Blooming Love

KyuSung Drabbles

Title: Blooming Love
Author: SeoulStar
Pairings: Kyusung/YeKyu
Genre: AU, romance, fluff
Dedicated to: KcuLL22
A/N: It's unedited, I apologize. and, uh. I know it's bad. So just..yeah. Bash on it....



Kyuhyun honestly thought that maybe he should do something new and significant with his life, really. Alright, maybe he has done some stuff, but were they significant? No.  Even Kyuhyun had to agree with hat. Sure he had the money, the looks, an expensive manor, servants, and everything that anyone could possibly dream up of, even having contact with famous idols. What is he doing with such luxury then, you may ask. Well, working mostly.

Kyuhyun’s fingers drummed absent-mindedly on the desk top, his mind blank and wandering as he leaned back in his chair. He had came back from a business trip in Japan on his parents’ request just yesterday, which leaves him with nothing to do now, but probably accept another project from his father to work on. That was the last thing he wanted.

And to his “luck”, there came a knock at his study, bringing him out of his stupor.

“Kyuhyun,” came his father’s gruff voice from the other side of the closed door. “I’d like to speak to you for a moment.  There’s a new project I want you to take up in China, and—“

Kyuhyun was quick to scramble out of his seat, his eyes glancing frantically around his large study as he lunged forward and locked the door as quickly and quietly as he could, looking for a good place to hide from his father and hopefully escape from this request. He ran over towards his file cabinet and tried to squeeze into the corner between the plant and the cabinet, only to find out his couldn’t make it through the tiny gap, before sprinting across the room. He crawled beneath his desk, trying to tuck his long limbs in as tightly as possible; maybe his father would overlook him, but now that he thought about it, his father’s not that stupid. The young man bit his nervously as the knocking became more insistent.

“Kyuhyun, I know you’re in there. I can hear your run around trying to hide from me.”His father snapped, trying the handle on the door, only to find it locked. “Cho Kyuhyun, open this door now!”

Kyuhyun slammed his head on the way out from beneath the desk, letting out a small groan as he bit back a cry of pain, his hands immediately reaching up to cradle his poor head as he winced in pain. But when he opened his eyes again, his eyes immediately brightened in ecstasy. He scrambled back up onto his feet quickly and opened his balcony sliding door, and grinned mischievously to himself.

He carefully climbed over the railing just as he heard his father call for their butler to retrieve a key to unlock the door. Kyuhyun jumped when he heard the key being inserted into the lock, quickening his movements of trying to scale down the wall by using the vines that were growing on the side of the house.

“CHO KYUHYUN!” he heard his father shout from above him.

The young man let out a gleeful sound as his feet finally touched the dewy grass beneath, quietly congratulating himself at his own freedom. He quickly half stumbled half sprinted over towards the meadows behind the mansion, hoping to find a safe hiding spot behind the grove of trees. He spared a quick look back to see a group of finally dressed men, also known as Kyuhyun’s bodyguards, chasing after him in hope to retrieve their young master back.

But just as Kyuhyun turned back around, he ran right smack into something, or someone to be more correct. They both toppled over onto the grass before either one of them could cry out in surprise, Kyuhyun probably squashing the other beneath his weight.

“Oh son of a !” Kyuhyun yells, scrambling to get up.

“Excuse you, sir!” The other snaps in irritation, trying to push the young man off from on top of him.

Kyuhyun looks down to see a young man beneath him, maybe in his early twenties like him. He had impossibly blonde hair, matching his smooth and pale complexion, his soft pink lips twisted in an irritated expression as he scrutinized the man above him, his golden brown eyes glaring at the brunette through his golden bangs.

“Kyuhyun!” Distant voices called out urgently. “Sir, please come out!”

“Looks like somebody’s in trouble.” The blonde smirked, earning a look from Kyuhyun before he finally got up.

“Is there anywhere to hide out here?” Kyuhyun grumbles angrily to himself, trying to dust off some dirt from his clothing.  

