Part Two

Baekhyun's Proposal

I came back from her parent’s house and visiting the grocery store to find ______ sitting on the couch in a ball. Worried, I slowly put the food on the kitchen table and then walked over to her. Instead of hugging her, I went and held her hand and sat next to her.

I knew from experience that when she got sad, trying to act too affectionate just made her grumpy so I would just go and hold her hand until she moves to get comforted by me.

I stared at her back when she unraveled a little. She peeked out and then almost jumped at me. She pushed me back and I hit the couch. She put her hands by my head and I stared at her. She was never like this and truthfully, it .

“Hey bab-” Before I could finish my cheesy line, she crashed her lips on mine and her body descended and soon she was just laying on me while kissing. I her lips for entrance and she gave it. Our tongues danced for dominance and I won. My head was going crazy and my hands went everywhere. They landed on her arms and I turned her around so that I was over her. I left her lips for breath and left butterfly kisses on her neck to her jaw. I looked up at her and she looked sad. I stopped automatically and gave her a quick peck before sitting down and holding her to my chest.

“Baby, tell me what’s wrong.” I whispered into her hair. She came out of my embrace and got off the couch to the TV. Away from me.

“I feel like I haven’t seen you in a while, Baek. When I wake up every morning, you’re not even here. It’s fine if it’s once in a while, but I miss waking up and having someone next to me. I miss it so much. And I only see you later in the day and well, I found this in your coat.” She went to the bedroom and brought back a jacket of mine that I had lent out to Kyungsoo a few days ago. She pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me.

“I’m not really accusing you of cheating, but it’s looking really bad for you Baek.” I looked down at the paper and it had a lipstick imprint, some girl’s name and a phone number. I whistled and I saw ______ go rigid. Oh, yeah, this looks really bad.

“Honey, I can definitely explain. It’s really funny actually. I let Kyungsoo borrow my jacket and see, there is some beer on it. Damn it Kyungsoo! I told him to get all of this off it! Anyway, I guess he got a girl’s number!” I laughed and put the piece of paper on the coffee table and looked up at _____. She looked embarrassed; I guess she forgot about how I lent the jacket away. I smirked and walked over to her with my hands in my pockets. She looked up and smiled sheepishly at me.

“And about leaving early, I have the rest of the week off so you won’t have to worry about that.” She giggled and I went in for a hug. I softly sang her favorite song into her hair, letting her know she was forgiven.




I woke up the next morning and it was around 11. I pushed the covers over my head and looked to my right to find _______ shivering a bit, even under the covers. I had really torn those clothes off of her last night. I smirked to myself and hugged her to my bare body. She stopped shivering and smiled in her sleep. My grin widened and I started rubbing small circles on her hand, a habit I had formed after meeting her. I soon fell asleep again. I guess I had gained her habit of sleeping.




I woke up this time to find the TV in front of our bed on and _______ with the remote. She had some kpop channel on and a band called BTS was singing No Dream. She was dancing while laying down and singing a bit of the lyrics. I roughly kissed her and she squeaked in surprise. I pulled away and just laughed while she went to tickle my sides. I’m really ticklish and she found my Achilles’ heal. I begged for mercy and she kissed my forehead.

“Morning Jagi~~” she slightly sang out with mischief in her voice.

“Morning to you too.” I said gruffly and pushed her below me for some morning fun.




“So, how do you like the pancakes?” I had decided to make her pancakes after being a little too rough with her. She gave me a look and took another bite.

“Well? Is it bad? Or good? It’s amazing, isn’t it? Does it thaaat bad?” She was giving her poker face and I just pouted. She giggled and gave me a bit of the pancake with her fork. I hesitantly took it and gave her a look. It tasted great! She laughed and I laughed along with her.

Why was I making pancakes for her? Because I was going to propose today. I wanted this day to be about her and her only, and what was better than making her breakfast? I was feeling pretty great about today. I was singing and even made some bacon for her. Ever since Kris had told me about bacon and then called me that for a couple of months, I’ve never wanted to be associated with it. But I’ll do it. For her.

“Jagi, why are you doing all this? You’re acting awfully suspicious! I mean, my birthday isn’t until next week anyway.” I don’t think she noticed, but it sounded awfully full of aegyo. I tried to stop myself from kissing her and just grinned at her.

