Under Cover Princess

The Real Cinderella



 Under Cover Princess


▐ no point of view: Kyuhyun picked up his black mask and traced the delicate gold details with his thumb. Putting it down he started to pace up and down with his hands behind his back. Since that day that girl had not left his mind. Jessica. He wondered if he had ever met her before or if she even lived near. Her face was so clear in his mind but he just couldn’t place her face with someone he knew. It frustrated him more than anything. Being so close to the point you could almost touch it. Feel it. Breathe it. And then for it to be whisked away from your grasp and you be left with the hopeless pieces. Nothing but memories. It was starting to give him a headache as he pondered how exactly he would contact this mysterious Jessica. No number, no address, no email, no nothing. He started to wonder if it had all been a dream were it not for the fact acknowledgement of her presence had also made a stamp on everyone else’s brains. 

In fact, everyone at SM High was buzzing with the news of a beautiful angelic face that had made a dazzling appearance at the local ball even a week later. Rumours flew and by in a short space of time everyone knew about the encounter Kyuhyun had with her. ‘The girl who stole the icy Prince’s heart’ they called her because indeed Kyu had no interest in girls before. Even with rumours Kyuhyun was on the lookout for a girl at the ball no one actually thought he would fall head over heels until the point he dazed out through mid-conversation, or unconsciously tap his foot at the thought or asked about her all around school.


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“Jessica you have to tell him!” Taeyeon shouted out of nowhere while they both walked to school. Her arms flew in frustration as the blonde next to her tried to quieten her down. 

“SHHHHH! Taeyeon someone might hear you!” she put a finger to desperately before pulling down her beanie hat which disguised her golden hair. “Anyway, what’s up with this hair dye… I thought it was temporary.” 

“Jessie… you can’t get temporary blonde hair from your black hair. Heechul and I bleached it!”

BLEACHED IT?! Taeyeon, are you crazy?! You’re saying I’m STUCK with BLONDE hair?!” Taeyeon raised her hand to to side her giggles. 

“Who’s the loud one now, huh?” she replied smugly before skipping off. 

Jessica watched her skip along before angrily pulling her navy blue beanie further over her head with an angry pout. 



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Jessica walked into class early, only a few students were in and she quietly sat herself down in the middle of the class. As students came rolling in she couldn’t help but fidget with her hat nervously because 1) someone might see her blonde her and recognise her. 2) The school did not allow dyeing of hair and 3) because the hat must of been a gazillion years old because it was ichy and tiny little bugs gnawing at her scalp. Resisting the urge to scratch at her head any longer she reached into her bag pulling out her books and neatly packed pencil case just as Kyuhyun and his friends entered. She kept her eyes down, thinking that after his intense glaze into her own yesterday would surely spark suspicion. Although she avoided looking directly at him she watched from the corner of her eye as he sat two rows behind her. 


“Hello class!” Mr Lee said as she walked into the class with his files and his pot belly obviously pretending from his white shirt. He quickly straightened himself out and clapped his hands before continuing onto a ramble about the importance of minerals. Jessica was distracted by the mummerings of Minho, Jonghyun and Kyuhyun however.

“Dude, it’s just a girl. Plenty more fish in the sea.” Jonghyun reasoned. She heard Kyuhyun let off a sigh. He buried his head in his masculine hands whilst running his fingers through his dark wavy hair. 

“This is different, Jonghyun. She seems different.” 

“Oh come off it! You have nothing to compare it to, trust me bro. Once you explore the horizons, the sky is your limit.” Jonghyun continued waving his red pen at him just as Mr Lee would do.

“Anyway, who is this girl?” Minho spoke up as the voice of reason.

“All I know is that her name is Jessica…” Jessica lowered her head, hoping that her invisibly would prove helpful on this one occasion. It would become a mess if Kyuhyun was to find out that his ‘princess’ was just a loser like her never mind what Tracy, Yoona and Sunny would do! 

“… and that she is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met, inside and out.” unwillingly Jessica couldn’t help but smile. 

“Then, maybe she’s worth finding.” Minho smiled patting his friend on the back while Jonghyun flung his hands hopelessly up and lazily laid back on his chair. 

Turning around as far as she could without being too obviously she caught a glimpse of her prince with a billion buzzing butterflies captured in her stomach. She silently giggled to herself before turning around slowly and picking up her pen to make notes. 


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The whole Jessica thing had been driving Kyuhyun’s mind into an utter pit of controversy. Trying to find her seemed like an impossible task. No number. No address. No e-mail. This was the 21st century and he was not going to do it like the olden day fairytales and head of into a deep and dangerous task of sailing the seven seas! He hit his head against his desk which he has been sitting on for the past… 38 minutes just thinking. 

Suddenly Heechul appeared to whizzed past the door through the empty corridor, he seemed he was gone with the wind until he plopped himself in the doorway and peaked in. “Hey, what do you know!” he exclaimed walking in with his slick polished shoes which clicked against the wood panel flooring. 

“What are you doing spending your free period in a old, damp, smelly classroom?” Heechul asked with a playful smile as he rested one of his feet on a chair and looked at his friend. Kyuhyun looked up from his hands and looked at his pretty friend who he had often compared as almost as pretty as a girl. 

“Just… Thinking, you know?” he replied calmly. Heechul’s mouth automatically stretched into a smile and he instantaneously knew what was playing on Kyuhyun’s mind. 

