
I want HIM to be my Mommy! [TaoRis version]

Wu YiFan or also known as Kris Wu a young CEO who lives with his son Sehun and it’s already 6 years when Sehun came to his dull life. Sehun’s joining his life change everything, at first Mr. and Mrs. Wu disagree about Sehun being adopted by their only son and worst Kris is a bachelor guy, still young and can date every single elite girls that can give him a son or daughter from his own flesh and blood but he doesn’t like anyone as of now and beside his happy with his son Sehun well minus the mother figure. They threaten Kris to disowned him if he continue to adopt Sehun but Kris won’t budge he leave his luxury life and decide to work on his own while waiting for the papers that will prove that Sehun is his son now and will be officially Wu Sehun like or dislike by his parents. But eventually Kris’ parents accept Sehun it leave them no choice Kris choose Sehun over them and beside after living with the kid for 5 years they realize how good the kid was at least they have grandchildren now from their one and only son, so the only thing they need to pester on Kris is looking a wife, a life partner that will be with him and his son.







“Daddy wake up.” A little guy with a mop of rainbow hair shakes his daddy’s shoulder to wake him but the figure won’t move and just bury his face on the pillow to sleep more. The rainbow haired boy pouts he really love his life but when it’s time to wake his daddy well sometimes he doesn’t woke on his own and that times is like this, then he remembered something that his Uncle Chanyeol teach him when his daddy is hard to wake up.



“Daddy I said…” he gathered a large amount of oxygen on his diaphragm near his mouth on his daddy’s ear “…WAKE UP!!!!!” and shout on the top of his lungs, his Daddy suddenly jolted from lying position to sitting position.







But he didn’t get any response from the suspect on killing his ear, so he lightly bended down his head to see his son grinning at him and Kris swear to God that his son look like Chanyeol already. He tousled his hair then look at his son whose still grinning at him.



“Sehun-ah stop grinning it’s getting creepy already and why do you have to do that you can just wake daddy normally?” Kris looks at his son who stops grinning and just sticks to smiling.



“But daddy won’t woke up and Hunnie is hungry already it will be better if I have a mommy already.” Sehun mumble the last part but nevertheless Kris still heard it. Kris sigh.



“Sehun-ah what time is it already?” Kris asks rubbing his eyes, his still sleepy as hell.



“It’s already 6.02 o’clock in the morning daddy.” Kris eyes widened. He suddenly stands up and runs to his closet to pull out his office clothes.



“Sehun! Go prepare yourself now tell your nanny to prepare your things she already know what is it, Go!” But Sehun just blinked at his daddy whose running left to right.



“Sehun?” Kris called.



“Daddy what’s wrong? Where are we going?” Sehun ask tilting his head to the side while looking at his daddy, Kris wants to ‘awwww’ at his son’s cuteness but it’s not this time cause their going to be late.




“It’s your first day on school come on Sehun-ah go to your nanny while daddy prepares himself, arra?” Sehun stand up and leave his daddy’s bed while mumbling about how school is boring bla bla bla and that these there those until Sehun got out of his father’s room. Kris get inside the bathroom and take a shower, while the water is flowing down on him he think back at Sehun’s words ‘if I have a mommy already’ Kris sighed again he knows eventually Sehun will ask why he doesn’t have a mother, why his daddy have a mommy while him doesn’t so Kris doesn’t have any choice than explain it to Sehun slowly.



Kris saw every year how Sehun wish to have a mom, every birthdays Sehun wishing to have a mommy, how his eyes show envy and sadness when he saw kids that have mother. Sehun even said that he doesn't care how rich his dad, how well know his dad he just want to have a complete family like other kids is. Kris can only hug his son cause he doesn't know what to say, he can’t just grab a random girl and tell her be my son’s mother and you’re going to be rich so instead making his son happy he might get more sad. Sehun wants to experience what Mama Wu doing to his daddy when his sick, how she care for him. Even when Sehun learn how to speak the very first word come out his mouth is ‘Ma’ when Sehun is 2 years old he wish for a mother and now his already 6 years old he still wishing for it. With a sigh Kris continued on bathing ‘cause today is the first day of his son on school.




