
self righteous human being and his slave

it's raining and where is sungyeol and why isn't he here and doesnt he understand that it's getting late and i'm falling asleep and where the hell is he with that soup? he called an hour ago and said he'd still show up for the weekend and it's friday now and he should be done with school and work and ive had this terrible cough all week because the weather has been ty (apart of me thinks it's because i havent gotten to see sungyeol all week and his lack of presence has weakened my immune system but im good at pretending thoughts like that don't exist.)


he walks into the apartment (for his birthday i gave him the spare key and he seemed more than happy to get it) and leaves a trail of water after him as he swings open my bedroom door and greets me by pouncing on top of me and giving me bone chilling kisses that are still moist with rain.  im laying unpleased in bed, my throat sore and feeling raw after hacking up a lung but sungyeol smiles all gummy and cute and im torn between kicking him out because his clothes are still wet or cuddling him to death because he's like a puppy with his recently permed hair.


"did you bring me soup?" i ask, peeling him off of me.


"no, i figured that i would be enough to cure you of your cold."


he keeps smiling all cute and i swear that he's going to be the death of me.


"make me soup," i demand like the self righteous human being i am.


"im a manly man. we don't make soup, fine sir."


"what manly man? i dont see any here aside from myself."


"how could you," he fake sobs and he always jokes about sensitivity like this, its just too freaking cute and how does he expect me to see him as a manly man when all he ever does is act like a kicked puppy 24/7?


"are you going to make me soup?" i pet his curly hair and he stops pretending to cry and actually considers making me soup or thats what im thinking he's contemplating since the whole room goes silent aside from our breathing and the rain outside my window.


"i wear the pants in this relationship, alright?" he randomly asks and i realize right then and there that i am not going to get my soup, ever.


"yes, of course you do. but im still the appa to our babies."


a few weeks ago we dug a hole in the backyard and created quite the makeshift pond and filled it with stones, water, and different sized goldfishes. i may have poked one to death on accident when sungyeol had turned his back but i swear that i never meant to hurt any of our babies.


r.i.p dongwoo jr.


"because you'd be a terrible umma," he nods and i nod back and he's laying on top of me and i just really really want him to be cooperative with my demands of warm soup, but instead he goes off on a tangent about our names and rainbows mixed together and sometimes i dont understand him but sometimes i do more than i'd think i would.

i fall asleep when sungyeol leaves to take a shower because he doesnt want to catch a cold either and when he returns, im out cold and there's a bowl of soup in his hands that i never get to eat.

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Nayama #1
Chapter 1: hihihihihi i am all giggly read this
how come you can write angst and fluffy and crack even this good? how jealous i am >.<
Chapter 2: I love this story! It makes me feel light-hearted hehe
deliciousyou #3
Chapter 2: r.i.p dongwoo jr lmao~
Love their characters and relationhip in this story :)
Chapter 2: hoya jr will cry like a mad man. cruel myungappa
Chapter 2: dongwoo jr, man. i cant even
and gah, i really need to find a slaveyeol and master L fic
kpoppig #6
Chapter 1: hwjwnwkwk JKOM