“It’s about her,” he replied smugly. “isn’t it?” Kyuhyun looked up once again helplessly at his friend.

“Am I that obvious?” 

“Well my friend, it’s not everyday the desired Kyuhyun is caught prancing around his an unbelievably gorgeous GIRL. It’s like… A gift from heaven! Not in a million years would I, or the whole school in fact, would she the cold and cool great Kyuhyun transfixed in the warm eyes of-” Heechul paused abruptly seeing the younger boys face stare at him in a ‘have-you-fricking-gone-nuts?!’ way. “Well, you get the idea…” he trailed off. 

“Then how will I ever see her again? All I know is her name, Jessica.”

“Jessica isn’t a very common name around here.” Heechul tried hinting but the deep concentration of Kyuhyun’s face showed that he had no idea who Jessica was. “Don’t strain your tiny little brain.” he chuckled which earn him a raised eyebrow from Kyuhyun. “Right, totally forgot. I’m talking to a maths champion here…” Kyu nodded.

“Don’t worry,” he continued “I’m sure Jessica will turn up. Just wait.” Heechul winked before jogging out the door. “Just you wait, Cho Kyuhyun.”


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After seeing Heechul merrily prance out the room Kyuhyun returned to burying his head in his crossed arms on the desk whilst gazing to the window which was glowing white from the light outside but slowly fading into a blue. He watched as the newly green leaves swayed in the spring breeze and before he knew it he had been sitting there for another hour and 47 minutes. He was slightly bewildered upon checking his watch and quickly grabbed the strap of his creased leather bag and slung it over his shoulder. Before exiting he flicked the light switch and closed the door behind him before continuing through the emptied corridors. He didn’t even remember the bell ringing and he wondered no one even bothered to inform him school had finished, but then again, no one even knew he was there besides Heechul who seemed to have scuttled away like a crab. 

Pushing the large hefty glass doors he was greeted by a refreshing wind which tousled his soft brown locks to reveal more of his milky white face. holding on to the strap of his bag he started to walk towards his home. If you had come across him now you could of easily mistaken him as some kind of catwalk model with his tall figure, long legs, his strong stride and just his overall cool composure.

Plugging in his earphones he stuffed his hands into his school trousers. He kept his head down but his eyes firmly ahead, he had become accustomed to his after the girls which would bombard him on a daily basis. Never knowing why exactly he continued to keep his head down, he never gave any of them attention which puzzled him as to why they continued to become a giggle wreck in front of him.

With the song belting in his ears and his beady eyes looking ahead something, or rather someone caught his gaze from the corner of his eyes…


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▐ jessica’s point of view:

It had been a loooooong day at school. During last period Mrs Hwang seemed to babble on so much that I fell asleep! Taeyeon wasn’t in my class today so I ended up sleeping through it all and half an hour after the bell had rung for school to end. When I finally woke up and rubbed my sleepy eyes I saw the whole class was deserted and the sky had already getting a tiny bit dark outside. Hastily I grabbed and shoved everything into my backpack and sped out the door. It was a 45 minute walk home and I had missed all the buses, by the time I managed to sprint 8 minutes I had become exhausted and collapsed on a bench nearby. I hung my head low as I regained my steady heart beat and when I finally did I decided to rest a while. Tracy would be sure to punish me anyway and a few more minutes wouldn’t hurt.

I sat on my own hands and rocked my legs back and fourth while I listened to the wind battle against the bushes. My hat was irritating my head awfully so I thought with nobody around it was safe to take it off. I quickly looked around to check the coast was clear and took my beanie off so my newly blonde locks cascaded down my back. It was like a breath of fresh air to my hair since it was stuffed into my hot hat all day. 

I was beginning to relax until I head heavy footsteps behind me. I froze to the spot. Hoping that if I stayed still maybe the person would carry on walking and not notice that I was the mysterious blonde last night. 


▐ kyuhyun’s point of view:

From the corner of my eyes I saw a flash of blonde. I saw from a bench a girl who sat merrily on it remove her hat and fling her head from side to side releasing her delicate blonde locks. My eyes widened as I froze to the spot and straightened myself out to look at the figure. 

There was only one person I had ever met with blonde hair… and that was Jessica. 

Quickly I began to jogged up to her desperately wanted to pick her up and to just see her pretty face. She must of heard me because she picked up her things and made a dash. I was too fast for her so I caught up quickly and grabbed her wrist which made her suddenly fling around and crash into my chest. 


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so apparently i haven't updated in two months exactly!

i'm a little stuck on time you see but i'll try finish this within a few months. at least by the end of the year. 

I'm happy to see more Kyusica fanfics around~ keep writing them guys ^___^



here are my two favourites at the moment: Oppa.. I want YOU! & You're My Shining Star

there are others of course but these two are very readable and cute ^^

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Chapter 1: please update soon
trangtran8326 #2
Chapter 9: please update!!!!!
Chapter 9: updaaaaaate soon!:3
Chapter 7: This story was so so so adorable, I hope you can continue sometime <3
lightningirl09 #5
Please update soon! I LOVE THIS STORY!!! <3
New reader^^ please update soon~
smurfette #7
Cute and sweet :)
*spazzes* *blushes* & *screams like jelly*
jojojung189 #9
my, it feels like reading a fairy tale, wish it was longer though. love their moment to bits.
thanks for the nice update, also have fun with the holiday :)