Kris checking everything he need is on his suit case and nothing will be left. While Sehun is watching his dad again walks from left to right muttering alien words.



“Seriously dad you’re slow, you tell me to prepare myself ‘cause we’re going to be late while you’re here still not ready and you’re like uncle Chanyeol.” Sehun said while frowning.



“FYI Wu Sehun I’m not slow I’m just checking everything is here.” Kris tap his suit case “And excuse me I’m handsome than him.”



“Whatever dad, come on let’s go down now or if you won’t get faster I’ll tell driver ahjusshi to leave you.” Sehun grins at his dad and run outside to their waiting car.



“Aish~ that kid I shouldn't let him hang out with Chen a lot his getting trollness and that’s bad.” Kris nods and go down also cause his Sehun will do what he say.



Kris is sitting beside Sehun who busy admiring the road.



“Sehun, once we got there behave yourself, don’t run like a rainbow kid you are don’t be a mean kid cause you suddenly don’t like the person… Wu Sehun are you even listening to me?” Sehun look at his dad and nods but Kris doubts that.



“Then repeat what I just said just now.” Sehun lifts his phone up touch a few things there and suddenly a voice can be heard.



“Sehun, once we got there behave yourself, don’t run like a rainbow kid you are don’t be a mean kid cause you suddenly don’t like the person…” and the voice stop. Kris looks at his son in disbelief, he should have know his son is genius for his age and clever also. Kris just shakes his head while Sehun admire the road again.



They’re already on the school Kris holding his son’s hand whose happily walking or more jumping on his way inside the school, Kris notice a young petite lady waiting them with two more young ladies beside the other once they got near the ladies Kris and Sehun stop in front of them and bowed.




“You might be Mr. Wu Yifan?.” Kris smiled “Yes I ‘am, and just call me Kris I’m not old anyway.” And Kris notices the two other ladies smiling at them so he gives them his killer smile.



“Hi, I’m Son Naeun, owner of the school. Nice to meet you Mr. Wu.” The woman whose in the middle which named Naeun introduced herself.



“Oh! Mr. Wu this is Jessica and Victoria one of the teachers here in school. The two girls bowed at Kris.

“Annyeong Mr. Wu I’m Jessica and I will be Sehun’s English and homeroom teacher.” Jessica said smiling at Kris who smiled back.



“I’m Victoria and I teach Korean-Chinese.”



“Oh~ good then and please take care of my son.” Kris said bowing at Jessica and Victoria.



“Of course!” Jessica and Victoria said in unison.




Sehun is busy looking at his surroundings, he notice some kids who getting inside is with their parents smiling at them. Then he notice a boy whose been kiss my his mother, Sehun just sigh he really really want to have a mother but he can’t nag or force his daddy to find a girl just to be his mom and he remembers what grandma Wu said ‘you can’t have a mother just because you want, your mother should love you and your daddy same with you and your daddy you should love your mommy and once your daddy found the person his going to love you can have now a family that you want’ that’s why he’s just waiting for that person and beside he doesn't want to make his dad mad because his becoming a nagging boy. Sehun is going to ask his daddy if they’re just going to stand there or get inside when something caught his attention a panda… no wait! A blonde haired panda! He let go of his father’s hand and runs to the human panda who ever knows that a panda teach kid school. Kris jolt when he feels that Sehun let go of his son and when he turn his attention to Sehun he just see it running far away from him, so his parent instinct mode kick in so he immediately followed Sehun and the three girls on tow.





Tao is walking unhurriedly, greeting every kids he pass by smiling at them while do the kids did the same. Actually he should be in a large company and doing paper works but his still young and he like teaching than doing paper works he might ditch those papers in the future anyway his just 19 for holy panda’s sake, and the worst part there is he’s an only child but luckily his parents understand him but once he reach 21 he’s going to take over their company too much of thinking ditching paper works. School teachers have paper works also but it’s easier than those office papers. Tao fish out his phone on his Gucci bag to call his friend Lay-cause he know he'll forget it-about the cookies he should bring later when suddenly someone tackled his left leg on a hug, Tao lightly jump on his place shock to see a mop of rainbow hair hugging his leg. He thought that the kid might be lost so he crouch down on the kid’s level and talk to him.




