. He was letting off a scary aura. He waited until all of them were looking at him before he said anything.

"I left for a few minutes and you managed to get into another fight." Yongguk said softly. A chilling aura could be felt emanating from him again. And this was in the literal sense. Yongguk's powers is the ability to control people's and animal's emotions as well as control a crowds atmosphere.

"Oppa... Please calm down. You don't want to lose control again right oppa?" Soyoung squeezed her brothers hands reassuringly. Yongguk once lost control of his powers and emotions and caused a person's death. It still haunts him till today. His powers could border on mind control if he allowed it to.

Taking a deep breathe, he stepped forward, letting go of Soyoung's hands along the way. He went up to Suho and Kris to talk to them about their situation. "Can we talk somewhere else?"

Kris who had been staring at Soyoung instead of Yongguk all this time turned to look at her brother sheepishly. Yongguk was glaring at him. Why was he staring at Soyoung like that?! Shrugging of the thought, the three of them walked off to a corner to discuss the situation that has befallen them. Jieun slowly trailed behind her mate in deep thought. 


Luhan and Xiumin had been standing off to the side whilst the two groups had been arguing with each other.

"That is one scary dude." Xiumin was talking about Yongguk.

"Not really. I find the girl scarier." 

"What?! You can't be serious! She's only a girl! Plus she's blind!"

"Yeah, but didn't you see what she did to us? I couldn't even get myself off that wall let alone nullify her powers! And I was one of the best students from the temple! I don't know... There is something about the girl..."

Shaking his head, Xiumin advised his friend: "Never judge a book by its cover."

Meanwhile,  Tao had been fuming in the other corner, mumbling indecipherable nonsense to himself. He is angry and upset that he had still not manage to get what he wants. If that girl had not stuck her nose in his business, he would have gotten a new gucci bag by now...

The group of 4 had finally come to an agreement after a long heated talk. Suho was just happy that the others were behaving and not fighting again. Well I hope we can get along after this... 

As the four of them made their way to their respective packs, he felt Kris stiffen slightly when they pass by the blind girl. Raising his eyes in question, he asjed Kris if he was okay but he only shook his head as if to say that it was nothing. What is going on with everybody?

Clearing his throat, he looked to his pack and decided to just tell the decision that they have made. "Me, Kris and BAP's alpha, Yongguk have come to a decision on what we will do about the fight earlier. But before that, I have an announcement to make. This was the CEO's decision, not mine. I'm just relaying the news. BAP and EXO will be living together indefinitely." Cue complains.

Suho was not disappointed. The whole pack was starting to complain and whine, especially Tao. It seems the EXO pack was not the only one in denial, the other pack were also complaining and refusing to live together.

"We are living together and that's that!" Kris growled. The rest instantly shut up. Nobody wants to cross paths with an angry Kris.




Both BAP and EXO packs have slowly made their way to the parking lot. Soyoung had her hand on Zelo's shoulder as he led her to EXO's van. It was decided that Suho and Luhan ride together in the BAP van while the rest of EXO and Zelo and Soyoung rode the other van. Since somebody needed to lead the BAP pack back to EXO's mansion, it was decided that the calmest of them would lead them back without causing a fight. Since it was Suho, he volunteered, but fearing for their alpha's lives, they made sure someone else was there to protect Suho and that person would be Luhan who was the strongest and also as calm as Suho. And since not all of them could fit, Yongguk had to have Soyoung sent over to EXO's van as she was the most placid of them all.

And with that, the two vehicles made their way to EXO's residence. 


It was awfully awkward for both groups, having unfamiliar people - and their scents - together with them. Zelo was fidgeting slightly in his seat. Soyoung and him were seated right smack in the middle of the group, vulnerable to any attacks that the pack could inflict on them.

"You know, I know what all of you are thinking." Soyoung suddenly voiced out in the awkwardly silent car.

"W-What?!" sputtered Chanyeol stupidly.

"She's a telepath." Tao answered for the girl.


No wonder she was stronger than Luhan. Xiumin thought to himself. Ooh boy, I don't even want to know what kind of trouble we just got ourselves into this time...

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lucky9606 #1
Chapter 7: please update soon^^
they are just getting to know each but already kris and soyoung have feelings?
lucky9606 #2
Chapter 6: please update soon^^
faythe954 #3
Chapter 6: Update soon
Chapter 6: Am I looking forward for the next chapter? YES!
Am I starting to LOVE this amah-zing fic? HELL YEAH!
Am I sad that it's only about five chapters? A little..
Hehe pwease update!!!!!!!
Chapter 6: Oh my gosh!!! This is so good! I can't wait for the next chapter!!!!!! ^_^
Oooh I'm looking forward to this. Yes. <3