we all know of the RED mask... ?

i was hoping you did or else you probably wouldn't have understood...

still not sure if you get it or not i'll just give a brief explanation :)

I being the crazy freak i am - well that's just what my friends say i personally think i'm comepletely normal i mean how much more normal and boring can my life get i really just needed a splash of colour  mix and match of action horror and possibly Romance but we can leave that part out...

let's carry on shall we, where were we ??? oh yes, being the immature 17 year old typical teenager i am i kinda got caught up in quite a bit of a mess. Guys though... i mean  it -it can't be only me that's gone through the following dring their teenage years: my maths class in college 2 times and having to do another re-do ( you gotta give it to me on that one i mean were talking about maths here !!!!)

2. STRANGERS - they're the most fun .After getting them drunk as f**ck i probably just beat the crap out them and after urinating all over them throw them somewhere behind the bushes.

3.trying to keep your "GIRLY GIRL" image infront of your... possibly first date and having to fight off some idiot that were let's just say your "old FRIENDS" you had missed quite a bit

4.stalked a saesang fan just to see what they do with their life i mean if they get all these info's on idol stars they must have some kind of a way to do that. HAHA

5.Also used the " my dog ate my homework" excuse even though you don't even have a dog or just wanted to try it out on your maths teacher to see if he'd buy it.... my teacher didn't believe me but it was still hilarious when he was actually considering it ... i mean till i started smirking.

yeah that explains my life i aint a spy or anything just an ambitious lovely teenager who will soon be 18 and inherit the famous RED mask that has desended from centuries ago and has been kept a secret from everyone else there's also the blue but i haven't actually heard about that one much my mother never mentioned it ... when she was alive so i don't really know much about any of the masks but i'm exited to get it in my hands it seems very sacred i do know many are after it though... ;)

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sample no.1 coming pretty SOOON haha kinda exited


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