
Make Me.


To: Youngjae

From: Daehyun
Good morning sunshine! the earth says HELLO! :D 
To: Daehyun
From: Youngjae
Shut up Daehyun. 
To: Youngjae
From: Daehyun
oh that's a bit rude, don't you think?! I was just trying to greet you like the lovely best friend I am :((((
To: Daehyun
From: Youngjae
it's too early for your . go back to bed ffs
To: Youngjae
From: Daehyun
ACTUALLY I've already been to the loo, so really, it's not too early ;D
To: Daehyun
From: Youngjae
What do you want Daehyun
To: Youngjae
From: Daehyun
to see how my beautiful best friend is doing of course!
To: Daehyun
From: Youngjae
Well I was asleep until some ing moron decided to wake me up early ON A SATURDAY!!
To: Youngjae
From: Daehyun
well you're still awake, so i'm guessing you reaaaaaaally love that person? ^_^ <3
maybe you love that person so much that you would meet up with them to have breakfast? his treat? 
To: Daehyun
From: Youngjae
why i'm friends with you, i'll never understand. be at mine in 15.
To: Youngjae
From: Daehyun
because you love me too much to leave me <3 i'll be there!!

                                                        * - * -*



To: Daehyun
From: Youngjae
you're late. where the are you
To: Youngjae
From: Daehyun

 i'm running late (duh) the old man needed me to do a couple of things first
i'll be there soon I swear!!

To: Daehyun
From: Youngjae

forget it. meet me at the café on 3rd street



 To: Youngjae

From: Daehyun





To: Daehyun

From: Youngjae



... did you just call me baby? :|



To: Youngjae

From: Daehyun



Maybe? it all depends on whether you liked it or not...

i'm on my way now, i'm sorry!



To: Daehyun

From: Youngjae


 I'll never understand you. hurry up pls, Himchan's here, don't make me face him alone



To: Youngjae

From: Daehyun


RUN! please don't be alone with him, i'll never forgive you please please please!!
just do as I say for once and leave okay? just go hide somewhere and i'll find you



To: Daehyun

From: Youngjae



Don't be ridiculous Dae, its just Himchan. but seriously, hurry up



To: Youngjae

From: Daehyun




I know things you don't know. and i'm pretty glad you don't know. 

just please, PLEASE, leave.



To: Daehyun

From: Youngjae



I'm going home. I'll see you Monday.




To: Youngjae

From: Daehyun



are you pissed off with me? IM SO SORRY




To: Daehyun

From: Youngjae



Yes, but there's nothing new there really.



To: Youngjae

From: Daehyun






To: Daehyun

From: Youngjae



stop calling me baby. and leave me alone now, I'm going back to bed.




To: Youngjae

From: Daehyun



i'm coming over.





To: Youngjae

From: Daehyun



open up, i'm outside




Youngjae groaned and rolled off his bed. He slumped his way down the stairs to open the door for the buffoon he called a best friend.

"YOUNGJAE BABY I'M SO SORRY! PLEASE FORGIVE ME! WHAT WOULD I DO WITHOUT MY BEAUTIFUL CHUBBY ANGEL!!" Daehyun dropped to the floor and latched himself onto the younger's leg. Youngjae sighed, dragged Daehyun back up onto his feet, and pulled him inside. He trudged back up the stairs and to his room, with Daehyun following him.

"JaeJae are you mad at me?" Daehyun muttered, his voice barely audible.


"Are you sure? Because it seems like you are." He jumped on the bed beside the younger.

"Well I'm not." Youngjae turned around, back facing Daehyun.

"Are you really sure? Tell me the truth baby." Youngjae shot round and glared at him.

"The truth? Yes, I'm furious at you! Not only did you wake me up at 7am on a ing Saturday, but you then convinced me it would be a good idea to meet you for breakfast, which by the way you didn't even show up to. And then I find out you've been keeping secrets from me, but instead of hearing it from you, I get told by ing Himchan! So yes, I might be a little mad at you right now. And stop calling me baby."