“I’m just acting like a loving boyfriend! Nothing suspicious here.” She still gave me a funny look until she shrugged and went for her pancakes. So cute.




After breakfast, I told her to dress warmly and gave her a hint, I’m taking you where you love to go. She didn’t get it but dressed warmly and jumped into my car happily. She changed the radio station until her favorite song came on. I was taking her to the skating rink. She was really good at skating where she could skate fluidly and do tricks like spinning and stuff. She could have been a figure skater if she really wanted to. I on the other hand, was not so good at skating. Actually, I . I would fall on my every few seconds and held onto the railing or _____ for dear life. She was patient and just held onto me and she could keep her balance easily. I started to feel tired so I retired to the side of the rink and leaned then onto the railing.

I sighed into the November air and grinned when I saw ______ smiling like that. I knew that she enjoyed ice skating like I enjoyed singing. Enough that it freed us but not enough to pursue it. Or maybe we were just afraid. I smiled and watched her from the side lines until a rather buff and tall guy went and skated to her perfectly. She looked cautious and then brightly smiled at him. He held her elbow and they started to skate together. I fumed and wanted to scream at him to get his arms off of her. I walked back to the ice and hesitantly took a few steps before I felt myself slip and fall back. I slowly went for the railing but slipped and fell again. A couple stopped to help me and helped me hold on to the railing before leaving.

I looked up and found her and that guy skating towards me.

“Jagi! I saw you fall, are you ok?”

“Who’s this?” I didn’t mean to but a bit of anger spilled out of my voice. She looked a little taken aback but soon answered.

“Oh, this is Lee Minho! He’s a friend from college; I haven’t seen him in a long time.” She looked back at him and just smiled. He skated to me and leaned down to my ear. I was about to push him away when he whispered something to me.

“Don’t worry, I have a girlfriend and I love her a lot.” he smiled and patted my shoulder before skating away to a girl. I blushed and took a step to ______ when I fell on my again.


“Damn, I’m going to be really sore later.”




Even though skating didn’t go the way I wished it could be, it was lunch time so I went and took her to a cute little café that Kris hyung had recommended to me for taking girls to. We ordered and we talked about everything and anything. During our conversations, my hand stayed in my pocket to hold the ring box. The idea of proposing to her made me sweat and have butterflies soar throughout my stomach. I kept turning the box over and over, wondering if doing this today was a good idea. I wanted this, I knew. But what if she just didn’t want to accept it? The logical side of me was screaming about how illogical I was being and I was just a jumble of emotions.




After lunch, I took her to the movies and we chose to watch Thor 2 and we both laughed and enjoyed the movie thoroughly. I then took her to a very fancy restaurant and we had a lot of good food along with dessert. She kept asking why we were doing so much today even though it wasn’t special. I just kissed her and told her I loved her so I wanted to spoil her.




After dinner, I took her to the car and told her to wear a blindfold. I took her to our high school, and then to the park next to it, where we first met. I lead her slowly and made sure she didn’t hurt herself. She was giggling and laughing as she held onto my palm. I slowly led her into the middle of the park where a blanket was waiting and I untied the blindfold and her smile turned to that of awe.

I had my friends decorate the park of our first meeting with lights and soft strumming of the guitar by Chanyeol. She hadn’t come back here in ages and tears came to her eyes.

“It’s beautiful.” I took her hand and we started to dance slowly to the guitar while Kyungsoo came from behind a tree and softly serenaded us. That wasn’t a part of the plan but now that I looked closely, all of my friends were there, having my back. I smiled at them and they nodded for me to do it now. I nodded and slowly kissed her then pulled her away. I took her to the blanket and she sat down. I kneeled in front of her and to her it looked like I was just going to sit down. Seeing as I wasn’t going to, she looked up to see me on one knee and holding the ring box.

“_______, I love you so much and I’ve known you for so long and I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so will you marry m-”

“YES, YES, YES, a million times yes!” She cried a little and threw her arms around me. We stood up and I hugged her and smiled with all of my heart. I took the ring out of the box and put it on her finger before I went in and kissed her for the first time, as my fiancé.



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hottest98 #1
Chapter 2: Thank u so much this was so cute and fluffy my feels for baekhyun ahhh :3