“Hi there cutie.” Tao smiled at the kid “What’s your name?”



“I’m Wu Thehun.” Sehun said but suddenly blush of embarrassment because he said his name wrong because of his lisp.



“Hi there Thehunnie~” Tao smiled and pinch Sehun cheeks lightly because of his cuteness but Sehun puff his cheeks and cross his arms.



“What’s wrong?” Tao ask getting anxious because of Sehun’s body language.



“It’s Sehun not Thehun.” Sehun answer with a whiny voice.



“But you said the- oh! You have lisp?” Tao ask, Sehun just nod while bowing his head down. He embarrass himself to the person he like.



“Well I like Thehun more, can I call you Thehunnie, Sehunnie or Senshine?” Tao ask chuckling at the beaming kid who nods eagerly then wrap his little arms at Tao’s neck.




“Okay then, anyway Thehun are you going to-“ Tao was cut off when he heard voice that shouting.



“SEHUN!! YAH! SEHUN!!!!” and Tao see the owner of the school and his high school classmate Naeun running with his co-teachers Jessica and Victoria with a handsome man… Oooh y~



The four stops in front of Sehun and Tao and their catching there breathes. Kris a large amount of air to replace the one that leaves his lungs and then ready to scold Sehun for running away like that when something or rather someone the air out of him again. He notices how the guy looks like a panda. His cute nose, his plump lips that so pinkish his cutie cheeks and his feline like eyes that like it your soul when you look at it and the eye bags it doesn'tmake him ugly it makes him even-no offend-cute



“T-tao.” Naeun called still gasping and panting from running, Tao carry Sehun properly in his arms.



“What happen to the three of you? And excuse me…” Tao look at the dazed Kris, so Sehun do the honor to introduce his dad.



“Mommy, that’s my Daddy Wu Yifan or Kris he wants to be called that..” Tao’s lips formed a ‘O’ shape but then something hit him.



“W…what did you just call me?”



“Mommy, right Daddy?” Sehun look at his dad who woken up on his daze and look at Sehun like his rainbow hair turned white.



“Tao, Sehun is a new student here.” Victoria said.



“Oh! That’s great I can see you everyday here.” Tao smiled at Sehun who just rub his cute nose to Tao’s.



“But why calling me mommy? I’m a guy.” Tao ask looking at Sehun, they start walking. Naeun on his left side while Kris on the right side and the two teachers behind at tow.



“Cause mommy is pretty and I want you to be my mommy.” Tao blinks, Kris chokes, while Naeun coughs. Okay that’s sudden.



“Mr. Wu we can go to my office now and fix Sehun’s requirement and so I can give his uniforms.“ and she turns to Jessica. “Jessi please bring Sehun to his class.” Jessica nods and when she’s going to get Sehun on Tao’s arms, Sehun tighten his hug on Tao’s neck while shouting.



“Mommy! Don’t give me to her! Please don’t!” and Sehun starts crying. Kris tries to help Jessica to get off Sehun on Tao. But the kid will just use his left arm to push them while the right one is clinging tightly on Tao’s neck. It’s the first time Kris heard Sehun plead well he always plea but this one is the first time cause it’s a desperate plea.



“Sehun let go off him now.” Kris command still trying to remove Sehun’s arms that wrap on Tao’s neck.



“I SAID NO!” Sehun yelled still crying.



“Wu Sehun! Don’t you dare shout on-“ Kris was cut off when a forefinger place on his lips, he looks whose finger it was and he see Tao smiling at him. Tao knows he’s going to shout so he places his finger it’s rude but it’s better than he shout on his son. Then he mouthed an ‘I’ll do it’



“Thehunnie?” Sehun look at his ‘mommy’ his eyes are already red because of crying his nose too.



“Yes mommy?” Tao wipes the remaining tears on Sehun’s eyes with his hankie.



“Sehun-ah~ you should go with Jessica-noona, so she can introduce you to your classmates.” Tao give a small smile at Sehun but being the stubborn kid he is (blame his father his stubborn too XD) just shake his head no.



