
Was I invisible?


One Great Step. Every Inspirit knows what’s the meaning of that phrase. Infinite which consists of Kim Sunggyu, the leader and my annoying cousin; Jang Dongwoo, the main rapper and my favorite oppa; Nam Woohyun, the greasy prince main vocal and my “yeobo”; Lee Howon, the dance machine and my overprotective oppa; Kim Myungsoo, the face of the group and my number one paparazzi; Lee Sungjong, the maknae and my partner-in-crime; and  last but definitely not the least Lee Sungyeol, the choding, visual, model and tallest of the group and my one and only namjachingu; would travel around the world to hold a concert as well as promote the new Samsung Galaxy Gear.

I know that those pabos are busy and they invited me to come and watch their concert that was held in Seoul a few months ago. But I was busy with my studies in the university so I had to turn them down. And boy, it was not a pretty sight. Sunggyu hyung suddenly became clingy, trying his best to make me change my mind, same goes to the others but someone’s approach was different. He just shrugged it off, saying that I can come with them on the next location. Sungyeol oppa suddenly became optimistic.

Unfortunately, I became busier and busier as the semester came by. Being a graduating student, I had to finish my thesis first which was so dreadful. Usually, I would tell them about my day and vice versa but they are too busy now. I don’t want to add to their stress. Lee Sungyeol? He calls once in a while, there are times he falls asleep while talking on the phone. I want to come and hug him to sleep but I can’t.


-Sometime in the past-


“Aisht! I’m giving up” I groaned, slamming my hands on the table.

“Ehhh~ Don’t be like that.” My partner Seulhee said. “We’re going to finish this!”

“Heol~” I grabbed the papers scattered on the table and tried understand how to make a freaking software with this crap.

After a few more groans, slamming of head on the table and curses, we decided to end things for the day. I couldn’t take another second of looking at codes that doesn’t make sense.

“Are you going home already or you’re going to you know where first?” Seulhee asked. She knows about my connections with Infinite.

“Nah. I’m going straight home. Yeollie is not here, they’re in Thailand or something.” I nonchalantly said, zipping my bag. She gave a look. “What?”

“You don’t know where you’re namjachingu is?” I shrugged my shoulders. She shook her head. “What if he doesn’t return to you? What if he falls for someone else? Another Inspirit?” I rolled eyes with her ridiculous questions.

“He won’t. Sunggyu hyung would kill him before he can even look at another girl.” I smiled at her.

“Ani, I think Sungjong oppa would kill him first.” She chuckled.

“True, true.” I laughed along with her, soon both of us when on our separate ways.

I went straight to my apartment. I placed my bag on the side of my bed and took a nap. I was awaken with the raging tune of Destiny, immediately I searched for my damn phone. Not giving a second to check the blasted person who called, I answered it.

“Yobosaeyo?” My voice sounded so groggy.

“Seohyun-ah?” Someone asked on the other line. I fell on the floor when I realized who owns that voice.

“Nae, ommonim?” I cleared my throat. It was Dongwoo oppa’s omma. I sat on the floor and fixed myself.

“Are you busy on the 3rd of November?” She asked. I mentally checked my schedule.

“Aniya ommonim. I’m free. Waeyo?”

“You see, that when Infinite would hold their last OGS in Asia and I heard that you haven’t been to one. Am I right?” How did she know?

“Ah, nae” I embarrassedly admitted.

“So we were thinking on inviting you to come with us. It would be a surprise. You miss Sungyeol-ah right??” She asked with a teasing tone. Jang omma is really like Dongwoo oppa. She’s right though, I do miss him.


“I’m right!” She chuckled. I pouted. “Arrasso, arrasso. So that means you’re coming with us?” She doesn’t have to ask me twice.

“Of course, ommonim.” I bid her goodbye and checked Infinite’s website.


-November 3-


I arrived at Manila, Philippines at around 8 am in the morning. Jang omma and the others arrived a day earlier. She wanted me to come with them but I said no. Hey, it’s supposed to be secret. I didn’t have luggage with me except a backpack with a change of clothes inside. After landing on the airport, I hailed a taxi and headed straight to Araneta Coliseum.

At Araneta, I saw few Inspirits on the line. I wondered why but then again it’s way too early. The OGS will start at 7 pm. I sent Jang omma a message saying that I’m on the line already. I had no one to talk to, so I just decided to play with my phone. I was surprised when a message popped out of nowhere while I was playing. It was Jang omma. I smiled at her message.

