
It's BaekHyun , Not Bacon!

Third Person's POV

You sighed as you lean your back on the couch.

You rested your chin on your palms as you switch the channels on the TV. Nothing interesting to watch . You decided to turn it off and close your eyes.

"Aish , it's so boring!" You said and blew your bangs. 

You took it and saw Baekhyun's name on your phone screen , your super adorable-yet sometimes annoying bestfriend. You smiled and quickly opened the message.

To: Taengoo
Yaaaaaah~ Let's hang out? I'm boreeed! :3
From: Baekkie<3"

You smiled at his message . You started typing your reply , grinning.

Sure ~ Bacon  ^_^"

You were about to go upstairs to change your clothes and get ready when your phone beeped again , signalling you got a text message again. 

From: Baekkie<3
I'll pick you up in 30 minutes~~ And It's Baekhyun , not Bacon. -.-

To: Taengoo

You giggled , imagining his adorable annoyed expression.

From : Taengoo

Fineeee~ BaekHyun! :P Happy now?

To: Baekkie<3

You giggled , waiting for his reply .

To: Taengoo
Yup , Now hurry up and go change!

You started walking upstairs but suddenly you recieved a text again.

To: Taengoo

Or do you want me to change your clothes for you? ;)



Your eyes widened , feeling your cheeks heat up. 


"YAH! ERT! Are you crazy? Do you want to die young , Byun Baekhyun?!"


"I'm just kidding. XD Chill. :3 Now go change... if you dont want me to do it for you. ;)"

Finally , you went upstairs and decided to get ready and change your clothes.

You wanted to look nice and cute so you wore this :


After you wore your dress , You put on light make up and wore your sneakers.

You combed your long , brown , wavy hair. 

After that , you checked your reflection in the mirror 

Satisfied with your look , you smiled and went dowstairs and waited for your bestfriend to arrive.



"Oh come on , Baekhyun. She's your friend. Dont be nervous." He mumbled. 

As much as he hates to admit it , he liked you. He had been your bestfriend since you two were still kids. At first , he still didn't feel anything for you. But as you two grow older and older , his feelings for you started developing and then he realized that he just really liked you in a romantic way.

He took a deep breath before finally pressing the doorbell. While waiting for you to open the door , he started to fix his clothes and wipe off the imaginary dust on his clothes.

Few seconds later , The door opened and revealed you.


Baekhyun didn't move when he saw you. His lips turned into an 'o' shape and he remained speechless.

He stared at you , blinking rapidly.

"U..Uhm.. Do I look weird?" You asked , suddenly feeling consious.

"N-No!" Baekhyun said almost immediately , making you flinch a little because you were surprised.

"You look....."


"...Fine." He said , smiling sheepishly.

He started eyeing you from head to toe when he stopped in your white, milky legs.

He felt his cheeks heat up and he gulped , looking away.

*Dont be a ert , Baekhyun . relax* He thought as he bit his lip , trying to remain calm as possible.

"Yah." You said , calling for Baekhyun's attention. "Yes?"
"Are we just gonna stand here?"
"Oh yeah , Lets go."  He said and held your hand , pulling you with him.

"Where are we going?" You asked.

" I dont know." He said.

You scoffed and looked at him. "Yah. You wanted to hang out but you dont know where you want to go?" You asked , only to recieve a nod from Baekhyun . "Exactly,"

You pouted , "Okay then," 

Baekhyun saw you pouting and can't help but to smile a little because you were being too adorable for him.

"Where do you wanna go?" He asked , smiling at you.

"I dont know , Bacon." You said , shrugging.

He pouted , "It's Baekhyun , not Bacon,"

You giggled. "I know , " You said before sticking your tongue out at him.

He rolled his eyes at you before he looked away and secretly smiled.


"Oh! Let's buy ice cream~!" You said and pulled him inside the store without waiting for any response.

You immediately went infront of the cashier and started picking a flavor you wanted to have.

"What would you like to order?" The guy in the cashier asked.

"Uhm! Strawberry!" You said and looked at Baekhyun , grinning.

"..I'll just take the Chocolate." He said , almost like a whisper. His smile from a while ago vanished.

You furrowed your eyebrows at his sudden mood change.

*Is he mad because I took him in here without his permission?* You thought and frowned a little , thinking it was your fault why he suddenly changed his mood.

"Here it is." The guy handed you and Baekhyun the ice cream."Lets go, " Baekhyun said and immediately started pulling you outside the store.

"Yah."  You called his attention . You frowned even more when he didn't respond. He didnt stop walking and pulling you so you just followed him while pouting. Suddenly , he stopped when you two reached the mini park. He sat on a swing , not daring to look at you. You sat on a swing beside him and stared at him. 