“Of course! This is a meadow with a grove of trees; you’re just not looking in the right places.” The blonde said pointedly, pulling out a few twigs and leaves from his hair casually as Kyuhyun did some sort of jittery-I-gotta-pee dance in panic.

“Help me then! Please! I just….I can’t be found by them! I’ll be killed!” Kyuhyun nearly begs, grabbing the other’s arm, surprising the blonde so much he punched Kyuhyun out of instincts.

Kyuhyun’s mouth fell open in shock as he lets go of the other, his hands coming up to hold his bruising cheek. The blonde’s expression reflected Kyuhyun’s, not really expecting that he could actually punch so hard.


“Oh !” The brunette as he frantically runs around in circles, the blonde only standing there with an amused expression on his face. Kyuhyun quickly dove behind a mass of bushes just as he heard footsteps approach.

“Hey! You!” One of the bodyguards called out.

The blonde looks around confusedly for a moment, before pointing at himself. “Me?” He asks innocently.

“Yes, you!” The guard said. “Have you seen a young man with light brown hair who’s pretty tall and lanky for his age run pass here?”

Who is he calling lanky?!Kyuhyun thought angrily to himself, gritting his teeth to suppress from yelling.

“Oh! Is he kind of clumsy and has no manners whatsoever, and kind of looks like a ditz?” The blonde says, tapping his chin thoughtfully but grinned when he heard the bushes rustle.

The bodyguard frowned at the slight movement before taking a step towards it.

“Yeah, I saw him. He ran that way.” The blonde says, pointing the opposite direction of where Kyuhyun was hiding.

Surprisingly, all the body guards actually ran towards that direction, earning a look of judgment from the blonde boy before he was suddenly tackled down onto the ground.

“Who are you calling a ing ditz with no manners?! And you’re the clumsy one, okay?!” Kyuhyun snarls, grabbing the other by the collar of his shirt.

“Get off of me!” The other cries out. “I helped you, so you should be thankful!”

“Oh thankful my .” Kyuhyun snaps sarcastically before releasing the other and getting back up again, giving the blonde a glare.

“Geez, a touchy one you are,” the smaller mutters under his breath, dusting himself off before sticking his tongue out at the brunette. “I’d suggest leaving right now if I were you.  They’ll be running right back after they find out you’re not over there. It’s only a large pond in that direction, nowhere for anyone to hind in but the water.”

“Why should I believe you?” Kyuhyun sniffs, fixing his suit jacket a little and adjusts his sleeves cuffs.

“Just a mere suggestion. It’s your death.” The blonde suggests before walking off, leaving Kyuhyun alone to think to himself.

Kyuhyun finally makes his way back towards the mansion, grumbling frustratedly under his breath, trying to figure out who it was he had ran into in the meadow. Not just anyone could step foot onto the Cho territory, so why Is there a young man just strutting about their garden?

“Cho Kyuhyun,” A voice says darkly, causing the young man to look up warily.

“Hey father,” he said with a small smile, waving timidly at the middle aged man before him. “I was …..I was just out for a walk…..”

His father merely raised an eyebrow in doubt before motioning his son to head back in. “Go retrieve your younger sister from her room. I need you both in the living room in half an hour.”

“Why?” Kyuhyun nearly whines.

“There are some people I’d like you to meet that will benefit your next project.” His father said, sending a pointed look over his shoulder’s at his son.

Kyuhyun just groans loudly as he follows his father inside before making his way up the spiral staircase to do as his father requested while still groaning loudly. He never really acted like a rich and proper son he’s supposed to be.

“Suzy!” he calls out lazily as he barges into the overly pink room and makes his way over towards the twin sized bed and belly flops onto it, earning a screech from the young girl who was sitting on the floor playing with dolls.

“Get off, Oppa! Get off!” She says, getting up from the ground and climbed up on the bed and tried to shove the older off. “You’re all dirty and stuff! You’re getting hello kitty dirty!” She cries, only to watch as Kyuhyun grabbed the hello kitty plushie and tucked it into his arms.

