
Blood Friend



A fair lady with an attention grabbing wine red lipstick sat at the driver's seat of the jet black l called for the pale girl who was sitting in the back sit. Her jet black hair was pushed back with her attention on nothing but the empty scenery outside the windows. 

"Eunseo." She called out again this time a bit louder so that the girl can react. However, she was greeted by another failure. 


"Y-yes?" The girl shuttered in Japanese making the woman chuckle.

"We're here. I know this is hard on you but this is the only way to help you recover from the shock." 

"Yes, mother. I understand. Thank you." Eunseo replied slightly smiling to her mother. 

"Stop with all the Japanese. They speak English and Korean only."

"Yes, mother."

"Eunseo, relax and drop all that formality! They won't like it. I know you don't like this school because it's full of vampires but please Eunseo. Relax and act normal. Be your old self. Be the Eunseo you used to be a year ago."

"I will try, Nagisa-san."

"There you go. Eunseo, have fun."

"Okay." With that Eunseo watched her mother drive off leaving Eunseo by herself in front of a deserted place which only had one building occupying it's land. 'Vampire Academy Boarding School.' Eunseo sighed reading the sign which was covered with cobwebs. 

*If I run into a vampire right this second I would scream to death.* Eunseo thought as she heard someone stepping on a twig. Her hunter instincts showered her and she turned around ready to fight when she was greeted by a tall, pale figure. 

"Um, hey. I was sent here by the principal to greet you. You're Kim Eunseo right?" The tall figure asked.

"Yes. You are?"

"Oh, right! I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Kris. I will take you to the office. Here, give me your luggage."

"Thanks, but it's okay." Eunseo politely declined not wanting a vampire to touch her stuff.

"No, I insist." Kris gently took the luggage off her hands with one hand and with the other grabbed her wrist and walked inside the building. Eunseo was startled by his sudden touch which was icy cold compared to her warm ones. 

"We're here." Kris interrupted her thoughts when they reached in front of the office.

"Thanks." Eunseo grabbed her suitcase and quietly entered the office with Kris following her. 

"Why are you comi-" Eunseo was about to ask Kris why he was following in her inside when she was interrupted by a young lady.

"Are you Kim Eunseo?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Well, Mrs.Cha is expecting you in her office."

"Thank you." Eunseo replied and walked towards the office which was closed firmly by two big brown doors which opened which out making any sound when she opened it to enter the office.

"Well, well, if it isn't Ms Kim. Welcome to Vampire Knight Boarding School. May I ask you why you're used to vampire times rather than human times, when, Ms.Kim, yourself is a human?"

"My family, who adopted me are vampires." Eunseo simply answered. 

"Why did they adopt you?"

"I am not sure either."

"Why did you choose to come to this school?"

"Because my uncle suggested it and I also wanted to study at school, instead of getting homeschooled." Eunseo answered hiding her annoyance.

"Well, thank you very much for answering all those questions. You must be very tired from the long trip. Kris Wu, the student who helped you to my office, is waiting for you outside to you to the Star Dorm. Kris, and the other students in the dorm will explain you the rules you must follow. You are dismissed now." Mrs.Cha dismissed her with an very awkward but friendly smile which was hiding her fangs. Eunseo didn't want to be bitten by a vampire and didn't want to see her fangs so she came out quickly not forgetting to politely bow to the principal before leaving the office. 

"Gosh, this vampires," Eunseo started as soon as she escaped out of the office and looking back. "They do not know how to control their fangs and crave for human blood." 

"Well, I am very sorry to hear that, pretty lady." A deep husky voice replied with a light laughter. "Because unfortunately, you will be living with them."

"Please do not eavesdrop someone's self-talk. Kr-" Eunseo stopped herself from saying the name as she realised it wasn't the guy who has helped her to the office that was standing in front of her but a tall figure with brown hair and nice face features. 

"Kris went to our dorm for his feeding. I came as his replacement. The name is Kim Junmyeon. Though, you can call me Suho." Suho stopped to flash Eunseo one of his bright smiles which girls at this school would die to look at, which, however, was ignored by Eunseo. "Let's go to our dorm. You must be very tired."

"Yeah, I guess you can say that." Eunseo coldly replied gently rolling her suitcase while following Suho; her eyes looking around the school grounds memorising every single detail. 

"Oh, right, yes, yes, how can I forget?" Suho's sudden breaking of silence brought Eunseo to reality. "We don't have to attend classes as we are the top students in the school. However, we have exams and assessments for 7 subjects, which you would've chosen before coming to this school, every week and we are ranked. The top 12 students are placed in the Star Dorm and are allowed to skip classes." Suho explained and made Eunseo wonder how many girls there were in the Star Dorm. After all, Eunseo did want some girl times with some girls at this school. However, if they were harmless vampires. By harmless vampires, Eunseo means vampires living with animal blood. It takes a long time to adapt to animal blood, however, Eunseo has seen some and has lived with them for as long as she could remember.

"Oh, and," Suho, again brought Eunseo back to reality, "there are no girls in the Star Dorm. It's 12 guys and one girl which is yourself."

"You said it was top 12 students allowed in the Star Dorm?"

"You tied with Luhan, the top student at this school."

