

His limbs ached, and his breath was scattered, but he never grew tired. Running through miles of woods, alongside the river, through tunnels and caves, Kyungsoo refused to let his arms and legs stop pumping. He had always felt a constant flow of energy here, as if he was able to rest while conscious, and now he knew why. Tears threatened to spill. Both options came with major loss. This way, if he went quietly, there would be minimal pain for everyone involved. He felt like eyes were watching him, following his every move, but now he knew that they were desperately awaiting his return.

He ran through the green maze like a madman, until he finally ran into what he was looking for.

“Take me to him, he was right. The balance of power should be restored.” The hooded figure held out its hand, and pulled him into the growth.

He stumbled out into a grandiose room, coated in bookshelves. The royal figure stood next to the contraption in the center, his earlier overconfident aura diminished.

“Have you come here to try and kill me again?” he asked. Kyungsoo shook his head.

“Actually, that was going to be my request. I’ve come to give you what you’ve been seeking.”

“What?” The blade glimmered, old blood rusted on its edge, practically begging to drop on Kyungsoo’s pale neck.

“You were right. I have no right to steal your power.” The rotten smirk again.

“Nobody does. None of us should have any right to power. Look at where it’s left us.” Tao hobbled in, supported by Jongin’s shoulder.

“H-how did you two get in?” Luhan sputtered.

“Please, don’t stop me. I have to do this. I don’t belong here,” Kyungsoo pleaded.

“We know, Kyungsoo, we have all along. It’s just…I really don’t want it to be by his hand,” Jongin grimaced. Kyungsoo thought he saw a tear drop to the floor.

“As for me, I only want what’s always been mine,” Tao said to the King.
“It’s too late. The crown is already on my head. You are nobody in the eyes of the kingdom,” Luhan shook his head condescendingly.

“That’s not it. I want something that’s been mine since before birth.” Tao’s eyes flickered down. The King clutched a hand to his chest.

“No…” he began to retort. But he didn’t notice the hooded figure sneaking silently up on him. With a , it plunged its arm right into Luhan’s back.

“No, please,” he let out a dry choke.

“I’m sorry Luhan, but your time’s been up for several years. It’s time to put life back where it belongs.” And with that, the figure ripped it out and tossed it towards its righteous owner. Jongin caught it, and Tao already looked livelier.

“This can be the payback to your debt, although I’ve already given you more than enough,” Tao shot a sneaky look at Kyungsoo.

“What do you mean?”

“Nothing. Let’s just say my hunches are very keen. You can do the honors, Jongin.” And his heart was in its rightful place once more.

Luhan’s figure lay on the floor, small and pathetic. His feminine features robbed of their usual disdain, he looked almost angelic. Although Tao had lived long after his heart was stolen, Luhan was gone right away. Without it, Tao was still compassionate and helpful. Even with a replacement, Luhan was heartless. He pinned ruthlessness on others, but in turn it had blossomed within himself.

“Kyungsoo, it’s time,” Jongin whispered. His hands rubbed frantically at his glistening eyes. Tao hoisted the blade up with the rope, and Kyungsoo laid his neck on the wooden block.

“Jongin, could you…stand there? I want you to be the last thing I see.” Jongin smiled sadly and leaned down until their faces were level. He felt Jongin’s quivering breath on his lips.

“Don’t cry, Kyungsoo. We’ll see each other again soon, in another life. We’ve just met in the wrong place is all,” Jongin bit his bottom lip. Kyungsoo smiled through the tears spilling over his cheeks.

“Kyungsoo, the story is over. You don’t have to suffer anymore.” While Wonderland tinted into darkness, Kyungsoo’s eyes were finally open to the world.


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep…

The rhythmic beeping was the first thing that spilled into his pocket of awareness. The immense weight on his body lifted. He became vaguely aware of a dull pain in his left leg, and gave a few tentative blinks. Light streamed into his eyes, blinded from disuse. Stretching his hand out to block the light, he gratefully took in the air and light in the small, white room. But no sooner had the weight been lifted, when a heavy book knocked right into his face and fell in his lap. He strained his neck to read the cover.

“Alice…” he began to croak. He was so dazed, he almost didn’t notice the stunned figure hovering over him. Tall and tan, with messy black hair and a dark navy sweatshirt pulled over his mop of hair.

 “Jongin?” Kyungsoo’s tongue felt heavy, but he uttered it without missing a beat. A short, middle-aged woman came into the room.

“M-Mom?” He was smothered in an embrace, her tearing face burying into his shoulder, smelling just like the kitchen when he had come to visit last weekend.

“Oh my god, Kyungsoo. Forgive me, we were going to end it today,” she wept.


November 19th, 2013. The comatose patient of the riveting Yeoksam-dong drunk driving case is now conscious. Due to the family’s financial situation, Do Kyungsoo’s life support had been set to be terminated this morning. The family has chosen not to have charges pressed against one of the drivers involved, 19-year-old Kim Jongin. He was driving by at the time, and swerved towards the sidewalk to avoid a head-on collision. According to eyewitnesses, Do Kyungsoo was trying to save a pedestrian, but was hit full-speed by Kim Jongin’s car. Kim Minseok was able to escape without injury, but received a fine for jay-walking. The other driver, Lu Han, was driving under the influence and in the wrong lane. He was sentenced with drunk driving. Unfortunately, due to his heart condition, he did not survive long in the hospital after the crash. According to Huang Zitao, Lu Han’s half-brother, Lu Han stole his car and drove out to Seoul after overdosing on alcohol and medication. Huang Zitao reached the scene shortly after the accident and alerted authorities after rescuing an unconscious Kyungsoo from the road. Kyungsoo’s family and friends are overjoyed at his recovery, and send their thanks to Dr. Zhang Yixing and his medical team.


“You sat here and read the book to me everyday?” The man nodded. His pallor and clothing emphasized the gray lurking under his eyes.

“Did you really feel that guilty?” The man heaved out a sigh. Moisture trickled down his sunken cheekbones. The hospital wasn’t exactly known for its food.

“Do you have any idea how it is to be looked at like a murderer every single day? If we didn’t have you by the end of the day, I don’t know what your mother would have done.” Visiting hours were long over, but he had stayed behind. They sat together, savoring the darkness. A passing car lit up the back of his head.

“You’re not a murderer. You’re a miracle.” Kyungsoo reached up and a wet cheek. They savored a few minutes in silence, and the man got up.

“Jongin, don’t leave me,” Kyungsoo whined.

“I just sat with you for a month, I’m not going anywhere,” the man chuckled. “I’m just getting some food from the cafeteria. Do you want anything?”

“You.” He heard a startled wheeze, and even the dark wasn’t enough to hide the color of Jongin’s face.

“You can have that later. For now, I hope you like tea.”

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theeastsea #1
Chapter 1: i'm trying match faces and aside from the ones you mentioned at the end; jongdae is the one who tried to make him drink and junmyeon as the cigarette guy, yes? now there's kris and chanyeol left and hmm.. the bartenders?
silversea108 #2
Chapter 6: Even though I got confused at first, but as the story kept going, I clearly understood what was going on. Love the end of the story so much :)