“Dad! DADDY! Oppa is on my bed and he’s covered in dirt!” The young child screams, kicking at his brother, trying to use the wall as leverage so she could shove the other off.

“Cho Kyuhyun! Get off your sister’s bed!” He heard his father yell. Kyuhyun groans again and rolls off the bed, causing a racket when he hits the floor with a loud thump.

“God I wish I was young again.” Kyuhyun grumbles, turning over onto his back to stare enviously at his younger sister who was trying to fix everything on her bed. Suzy was his stepsister who’s Eurasian, his father finding a new wife overseas five years after Kyuhyun’s mother passed away when he was fourteen. Kyuhyun didn’t really mind; his new mother is nice and spoke surprisingly good Korean. But now that he’s twenty five, his father started tossing more and more stuff at him to do while his step mother could only just watch and sympathize from the sidelines.

“Go away.” Suzy huffs out, crossing her arms angrily as she pouts. “Go back downstairs and meet those people daddy asked you to.”

“But I don’t want to. Hide me Suzy, please.” Kyuhyun whines childishly as he sits up.

“No.” Suzy says, an offended expression crossing her small, pudgy face as she throws a doll at him.

“Hey!” Kyuhyun yells, catching the thrown item. “You have to come downstairs too! Father told me to come get you.”

“But I was having fun playing with the dolls.” Suzy whines, before Kyuhyun picked her up from the bed. “Now now, child, no complaining.” He says playfully, earning a slap across the face from the girl.

“I’m older than you! Respect your elder’s, Suzy!” Kyuhyun said with a frown as he walked down the stairs with the young girl cradled against his hip.

“No!” The girl pouts, crossing her arms with a huff.

“Father, you’re daughter is being a big pain in the—YOU!”

“Oh hey there.”

“F-Father! Why is he here?!”Kyuhyun stammered, pointing an accusing finger at the young blonde before him who was smiling oh-so sweetly while waving innocently at Kyuhyun.

“Kyuhyun! Watch what you are saying!” His father snaps, sending his son a stern look, before motioning towards the blonde. “This here is Kim Jongwoon, or better known as Yesung. He’ll be tending to our gardens, and helping you with your next project.”

“Why him?! He’s a mere pipsqueak!” Kyuhyun said, slightly offended that he needed help from someone as small and petite as the young man across from him.

“And this boy here is also a prodigy in botany. So you treat him well or I’ll cut your allowance by fifty percent.”

The corner of Kyuhyun’s lips twitched as he held back another rude remark at the other, his burning gaze making its way to the small blonde who grinned cheekily at him.

“What does he have to do with my project then?” Kyuhyun grumbles angrily, baring his teeth at the blonde before turning his attention back to his father.

“Your next project’s goal is to make our company appeal more to the environmentally friendly companies. Those companies are currently making the most money right now. I need you to think up of an objective, or a plan of some sort that’ll attract in those companies to sign with us.” His father explained briefly.

“What does it have to do with this geeky tree-hugger then?” Kyuhyun frowns, earning him a sharp kick to the shin from the latter.

“He’ll teach you the requirements of sustaining plant life, and hopefully you’ll get something out of him to create a decent project.”

Kyuhyun’s lip twitched again as he turned his gaze back onto Yesung who was actually entertaining himself with Suzy now, the little girl giggling happily as he played peek-a-boo with her. Childish.

“I must leave soon to attend to my own business, so you, Cho Kyuhyun, go give Yesung here a tour around the place or something. You treat him well or expect the consequences if not.” His father says darkly as their butler came up with a coat in hand for the elder.

“Treat me well!” Yesung grinned, and Kyuhyun could’ve slapped that proud look on his face if it weren’t that he looked so god damn adorable.

He reached down and grabbed the blonde’s arm and dragged him around the house until they had reached the garden, Yesung jerking his arm out of the other’s grasp with a small sound of pain.