"Yah. Are you mad because you didn't want to buy ice cream?" You asked but again , there's no response. "You should've just told me.." Still , no response. You sighed and started feeling annoyed at his attitude. "You know what? Fine! Dont worry , I'll pay for the ice cream later." You said and looked away and just ate your ice cream.

You heard him sigh from behind and he started speaking. "Im not mad because I dont want ice cream," He said. You didnt respond but you were still listening to every word he says.


"But what?" You asked , looking at him now.


"Just spill it!"

"The guy in the cashier was looking at you like he wanted to eat you! and you didnt do anything about it!  He was looking at your body from top to bottom like a maniac or whatever you call that ! I felt really mad that you just let him do that and I wanted to punch that ert in his face! He was looking at your legs and--" He stopped when he saw your red face. He shut his mouth , suddenly feeling embarassed. Why the hell was he telling you this anyway? Plus , you probably had no idea that the guy was looking at you like that.

"H-he what?" You asked , eyes wide at what you just heard.

He sighed and looked away. 

"I-I'm sorry." You said.

He looked at you and smiled. "Eat your ice cream , or else it'll melt,"


You smiled and ate it happily.

After you finished  eating your ice cream , you realized that Baekhyun was still eating his ice cream. You also noticed the chocolate on the corner of his lips.

You tried your best to prevent from laughing and you quickly took your phone and took a picture of him. Unfortunately , the camera flashed.

*Aish , I forgot to turn off the flash * You thought , frowning. He looked at you confused,  "Did you just took a picture of me?" He asked.

You innocently smiled at him.


You cut him off by saying , "You have a chocolate on your lips,"

His eyes widened and quickly removed it. "Give me your phone,"

"Nope! " You said , sticking your tongue out at him. You tiptoed so that he couldn't reach your phone.

"Yah! Give it to me or else---" He said , cutting of his own sentence. "Or else what?" You asked , teasing him .

"Or else you'll regret it." He said , looking at you seriously.  "Why? What will you do?" You asked  , leaning your face closer to his to .  "Just.. give it to me or else you'll really regret it,"  Baekhyun  said , gulping at how close your face was to his.

"I dont care." You said , rolling your eyes. "You'll really regret it,"

"I told you I don----" You were cut off when his soft lips crashed into yours.

Your eyes widened and you dropped your phone on the ground.

Your heart started beating faster than the usual and you felt butterflies in your stomach.

He was kissing you .

Baekhyun was kissing you.

Your bestfriend was kissing you.

Your bestfriend , whom you liked secretly , was kissing you.

He slowly pulled away as you stood there , frozen. You didn't even dare to move. He looked at you and sighed. "Told ya you'll regret it," He said and picked up your phone from the ground. You quickly took it away from him before he even started deleting the picture.


" You can't erase it now. You already kissed me so you can't delete it now," You said.

He pouted , looking away. "Fine,"

"Uhm. Baek.." You started , biting you lower lip. "Y-yes?" He asked , looking down , suddenly feeling nervous. "What if i tell you.... I didnt regret it?" You asked. You smiled a little when he looked up at you with a confused expression.


"If I tell you that .. I didnt regret the kiss, " You said  , looking at him straight in the eyes.

His cheeks turned bright pink and he looked at you nervously.

You thought he seriously looked cute and adorable right now. You giggled before you took a step closer to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. "I didnt regret it," You said before tiptoeing and pressing your lips againts his again.

His eyes widened , surprised. He didn't expect you to feel the same way. It was not too long before you felt him kiss back . He wrapped his arms on your waist and kissed you passionately.

Few seconds later , you both pulled away to catch your breath.

"I-I love you." He shyly said. You felt yout cheeks heat up and you cant help but giggle at his cute actions. "I love you too Bacon!" You said and hugged him.

He sighed again. "It's Ba-" He was about to remind you again but you cut him off.

"-con." You finished for him and laughed.

He playfully glared at you. 

You pecked his lips and stuck your tongue out.


*Guess my Bacon is my boyfriend now* 

A/N :

Ok so first of all , IM SO SORRY ! >w<

for not updating this for more than a month.

I was really busy with school stuffs.

I tried updating this for 5 times ! but I always ended up closing it accidentally or my mom accidentally closing it --.--

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Kamsamnidaaaa~ ^_^










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This is so cuuuute
Thanksforreading #2
Chapter 1: Aaah this is so dang sweet!
yolandajustin #4
Chapter 1: Huwaaaa;3 its great^_^ author jjang!!
Chapter 1: Cuteeeeee i love it authorninm!! ><