The queue was both hot and tiring. When it was time to go in, I can feel my heart beat raced. Will Sunggyu hyung get mad at me? Will Sungyeollie notice me? I bet Lee Sungjong would behead me for not telling them. Such thoughts flooded my brain.

As the OGS started, I couldn’t see them that much but I waved at Jang omma. She offered me to seat with them but I kindly declined. I wanted to experience this concert like any normal Inspirit besides people will ask if they spot a girl beside Dongwoo oppa’s parents.

Dongwoo oppa was the first one who saw me. He did a double take guess he thought I was a ghost. He had this surprised look for a second but return to his normal singing face. I winked and placed my finger on my lips, hoping that he’s keep this from the others. He did a slight nod and left the side where I was.

The second one who noticed me was Yeobo. Woohyun oppa was passing small teddy bears at the side where I was. His beady eyes widen when he saw me. He grabbed a teddy bear and kissed it, then gave it to me. Unfortunately, some fans pushed me down just get a hold on the bear. I fell down and someone stole the bear from me. Good thing a bouncer helped me up. I don’t know if Woohyun oppa saw that coz when I stood up, he wasn’t there anymore.

My paparazzi, Kim Myungsoo stood in front of the side where I was. I was being pushed. Damn him, for having so much fans! When he went away, a thought came into my mind. Did he see me? I doubt. I pouted at that thought.

The person I was scared of facing saw me. He even took my phone and did a selca on it. Sungjong oppa did a small glare at me. I wanted the floor to eat me up. I wanted to run to Jang omma and hide. I did a small wave at him, but he didn’t smile. Damn, I gonna get killed later.

Howon oppa didn’t notice me. Sunggyu hyung didn’t see me, I think? I’m disappointed that those two didn’t even see me. So I guess the others didn’t tell them about a certain brown haired girl who’s watching at the mosh pit with the other Inspirits. But the one that hurt me the most was him.

He didn’t see me? What if Seulhee was right? What if he did stop loving me? Now that I think about it, he seldom calls now. My eyes are getting teary. I can’t take it anymore. I searched for Jang omma’s placed, fortunately she acknowledged me.

“What’s wrong Seohyun-ah?” Ommonim asked. I just shook my head and smiled at her. The OGS went on. Tears were shed by the boys. Dongwoo oppa got a pre-birthday surprise.

“Yeorobun, kamashamida. My parents are here, so this is very special. Thank you everyone, so much.” Dongwoo said. The crowd looked at us, well mostly on ommonim and aboji. Infinite looked at us. I saw Sunggyu hyung, Howon oppa and Sungyeollie looking all surprised. I sent them a smile.

When the concert ended, I followed Jang omma to the backstage. I mentally and physically prepared myself for whatever will happen to me. Ommonim was holding my hand while the other holding various OGS goods.

The moment I stepped inside their dressing room, the room fell silent. I can feel stares on me. Oh floor, eat me up! I was about to run away when a pair of strong and sweaty arms were wrapped around my waist and someone nuzzled my hair. I knew then and then who that person is, the person who never did a second look at me while I was amongst the crowd.

“Seohyunie~” Sungyeol oppa cooed.

“YA! KIM SEOHYUN! WHY ARE YOU HERE?!” Kim Sunggyu yelled at me. I removed Sungyeol’s arms around me and moved away.

“Sunggyu hyung, I’m here to support you.” I answered with a smile.

“Why are you all sweaty and looked like mmmmm?” Howon oppa asked, trying to think of a good word to describe my haggard look. I laughed while hand combing my hair.

“Arra, arra. I look like because I was shoved, pushed and literally on the floor.” I told them like it was no big deal.

“You were what!?” Sungyeol oppa asked with his dolphin voice. I rolled my eyes at him and didn’t bother to answer back.

“It was all your fault, Nam Woohyun! You shouldn’t have given me that bear.” I pouted at him. He walked towards me and gave a hug.

“Mianhe, yeobo. I was just shocked to see you there. I wanted to bring you on stage but I knew that someone wouldn’t like that.” Woohyun oppa said, looking at Sungyeollie.

“Nah, he wouldn’t. He didn’t even notice me. If you raised me then he’ll notice me.” I said, my voice sounding a little irritated. Woohyun oppa let go of me and continued to get ready to leave. No one else talked to me, all of them were busy getting dressed and stuff. I didn’t mind. I can feel Lee Sungyeol looking at me but I decided not to care.