“Look here, Blondie.” Kyuhyun snaps, grabbing the other’s small shoulders and turning him so he was facing the young master full on. “You better keep your mouth shut about—“

“—you not being a filial son and running away from your father? God, who do you think I am? The town gossiper? A magazine that little teenage girls giggle over while they soak in the stupid nonsense written in it?” Yesung says with a roll of his eyes, shaking the other’s hands off. “We’ve barely even met for an hour and I could already tell you’re a pain in the . And don’t you dare say it’s my fault! You were the one with the bad first impression, sprinting around your territory and knocking people over like pins in a bowling alley! I don’t appreciate being slammed into while I’m taking a nice little walk outside and—“

Kyuhyun slapped a hand over the boy’s nonstop rambling mouth, cutting him off. “Alright alright! I get it! It’s my fault!” he hissed, before finally releasing the other when Yesung glared at him. “And I’m sorry for that.”

“Apology not accepted.”


“Don’t you ‘hey’ me. Prove to me how sincere you are then.” Yesung said, a smug look on his adorably pudgy face as he crossed his arms.

“How?” Kyuhyun asked, his brows furrowing together in confusion.

“Uh….let’s start with introducing ourselves properly, under a different sort of circumstance where you’re not running away like a criminal.”

“Fine. Hi I’m Cho Kyuhyun and am the next heir of the Cho Company so you must obey me since my father hired you.”

Yesung punched the other’s shoulder roughly, giving him a look of distaste. “You’re just looking for a beating, aren’t you?” He fluffed his light blonde hair a little before sticking his hand out for the other to shake. “I’m Kim Jongwoon, or preferably Yesung, and I am here to lecture you on how to be a proper human being, and on a side note, am supposed to teach you plant biology.”

“Oh I could tell we’re gonna be a lovely pair.” Kyuhyun said sarcastically through gritted teeth as he grabs the others offered hand and squeezes it tightly.

“Now go on now, young master. Show me around your fabulous property.” Yesung said, kicking the other in the shin again to make him release his hand.

“You were just strutting about the garden. I ain’t going to be your tour guide. “Kyuhyun snarled, throwing the other’s hand away from him.

“Hey! Stop it! Can’t we just agree on something and stop getting on each other’s bad side? This is not going to work out if you keep acting like this!” Yesung huffed, smacking the taller upside the head.

“Ow!” Kyuhyun cried out, trying to bat the other’s hand away. “Alright! Just—Just stop hitting me already!” the brunette snaps, dodging the others attacks. “Let’s….Let’s go to the pond then.” Kyuhyun grumbles quietly when the other’s attacks finally ceased and chose to glare at the brunette instead who had his arms covering his head to prevent any more hits.

Yesung eyed the other suspiciously for a moment before linking his arm through the others. “Let’s.” he grins.

“You bipolar or something?” Kyuhyun frowns, trying his hardest not to shake the other off and instead walked stiffly alongside the young gardener towards the pond.

“Nope. I just adapt to situations well. We’ve come to an agreement? I’m happy. You being a total brat? I’m angry.” Yesung shrugged coolly as he skipped alongside the brunette.

Kyuhyun merely raised an eyebrow in slight amusement at the blonde who was just smiling happily to himself as he held onto the young master, the both of them making their way slowly towards the pond.
Maybe it really wasn’t that bad to have Yesung as his business partner. He seemed well educated, a bit moody at times but still bubbly and is just a ball of bouncing sunshine.

Kyuhyun learned to adapt to the other’s odd behaviors; he’ll be serious and thinking for a minute, before suddenly sitting down with a er in his mouth, pouting, only to jump up and run off with a skip in his step. Kyuhyun has yet to fully understand the other’s ever changing mood swings, but he’s so used to it that he just plays along after a month of being around the blonde. Usually Kyuhyun wouldn’t put up with anyone who is so indecisive about how they feel, but Yesung was different; he’s new. Despite being so different, he never got on Kyuhyun’s bad side. Actually, whenever Yesung meets up with an unhappy Kyuhyun, Yesung’s the one to cheer him up, giving him aegyo and cooing promises like he’ll buy him ice cream if he’ll be a good boy even though Kyuhyun knew the other was lying.