"Oh" was all Eunseo could manage as the name 'Luhan' gave her severe headaches for no reason. Luckily, she was able to act like she was fine in front of Suho without causing any suspicions. After walked around the school for few more minutes they arrived at a huge building with a Star symbol on the top. 

"Well, welcome to the Star Dorms," Suho greeted and stopped realising that Eunseo has not introduced herself.

"Oh, Eunseo, Kim Eunseo." Eunseo said emotionlessly and entered the dorm wanting to rest. When she entered the dorm she frowned due to the disgusting smell of animal blood and human blood. Eunseo tensed a bit when a hand wrapped around her waist and pulling her closer to his body while leaning his head on her shoulders. 

"You must be the new student. Welcome to Vampire Knight Boarding School. I hope you survive well here, human.

"Thanks, but I do not need your verbal protection, Kai. Last time I let you off because my partner told me too, but this time, if you do anything to me, I warn you, I will not hesitate to chop that disgusting face of your's." 

"Feisty as always, hunter Kim. So, how is my saviour doing?" Kai asked sacarstically which made Eunseo clinch. 

"He... Jinwoo, is fine." 

"Why do I sense that you're lying?"

"How do I know that? Let me go to my room now."

"Sure, upstairs turn right." Kai gave Eunseo very short directions which Eunseo caught very easily. "Oh and you are welcome to come to my room if you want to have a very hot night with me." Kai winked at Eunseo which she ignored and went upstairs to her room. 

"Jinwoo, are you really fine?" Eunseo asked holding a picture of her and a tall guy who looked very cheerful. Her tears were falling down her pale, rosy cheeks fast but gracefully. However, those tears were quickly wiped of when a loud knock was heard outside Eunseo's very big room.

"You are?" Eunseo asked rudely as soon as she opened her door.

"Luhan, I came here to tell you to leave this school. You're a human, you won't be able to survive."

"Um, thanks for the warning but I am sure I am as strong as you guys here. I am a vampire hunter. "

"You sure? Don't underestimate a vampire's power."

"I have all the vampire hunter weapons here. If you want to test my skills you are welcome to be my guest. Also, 4 of you live on animal blood and one of them is you, right?"

"You have a great sense of smell. Animal blood actually gives us more power than human blood."

"I know that. It's a basic fact to know as a vampire and a vampire hunter."

"I'm surprised a vampire hunter knows basic facts. Most hunters I have met were only keen to kill us without knowing a single fact about vampires. Even the basic ones." 

"Well, let me tell you," Eunseo said as she pointed Rose Mary, a vampire hunter gun, at Luhan's head, "that I am different from those idiots." 

"I will take my leave then. However, do not come to me asking me to save you when other vampires try killing you for your blood." Luhan left and Eunseo lowered her gun. 

"I will not do that." Eunseo said as she sat down on the floor resting her head due to the headache Luhan has caused. 

"Eunseo, are you fine?" A familiar voice asked her, which clearly startled her. 

"Yes, uncle. Please do knock next time."

"Oh, right, girl's need privacy. I forgot. Sorry."

"It's okay. Anyway, why are you here?"

"One of my favourite students, Luhan, is here and I had to talk to him so I came and remembered that you were in this dorm as well."

"Ow." Eunseo gasped out as more pain suffercated her head.

"Eunseo! Are you okay?" Was the last thing she heard before fainting on the floor.

"Mr.Kim, why is she getting headaches when she sees me or when she hears my name? That didn't happen the last time I saw her!"

"The magic," Mr.Kim, also Eunseo's uncle started, "is wearing off. I need to perform it again, just that this time it will never wear off unless she wants it to wear off or a magic to break the magic is casted on her." 

"Mr.Kim, do you think she will want to know her past? Remember me?"

"Yes, I am sure if the old Eunseo is still in there, she will want to remember you and know her past."


[A/N]: Sorry guys, this is a very short chapter as an appetizer before the other chapters come in. I am very sorry it took so long to update! Please do forgive me! I will try updating more however, it's impossible for me to update with all the concert practises from my church and school holiday homework. Sigh, holiday is not a holiday for me T^T. Well, this update happened because my bestfriend (*wink**wink*) nagged me about it >< You should thank her! Anyway, I hope you liked it! Please anticipate for the next update which probably will be much much longer! 


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Iminthezone #1
Starlight_Neo #2
Chapter 15: Question for Luhan: What will you do if Eunsoo didn't remember about you?
MiLLaJungK00kie #3
Chapter 1: Authornim!! I've been waited for a long time. When do you want to update it?? Your story is really2 daebak!!! >< please update it faster. Good job authornim! ^^
stephani_bap #4
Chapter 19: update soon!!!
Chapter 19: I was going to tell you to walk alone tmr anyway (: Okay thanks. I can't wash my PE clothes now because of this .__. Yeah, I know where you got those conversations from. <3
Chapter 8: 很美好的故事。我的爱情故事
stephani_bap #7
Chapter 16: and i still dont understand bout characters interview ><
stephani_bap #8
Chapter 16: update soon ^_^
BreakinPiece #9
Chapter 15: And 1 question for Luhan . .What he'll do if Eunsoo choose to be with JinWoo at the end ?
xD ~
BreakinPiece #10
Chapter 15: 1 question for EunSoo . .
Does she ever wish to see JinWoo again ? In a situation where she have to face Luhan and JinWoo at the same time . .
This is acceptable ? xD