A New Beginning

Bring Out The Beast

​First chappie, hope you enjoy it!


I heard gunshots firing, killing my parents instantly in front of my eyes. I was five at that time, confused as to what was happening and why were my parents being killed. "Luhan, run" and "Don't look back" were their pleas, making me terrified. I did run but not where they wanted me to run. I ran to the wooden closet with my teddy bear and locked it. I stayed there wondering for hours maybe for someone, finally someone came and took me away.


​And that is where I am today, a nineteen year old boy who's name is Luhan, packing up to go to Korea. No one loves me, ever since my parents died. I have no friends, because I don't talk to people. My 'parents' beat me if I don't do what they say or not pay attention in class, the only solution was to get good grades. 

"Luhan, get down here already. We need to go." My 'father' yelled.

I hurriedly got my stuff and left. 'Goodbye China, hello Korea' were my thoughts before we took off.

*Next Morning*

I woke up to banging on my door and screaming telling me to hurry up or I would be late for the first day of school. When I got to the school I was 15 minutes late, 5 of those minutes was getting abused by my 'parents' leading me to have a bruise on my right side for the whole day. When I got there, I was surprised that there was two boys waiting outside the school gate, smiling brightly at each other. One of the boys had purple hair with light eyeliner in with a green polo shirt and white shorts. It also looked like light was coming from his body. He also looked like a nice but hyper person. The other was a tall boy, who had orange hair that suited him very good, he also had a smile that looked kinda creepy. He had on a plaid red shirt with a pair of jeans and nerdy glasses. He looked like someone who could smile through thick and thin. It also looked like the shorter one was scolding him for something he did.

​When I walked by (more liked rushed by) both of the boys jumped in front of me and the shorter said "Hi, my name is Byun Baekhyun, and this is Chanyeol. We will help you find your way around the school." And with that they made me feel welcomed. 'I might actually like it here' were my thoughts.

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