They spent most of their time together by the pond with a sketch book and a planner between their bodies as Yesung carefully explained procedures and lessons on plant life and Kyuhyun would sit there listen carefully while trying to plan up something for his father’s company.

Maybe it’s just the other’s presence, maybe it’s just the way he talks, but Kyuhyun finds Yesung comforting to be around. He’s nice, unless Kyuhyun says or does something very stupid which earns him a smack upside the head, and he laughs. He laughs so freaking much, and the sound is beautiful. Yesung was like a child stuck in an adult’s body.

Kyuhyun isn’t around people much, especially not people as outgoing as Yesung. Kyuhyun mostly see people in stiff monkey suits with their noses stuck high up in the sky, or people who hold their heads lower than Kyuhyun’s and follow his every command. Yesung on the other hand, dares to laugh at Kyuhyun when he trips on thin air, or make a not-so-funny comment on how Kyuhyun is dressed that day. Yesung treats him as an equal, like a…..friend.

Barely two months pass by of them working together, and Yesung will request for Kyuhyun to give him a piggy back ride back to the mansion. And the looks that Kyuhyun gets from the servants when he enters the house…..

Kyuhyun pampers him, to say the least. It first started out as obedience to shut Yesung’s rambling up or the irresistible aegyo, but now it’s become more of a sign of affection and attention seeking. He wants to please Yesung for some reason. He always wants to see that smile on Yesung’s small, adorable face.

It’s always him who he thinks of in the middle of the night. Him that he wants to touch and see every morning. Him who he wants.

Kyuhyun never realized his feelings towards the other until one day. He’s always mistaken the weird fluttery feelings in his stomach as gas or excitement to finish the project. But now that he sees the other  closer, fast asleep next to the young master by the pond, Kyuhyun slowly starts to understand the odd feelings in his chest, the rapid beating of his usually still heart, and the feeling of swoon every time Yesung hugs him, touches him, pinches him, hits him, everything.

He sits up a little and turns onto his side, propping his head up on one elbow as he made sure he didn’t wake the other up in the process. Kyuhyun reaches up tentatively, and brushes away a few stray strands of blonde hair from the gardener’s face, the others eyelids moving slightly in his sleep.

Kyuhyun smiled softly to himself as he watched the smaller male sleep, as creepy as it may sound. He let his fingertips glide lightly down the side of the boys face, feeling the soft skin beneath his touch as he caressed his face. He gently ran his thumb across Yesung’s plump lower lip, before leaning in slowly and pressing his own lips to the other’s, relishing in the feel of the shared warm and touch. The kiss wasn’t the stereotypical shock of electricity or tingling sensation, but Kyuhyun could feel something heavy lifted off of his chest and replaced with utter satisfaction, leaving him simply light headed from a small brush of his lips. Okay, maybe it’s still a bit stereotypical. 

Yesung’s eyes flutter open suddenly, just as Kyuhyun was about to pull back. The blonde’s eyes widened a little in shock and confusion as Kyuhyun blushed a tomato red and pulled back away only a little. No use in denying it now.

“Y-Yah. Wh-What were you doing you brat?” Yesung stammered, trying to sound mad but came out more confused instead.

“I….” Kyuhyun started, but clamped his mouth shut and swallowed hard as he stared down at the smaller man beneath him. “I like you.” He whispered timidly, reaching up to caress the blonde’s face affectionately again.

Maybe Yesung didn’t accept the situation as well this time, and let’s out a small laugh as he turns his head away from Kyuhyun’s touch. “God, you brat. Sometimes I really don’t understand your sense of humor.”

