seriously stop sneaking into my bed

otpandemonium: too much time on my hands

let's never speak of this again/maknae problems/seriously, stop sneaking into my bed.

“I've really got to stop waking up to this,” Sangjeon had to keep his anger quiet as he shoved Haneul out of his bed, rubbing at his recently bitten shoulder, his face contorting with disgust at the little bit of drool he accidentally touched. You'd think he still believed in cooties with the face he was making.

Haneul glared at him, equally perturbed. “You'd think by now you'd start wearing a shirt to bed, you ert,” he hissed between clenched teeth. Sangjeon choked on his own spit, surprised that that was the issue Haneul saw with this whole situation. Oh, of course it wasn't a problem that Haneul would sneak into his bed and freaking try to eat his shoulder or...worse... (Sangjeon shuddered at the memory of what he woke up to last week). No, the only issue was that Sangjeon liked to sleep without a shirt on because Haeyeon liked to keep the heater in the house cranked up to inferno.

Haneul scowled, not bothering to help Sangjeon as he practically died on the floor from choking. He was just being his dramatic old self anyway, acting like it was the end of the world over practically nothing. “You're so gross,” he muttered with an upturned nose, kicking Sangjeon to get him to stop being such a freaking drama king. Seriously, five months of living with this idiot had taught him only one thing; Sangjeon was a big whiny baby.

Sangjeon recovered with a sharp series of coughs which were abruptly halted when Haneul stuffed a random dirty sock into his mouth. “What the hell is wrong with you? You're being too loud!” he reprimanded in a hushed fury while Sangjeon struggled, trying to shove the sock into Haneul's mouth as payback.

“You make it sound like we're doing something weird!” he nearly shouted, wishing Haneul wasn't so god damn strong from all those years as a farm-boy because god damn he couldn't beat the smug little maknae if his life depended on it. He gave up, but sneered at Haneul to save face and pretend he totally wasn't a little weakling in comparison to the small maknae.

“You're shirtless, I'm in your bed, and Taechul is the lightest sleeper. You really don't think he'll jump to weird conclusions?” Haneul asked in his best are-you-an-idiot voice as he quite literally smacked some sense into Sangjeon, who huffed and complained about all the abuse he was receiving. “Oh stop whining, you wimp.”

“At least I'm not a midget,” Sangjeon retorted, pouting a little as he yawned and pulled the covers over his bare chest. Haneul scoffed and settled himself into the bed next to Sangjeon as if it was something normal because, well, at this point it was pretty normal. He tugged some of the blankets from Sangjeon, smacking him in the head when he complained.

“Just shut up and lets go back to sleep,” he grumbled sleepily. “And don't ever tell anyone about this,” he threatened as he rolled over so that their backs were touching. Sangjeon scoffed.

“Not if my life depended on it.”

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Chapter 1: ACK



I especially love the multiple titles.

But but but but why is it so short? :(

HanJeon/SangNeul is....they're...LOL just I can't believe they were the first people picked out of the hat haha. So cute, so cute.
Chapter 1: .. omg you ing-
god. I'd be like; " n'aw. out. /kicks awei."

like what is this. it's so-
humorously cute. what. I. what. ;u;
it's funny how sanggie end up being the ert.
when neul's throwing love bites in his sleep.
I like it.
so much.

y u write so little.
y u no draw names. again.
and start. writing.
moar. bcz.

I kinda want more.