 The older froze, unable to process what the younger just said. He had told Himchan some information, hoping he'd be able to keep it a secret, believing his hyung would be a trustworthy person. Obviously not.

"W-What did he tell you?" Daehyun dropped his head, eyes fixed on his fiddling hands instead.

"Why didn't you tell me yourself, Dae?" Youngjae rolled onto his side, to watch Daehyun.

"I...I don't know. I thought that you'd freak out and never want to see me again, and I can't let that happen." His voice had got a lot softer, pouting slightly.

"Why do you think I'd leave? You know I'm nothing without the psycho, blackhole, obsessive guy I call a best friend. No matter how hard I try..." Daehyun chuckled lightly, still refusing to look up. Youngjae sighed, sat up and scooted towards the older.

"Daehyun, no matter what, I will always be here for you. Why don't you realise that?" He sat with his knees against Daehyun's, their foreheads touching.

"But... I just thought... you know, I'm not...normal. You should be repulsed by me." Daehyun had his eyes closed, whispering his words, making it hard for Youngjae to hear.

"You were never normal, and I am repulsed by you, but for other reasons, not this. For example I'm repulsed by you when you eat everything in my fridge, and then complain about being hungry. Or when you chuck food at me in restaurants." He smiled, wanting to make eye contact, but the older wouldn't give. He sighed, and reached out to hold his hyung's hands.

"Listen, I know you think you're some kind of monster right now, but you're not, okay? You're gay, so what? Who cares? Your ual preference doesn't define who you are." Youngjae paused when Daehyun finally looked up. "Your obsessive eating does." He smirked. Daehyun gasped dramatically and pushed Youngjae backwards onto the bed, falling with him. The younger snuggled up to Daehyun's side, his head resting on the older's chest.


"So are you still mad at me?" Daehyun mumbled, mouth pressed to Youngjae's fluffy blonde hair.


"What? Why?" Youngjae started to lightly trace shapes with his finger on Daehyun's stomach.

"Because you didn't tell me sooner."

"I'm sorry JaeJae." He squeezed the younger into a tight hug, making him giggle. Youngjae suddenly sat up and turned to face Daehyun.
"So what's your type? Cute flower boys like Junhong or tough manly monsters like Yongguk hyung?" Daehyun punched the younger on the arm, face turning red.

"Neither! And I don't know, do I have to have a preference?"
"So you just like anything with a then?"
"YOUNGJAE! What the ?"
"You're not denying it though!" Daehyun jumped off the bed and went to run out the door, however Youngjae was quicker, and jumped in between the door and Daehyun.

"Oh come on! Just tell me! I'm not gonna tell anyone! What happened to trusting me and telling me everything?" Youngjae pulled his best 'puppy face', making Daehyun groan.

"Ugh fine! But you promise not to hate me forever after this?" Youngjae jumped up and down and pulled Daehyun into yet another hug.

"I promise I promise! Now tell me."


"I really hate you right now." Daehyun mumbled before proceeding back to the bed to take a seat.

"I like this guy who is really cute, but not in a girly way."

"Wait... you like someone?" Youngjae's jaw dropped as Daehyun's face turned beetroot red again.

"I uh.. . maybe?"
"OH MY GOD DAEHYUN SPILL!" The younger jumped on the bed beside his seriously embarrassed best friend.

"I'll just describe him and you can make up your own mind on who you think it is."

"You're such a dickhead, but fine. I'll play along." Daehyun sighed deeply, and rubbed his face with his hands.

"Okay. Like I said, he's really cute, but not girly. He's so gentle and kind, but he can also be a ing at times. Sometimes he's an amazing person to talk to, and other times he can be such a jerk, I never know why I picked him out of all the people in the world, to be my best friend." He paused, and looked up at Youngjae, while chewing on his bottom lip. Youngjae just carried on staring at him, before gasping and bouncing on the bed.
"You like Jongup?" 