“I-I’m not joking though, Jongwoon.” Kyuhyun said with a frown, slightly offended that the boy had just taken his confession as a playful joke.

Yesung looks lost now.

He pushes Kyuhyun back a little, and Kyuhyun knows that Yesung wasn’t rejecting him or anything, he just wanted some space. The blonde sits up, his brows furrowed together in confused thought.

“Kyuhyun, this’ll…..this’ll never work out.” He says, grimacing a little.

“Says who?” Kyuhyun whispers as he reaches out and grabs the others chin, leaning forward to press a kiss to his lips, once, twice, three times; just a soft nuzzle of lips, sweet and innocent.

Yesung pulls back a little, and the small shy smile on his lips and the light pink tinge that dusted his cheeks were so damn cute, Kyuhyun couldn’t help but to laugh and ruffle the soft blonde hair lightly.

“I don’t think we should do this, Kyuhyun-ah.” Yesung whispered, reaching up to hold the others face lightly in his hands, the young master leaning into the touch.

“Is it….is it because you don’t like me? Was it something I did?” The brunette said, immediately jumping to conclusions.


“Is it because I haven’t proven myself sincere enough for you to accept that apology?”


“I’m sorry Jongwoon, I really am. Just please, give me a –“

Yesung slapped the other lightly, enough to shut him up for ten seconds.

“I—what?” Kyuhyun stammered, a hand coming up to touch his stinging cheek.

Yesung couldn’t help but laugh a little at the kicked puppy expression on the young master’s face as he tried to comprehend the situation. “Kyuhyun, please shut up for a minute.” He said, and presses a soft kiss to the other’s cheek. “It’s not because of anything you just listed. I’m just a…..a hired worker for you by your father. You’re the next heir to the Cho family, owners of one of the greatest companies in all of East Asia. And what am I? A gardener, Kyuhyun. A small country boy.”

Kyuhyun looks down at the petite male in his arms, their gazes locking, but he couldn’t help but to notice the sad look in his lover’s eyes. “Is that going to stop me from liking you?” He asked with a sly grin.

Yesung tried to suppress back a smile, but failed to do so when Kyuhyun pressed their foreheads together.

“Let’s give this a try then.” Yesung whispered, before pressing their lips back together.


A/N2: So this is just . I admit to that, and I apologize to KcuLL22 for that because so much has been happening lately T^T I hope you find the heart to forgive me for such a roughly written fluff story with a gardener and Master romance >.< And if you feel like this just isn't right, go ahead and leave another prompt, and I will attempt to satisfy you the next time :)

I've actually written and abandoned two of these drafts. And the third one was the only one that wasn't trash. Maybe I need a break from writing :(
I know I should probably start writing better chapters, otherwise I'll start losing reader's and stuff. Once Finals is over, I promise there will be a fairly decent update. (If not y'all can spam my wall with your disappointment)

Anyways, I am once again, accepting any prompt because I've been running low on them. SO PLEASE LEAVE PROMPTS and have a nice day! :D





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394 streak #1
Chapter 16: Rereading ehehehehe~
394 streak #2
Chapter 11: I always find myself back to this story, because it's really amazing!
394 streak #3
Chapter 13: I love this story!!!!
394 streak #4
Chapter 4: fail? What? It's really greaaaaat! And it's yekyu, I rarely read about it since I love kyusung and I LOVE yesung being a bottom LOL
Chapter 16: If your goal was to make some of your readers tear, then congrats. I was amazed from the first story to the last one. I can't even chose a favorite because it's a toss up between three of them. Yesung whether he was a badass or a timid guy was cute as well as Kyuhyun. The way they acted together and how you brought Jongjin as well as heechul, siwon, ryeowook and the others made me smile. They are all so close with one another and I loved that you added them here. Hopefully you continue to write cause you've got a talent for it.
Chapter 10: Thanks to the laptop with red ribbon tbh. Hehehehehe... This story is super sweet! I love how persistent Kyu was but chill at the same time :)