Soon they were ready to leave. I followed them like a silent puppy. Wae? Mollayo. Ommonim and Aboji were busy talking to Dongwoo oppa. Ow, they are so cute! Dongwoo caught me staring and gave me a sheepish smile. Sometimes, I wish I fell completely for him. But then again, it’s the tall guy goofing around Myungsoo oppa owns my heart.

“We’re going to leave tomorrow.” Jang omma said to me. I nodded. “Do have a suite?”

“Mmm, aniyo.” I answered.

“Then where are you staying?” Aigoo~ I didn’t think of that part. I mentally slapped myself.

“Kotjongma, ommonim. She’ll stay at my room.” Sunggyu hyung told her. Then she left.

“You went to another country and not booked a hotel suite. It’s so you, Kim Seohyun.” Gyu hyung raffled my hair.

“Where’s your room, hyung?”

“When will you stop calling me hyung?” I stuck my tongue at me. “Aigoo~” He ruffled my hair.

“Here we are. Be good okay?” He kissed me on the forehead then turned the knob, allowing me to get in. I was about to ask him where is my bed, when he closed the door and left.

“Eh? Hyung?” Why did he leave? I thought we were sharing a room. I shrugged that thought of and placed my bag on a bed. I sat on the bed and begun to remove my shoes. Damn, I’m so tired.

“A long and warm relaxing bath will do the trick.” I stretched a little then made my way to the bathroom. I was about to hold onto the knob when it turned, opening the door in front of me. I couldn’t speak. Wae? Mwo? Eh!?

“Seohyunnie?” I turned around, ready to leave. Damn! I don’t want to face him now! Before I could get away from him, he grabbed my hand. “Kajima” His voice sounded so melodic. I can’t find the strength to leave now. When he knew I won’t leave, he gave me a back hug. Did I mention he was wearing nothing but a freaking towel on his lower half!?

“Wh-what is it?” Stop it! I’m stuttering. He nuzzled his face on my hair again, a habit that I always love. Tightening his embrace, he spoke.

“Mianhe~ I know you’re upset when I didn’t notice you a while ago. I swear, I really didn’t see you.” I rolled my eyes.

“That’s because you were busy with your Inspirit girlfriends at the other side.” He then let me face him and I saw him with a grin. Oh no! I know that look. “Wae?!”

“Were you jealous??~~” I really hate it when he uses that tone of his. I looked down because I know my face is red as Nam Woohyun favorite boxer briefs. Just then a loud laughing echoed within the hotel suite. Lee Sungyeol was laughing at me. The nerve!

“Wae?! What’s so funny!?” He was now on the floor, on his knees laughing like a hyena. I raised my brow at him and tapped my foot. He noticed my irritated look and stood up.

“Mian, mian.” He whipped his non-existent tears. “It’s just that you are so cute jagi.” He moved towards me, closing the distance between the two of us. “I thought it was you who said I should pay good attention to all the Inspirits.”

“I did. It’s just that, Seulhee said something about you leaving me because you found someone else while on tour. I don’t know why but I sort of believed her when you didn’t even see me. I mean, Dongwoo oppa didn’t take that much time. He saw me right away. Same goes with Woohyunie and Sungjongie.” I said, looking down. I can’t face him.

Our noses touched. I can feel his breath on me. He smells so heavenly, a mixture of body wash and his own scent. “You don’t have to be jealous, because you’re the only person that owns my heart. Wherever I am, I won’t look at our Inspirits the way I look at you. I may not have noticed you like the others did earlier but believe me when I say this.” He held my chin, looked straight into my eyes.

“I imagined that the crowd that I was singing to, was full of your face. It may sound a little creepy but I wanted to sing to you. I wanted to look at you whenever I perform. Seohyun-ah~” I gulped with every word he said. I can feel the sincerity and love behind his words. Our lips touched, and fireworks flew up in the sky.

“Saranghae, Jagiya.”

“Nado saranghae, Yeollie.” I hugged him tight. But I let go of him after a few moments and hit on him on the chest.


“Wear some clothes! Sunggyu hyung might come in and think unnecessary things.” I kissed on the cheek and went inside the bathroom.

“Ehh~ I thought we were going to do something~” I heard him whine behind the door. I laughed at his choding-ness.

I guess, I shouldn’t have let Seulhee corrupt my mind. At the end of the day, I know that he’ll always return me. I was not really invisible to him. I was actually very visible. I love him and he loves me. It doesn’t matter if he was such a snob a while ago. What matters is that Inspirits love him, he loves them and that I’m in his heart.   




A long one shot.

I hope you guys, liked it. :))


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finished! i hope you guys like it. :))


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That_Inspirit #1
Chapter 1: This is cute >_<