“Sehunnie~ I’ll promise to go there, I just need to accompany your daddy to the office, arraseo?” Kris blushed cause Tao called him ‘daddy’



“Promise?” Sehun pouts cutely at his ‘mommy’



“I promise.” Then Tao kissed his forehead then give him to Jessica who smiled at Sehun. When Sehun, Jessica and Victoria is walking far from them Sehun stretch his arms towards Tao that makes them stop from walking. Tao go near at Sehun and suddenly give him a kiss on the lips and a sweet smile before leaving.



“Tao-sshi I’m sorry about that.” Kris bowed at Tao.



“It’s okay, anyway where’s Sehun’s mom?” Kris smile sadly at Tao.



“Oh! It’s okay if you don’t want to answer.” Tao flail his hands doing a dismissing gesture.


“It’s fine, actually Sehun doesn’t have a mother and we’re really not blood related I’m a bachelor well in girls eyes when they didn't see Sehun but when someone saw us they thought I’m a single parent.” Kris explained and Tao feel sad about Sehun situation. Naeun turns to Kris and Tao and then claps her hands to catch their attention.



“Okay, Mr. Wu let go to my office now to fix everything, you too Tao because I think the kid is attach to you now.” Naeun smiled, while Tao giggled and Kris smile at Tao’s cuteness.




*                        *                      *



Kris and Tao are walking on the hall way, after discussing everything at Naeun’s office and about Sehun’s situation. Feeling the awkward atmosphere surrounding them Kris try to ease it a little.



“So Tao-sshi how long have you been teaching here?”



“Hmm… Let see…” Tao cross his arms while his forefinger is tapping his chin and Kris unconsciously smile at the cuteness being shown. It might be ridiculous but he found that his son Sehun and Tao have a natural aegyo.



“Drop the ‘sshi’ just call me Tao and I teach here for almost a year already.” Then Tao turn to Kris to smile. Kris smile back then turn to look at rooms their passing by but actually he knows there’s a warm creeping out through his cheeks.



“We’re here!” Tao exclaimed. Kris turns to where Tao is who opening a door. Once the door is open a mop of rainbow hair appears on Tao’s leg.



“Mommy!!” Tao pull Sehun up to carry him, while the kid nuzzled his face on Tao’s neck “Mommy smell nice.” Sehun said and Tao just smile.



“So did you already make friends?” Sehun nods eagerly, then he notice his daddy looking at them or more looking at his ‘mommy’



“Daddy don’t look like that on mommy he might melt.” Kris look away cause he’s caught and by his son who doesn't how to shut his mouth.



Tao giggled. “Sehun-ah don’t tease your dad.”  Then he put Sehun down.



“Okay, and I’m not teasing him.” Sehun mumbled the last part “Oh! Mommy I’ll show you my drawing I did just now.” Sehun drags Tao to the drawing table where he leaves his drawing. Jessica stands beside Kris who smiling at the scene showing to him.



“You know Kris-sshi, Tao is still single.” Jessica said excitedly clapping her hands. Kris look at her like she grew thousand of eyes.



“W…wha.” But  Jessica ignore him.



“If you want I can arrange the place for your date, and the time well Tao is not a busy person except weekend he have something to do that he doesn't tell anyways I need to know when your free so I can fix the schedule of your date with him.” Jessica said in one breath.



Kris blushed at what Jessica keep on telling him, so he just avert his attention to his wrist watch... Oops~ seems he need to go now.



"Um... Jessica-sshi I need to bid goodbye to my son now." Jessica look at him sadden that his 'TaoRis date plan' as what she call it will be subside for awhile since Kris is going to work now.




"Okay." Jessica go towards Sehun and Tao whose playing some stuff animals mostly a panda and dragon plushie.




"Sehun-ah your daddy said he needs to go now." Sehun look at his father whose tapping his watch while looking at him apologetically. Sehun stand up followed by Tao.




"Daddy, your going now?" Sehun ask looking up on his daddy with his arms spread wide.




Kris carry him up "Yes baby, daddy needed to go on work now." Sehun nods and kiss his daddy's both cheeks.