"This is why you're a dickhead, I don't know why I even try with you." Daehyun pushed the younger, then continued to sulk.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" He sat back up, scooting behind the older, resting his chin on his shoulder, and wrapping his arms around Daehyun’s waist.

“Why didn’t you just tell me? I might’ve said yes you know. You’re not an awful looking guy.”

“Gee, thanks. You’re not so awful looking either, you asswipe.” He leant back into Youngjae’s hold, closing his eyes in comfort.


“This just shows you don’t really know much about me after all, huh?” The younger whispered into his ear.

“What do you mean?” Daehyun turned slightly in confusion.

“You see, I’m bi. And I like this total who thinks that just because he’s from Busan, and he’s got an alright face, and he can sing a note or two, that he is just the best person ever.”

“I am the best person ever.” Daehyun mumbled quietly.

“The point is, I agree with him. He is the best person ever. And I actually think I’m in love with him, but if I tell him, his big head is gonna grow to an unbelievable size.” Daehyun giggled and blushed at Youngjae’s confession.

“And you were scared to tell me? What an idiot you are. Busan babo.” The younger snuggled his face against Daehyun’s neck. “At least you know what you like, I’m stuck in between. Do you know how difficult that is? I see a couple and I don’t know whether I want the girl or guy. Youngjae’s life struggles!”

“You’re an idiot.” Daehyun muttered, enjoying the closeness more than he’d care to admit. He turned around so he was facing the younger. They both stared into each other’s eyes, smiling softly at each other. The younger lent in slightly, before hesitating pulling back again. Daehyun wasn't having this however, and reached out and took a hold of Youngjae's face, and pulled him in. He sealed his lips against the others, feeling Youngjae respond. Their lips moved slowly together, neither of them in a rush for it to stop.


                                                                                   *    -           *          -           *



“So I’ve been wondering…who would top?”

“I swear to god Youngjae, you have major issues.”

“It’s a valid question! Why wait until the moment to figure it out, surely it’s something that needs to be discussed beforehand!”

“You need help.”
“Yes, help deciding whether I’m gonna be the guy or girl in this relationship.”

“What relationship? I never said I liked you.”

“You implied it, therefore you asked me out.”

“I did not. I would never ask you out.”
“But I’m so y, everyone wants me.”

“Shut up Youngjae.”

“Make me.”

“Oh for the love of god, stop winking, you creep!”
“Kiss me.”


“So you don’t want to be the guy in this relationship?”
“We’re not in a relationship, off.”
“, ey?”



"I hate you."

“I don’t mind bottoming for you by the way.”
“Please stop.”

“I think I’d quite like to see dominant Daehyun.”

“Stop now.”

“That would be so y though, wow. I’d gladly let you destroy me any day.”


“…………Make me.”



AND THERE WE HAVE IT! Complete and utter rubbish,  but it helped me through the day ahah~ i use way too much dialogue, forgive me 

Until next time, BYE MY BEAUTIFULS <3

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Chapter 1: Hahahahaha dang funny XDDDD
Chapter 1: Aww they're so cute! Lovely fic!
Chapter 1: Lol I read it there times! Bookmark it bcz I'll read it again heheh
daejaebabo #4
Chapter 1: This is so like the real hyper daehyun and cold mean youngjae who always finds his way to insult daehyun haha so sweet and cute i love it!!
Chapter 1: they're so cute and daehyun is just too cute and adorable and yougjae i'm so in love with you in this fic, you make dae blush and embarrassed and stuff and i major like it :3
DinoCarrot #6
Chapter 1: LOL this was cute xD I like how Daehyun was annoying him in the beginning and then all of a sudden it becomes the other way around in the end.
Chapter 1: Whoa. That was awesome!
Chapter 1: like it.. love it =]
DaeJaeGyu #9
Chapter 1: Ohmygod i love it .. they are so freaking funny and sweet ..
Plz make a sequel