Happiness Only Comes at the End


Happiness Only Comes at the End

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     If you haven't experienced heart break, love may seem like the most wondrous thing in the world. Everyday, girls dream constantly about falling in love with handsome boys and being loved back. Unfortunately, this wish isn't always fulfilled. Although this is how your ideal love life will turn out, it's unrealistic and not many people realize that.

     Unfortunately, this feeling happens unexpectedly and you can't control it as well as you may want to. Lee Jieun is a sophmore in high school. Although she hasn't met every guy in the school, she happens to fall head over heels for a boy named Lee Kikwang. Everyone knows him even though they might not have talked to him before. He's that handsome fellow who's nice to everybody and never goes without being a gentleman.

     Like many girls, her heart can break too.

     "I have a girlfriend," he gloats proudly with the prettiest girl in school under his arm. His friends would punch him in the arm out of jealousy. He had an older girlfriend and the girl just had to be the prettiest. "Kikwang isn't the kind of gentleman that he pretends to be." Those were the words that she had wished to say, although only shame and guilt fills her stomach. It wasn't his fault that he preferred the pretty older girl over her. She knew that, but she blamed everything on him.

     While Lee Jieun stops being sour, only Yang Yoseob can go comfort her. Although he was great friends with Kikwang, he didn't mind ditching him and comfort the girl. He did fall in love with the girl anyway. But as the tears blurred her eyes, she couldn't see past them and so Yoseob was only left with the tears that washed down her cheeks. He wasn't sure if this was going to change, but he knew it had to.



Lee Jieun

A dense girl whose pain and sadness hurts the hearts of those around her. She tries really hard, but she is easily disheartened when obstacles are harder than what she's capable of. She can be selfish in order to shield herself from losing what's really important to her. She is very superstitious and wants the best for herself.

Yang Yoseob

An innocent boy who is unconsciously selfish. He takes advantage of situations, but he's kind. He only wants to be with those he cares about. He feels guilty very easily when he does something wrong. However, he wants to do everything in order to make things right. His happiness comes from others' happiness.

Lee Kikwang

He does the best he can. He wants the best for those he cares about,  but he is unsure of what he wants for himself. He can be described as selfless, but he has his own needs. He's very indecisive. He's a gentleman. He may look like a bad guy when he's off breaking hearts, but his own heart says otherwise.



     I had hopelessly expected things to go my way and that I would be happy, but hopes and reality are two different things.



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clyne22 #1
Chapter 1: this is so good
Chapter 1: an update! and I like the first chapter~ though the last sentence actually made me feel... sad for Jieun? :(

will be waiting for more. HWAITING! ^^
Chapter 1: please write more i am begging you
Chapter 1: update soon, really hope that it'll be kikwangjieun story . But maybe it's impossible. Update soon :)
MilkyCouple4ever #6
Chapter 1: Noooooooo!! Why didn't kikwang confess to her even though he loves her!!!
So cute~ especially when Yoseob demand for 'Oppa'.. hihihi..
This could have a sequel..i really want to know why gikwang broke up with her though..may be an epilogue is alright.. :)
That was just adorable <3 But I kinda feel bad for gikwang ;_____; I'm a hardcore marshallow shipper,but gikwang </3 otl IU just looks so good with anyone! xD