"Okay, take care ne?" Kris put him down messing his hair a little and mutter a 'yes'




Sehun turn to Tao "Mommy, daddy is going on work now, aren't you going to kiss him?" Tao stare at Sehun wide eyes. While a girl squeal could be heard on the background.




Kris chuckle awkwardly "Baby there's a lot of kids here your m-mommy and I can't do that." Kris stutters at the word 'mommy' while Sehun pouts then cross his arms.




"But I see that Mama Wu kissed Papa Wu when he leaves or when he got home." Sehun said, cause seriously he sees his grandma and grandpa like that so he ask out of curiosity. Kris sighed this is going to be awkward.




"Why don't we send them to the door, they can kiss each other there and the other kids won't see it." Jessica suddenly in "Jessi!" Tao shouts in a little high pitched voice, Jessica just grinned. And in which Sehun nodded eagerly holding his daddy and 'mommy's hand dragging them to the door so they can send his daddy and his mommy to kiss him.




Once their in the door already, the atmosphere surrounding them is awkward Kris and Tao can't even look in each other anymore.




"Mommy come on kiss daddy now his going to be late on work." Sehun's whiny voice erupted the silence on them.




"O...okay, nothing will hurt right?" Tao mumbled to himself.



He grab Kris shoulder abruptly and peck his lips and then look at Kris wide eyes cheeks tinted of red as of the latter whose been kissed stare at Tao wide eyes a blush explode on his cheeks.




"Ha hah." Tao laughs awkwardly then turn Kris in front of the door open it and push Kris lightly.




"Bye bye, take care, don't work too much. Fighting! Love lots honey! Bye!" Tao said fastly then he close the door immediately.




"I didn't done that, did I?" Tao ask himself.




"Yes you did." Jessica answer him.




"I did," Tao's face turn more red if that's possible, he just kiss his son err.. His student's dad no! It's just a peck not kiss! Tao thought shaking his head.




"Jessi-noona is mommy okay?" Sehun look at his 'mommy' worriedly whose leaning on the door with red face.




"Oh! He's fine that's just the power of kiss between to people loving each other." she giggled.




"Jinjja? Daebak!" Sehun gives a thumbs up to Jessica and look at his mommy whose still leaning on the door red face. His not worried anymore.




Meanwhile... On the other side of the door.




Kris is blushing madly, did just Tao stole his first kiss but it can't be kiss cause of how fast it happen just the thought of it making Kris blush more 'I think all my blood goes on my cheeks' Kris thought, he pat his cheeks, to ease the reddening.




Then he touch his lips, it maybe a peck but there's this unknown electricity that shot through him, he can't explain but if felt nice.




"Wow." he mumbled before proceeding on walking





(a/n: mianhae if there's any grammatical errors just tell me if you see it ne? oh! and yeah I like spaces ;3 lol hope you will like it *bow don't forget to COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE ne?)





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Should I make sequel for Taoris like I did on Kyumin *thinks*


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huna12 #1
Chapter 1: nice sehunnie so cute
Chapter 3: Hope you update soon okay~~ :)
ciiismine #3
Chapter 1: I love it.. waiting for ur update. . very cute sehun n tao
Chapter 3: We can wait... -________-
Have Fun!(:
Chapter 2: Kyaah!!!!Sehunie and Jessica unnie,you have done a super great job....Hahahaha I love it....
Chapter 1: Omo I really like this cute story. Kyahh I like SeHunnie cuteness and stubborness omo TaoRis so cute and sweet!!! >\\\\\\\<
Chapter 1: Sequel ... its really cute ^_^
Aneth14 #8
Chapter 1: Sequel please *puppy eyes*
Chapter 1: Oh for the love of everything beautiful PLEASE MAKE A SEQUEL!♥o♥ ♥u♥ ♥^♥ ♥~♥ ♥*♥
Chapter 1: Omo fluffy...I love this. This is so cute and sweet. Ohmy feelsss... I couldn't stop smiling.
Sehunie is so cute...tao too. I love Taoris and sehun as their baby. Good job authornim. I love you. :)

I need sequel.
Sequel juseyooo~ pwease pwease pwease~~ /bbuing bbuing/