Chapter 8: Car ride home and project plans

My Love To You (Hiatus)

Tiffany POV

"Augggg! I cant believe him! Was he really just ignoring me! Augggg! The nerve of this guy.......and i thought we were just starting to get closer too.*pouts*" I thought to myself as i stormed over to his car.

"Yahh, tae-tae why didn't you say anything to that jerk with a horrible memory?!"

"Calm down Pani-ah he probly just really didn't know that you were yoong's sister. I mean he didn't know who you were this morning either when paired you guys up remeber and i'm pretty sure if he knew you were yoong's sister he wounldn't have asked the teacher who you were. Yoong and him sounded like they were close."

"Yeah i guess your rig- wait then this means its all yoong's fault *puffs up cheeks* he should have mentioned me more toward his soccers hyungs. Does he even really care about me? I mean i've told the whole squad that he's my brother" i said pouting.

"Pani-ah, its not yoong's fault i think jesse just has a really bad memory, remeber that one time after a game and yoong came and introduced you to everybody."

"So, now your agreeing with me that it was jesse fault." I said looking at her with a smirk.

"Wahh-aisssh! Waterver Pani-ah! It doesn't really even matter who's fault it was lets just get in his car, I'm exhausted." 

"So you are agreeing with me tae-tae, i knew we think the same! So now all we have to is wait for him to apologize right?""

"Watever Pani-ah. You can do what you want. Just don't complain to me when he never apologizes." Tae said as she open the door to the back seat to sit down."

" cruel. It's not going to be that hard getiing an apology out of him.....right?" I thought to myself standing outside next to the car.

Then after a while i saw Jesse walking towards the car, i think he was about to say something to me but i just quickly opened the car door and got in. 

Sunny POV

I was sitting in the jesse's car in the backseat waiting for Jesse to hurry his back so he could drive me home, but as  i was also smiling to myself as i was thinking of a certain girl that i just saw like 5 minutes ago.

But then i suddenly heard a door open so i just threw those thoughts to the back of my head for me to think about later.

As the person got in the car to the seat next to me i couldn't reconize who was sitting down next to me. And i thought it was Jesse.

"Jesse you idiot what are you doing sitting next to me, you should be in the front sit driv-!" I cut myself off as i finnaly relised that the person i was yelling was definitely not Jesse, unless he suddenly turned into Kim Taeyeon.

"T-t-taeyeon, w-what are you doing here" i said to her completely stuttering.

"Ahhh....well Tiffanys brother kind of asked Jesse if he could drive me and tiffany home." Said taeyeon who was not trying to look at my face. I think she was slighty blushing, but you know that could just be me not seeing straight.

"Ohh.....ok. Wait where is Tiffany?"

"Ummm...i think shes still standing outside. I think she is thinking about something shes kind of sulky right now."


"Well, when yoong was asking Jesse a to drive us home, Jeses didn't know who Tiffany was Yoong's sister."

"Oh wow, Jesses such an idiot with a bad memory." I said laughing.

"Then taeyeon laughed too.

"Hahaha...i wouldnt say Jesses an idiot, but he does have a pretty bad memory."

"Hahaha......well thats Jesse for you. He can one of the most popular guys in school, but he diffenitey cannot remeber anything correctly or for more than like 10 minutes."

"Hahaha! Wow really?"

"And lately i've noticed something else about him too."

"What?" Taeyeon asked looking curious. She was so cute!!!!!! If i was my old self i would toltaly be all over her by now, BUT i have now changed. Thats the old me, the me right now wouldn't do that becuase i have self-control.

"Well lately hes been really slower than usual. It takes him twice as long now to comprehend something." I said then i started laghing.

"Hahahaha! Really? The oh-so-popular Jesse is slow! Hahaha! Thats so hard to guess."Teayeon said laughing right  along me.

"Haha...Yeah and he can be dense sometimes too." I said with a smile looking at my crush. I was really happy me and her could have a normal comvo like this it makes me so happy. It feels like we gotten so much closer.

"Haha rea-" She was about to answer but then got cut off as the door opened two people entering.

"Damn! Why couldn't we have more time to talk, i had a feeling i was so close to getting her number." I thought to myself as i look to the two front seats to meet the two other people sitting down.

Jesse POV

As i got closer to the car i saw Tiffany standing next to my car.

i was about to tell her to go in the car but as i opened my mom to say it she quickly went into the car.

"Whats up with her?" i thought to myself.

then i quickly made my way to the car and got in to.

As i entered the car a saw a taeyeon and a sunny sitting in the backseat looking at me.

Sunny was glaring at me i wondered why. Wait di he think i was going to mess with him since hes next to tae-WAIT HOLD UP! Sunny next to Taeyeon! Whoaaaaaaaa!!!! This is his Lucky day! That lucky guy got to sit right next to his boo and the best part of it is they don't even look like their akwards towards each other. I'm so gonna mess with him later! 

"Hey Sunny~ Dude don't you want to sit up her next to me~Oh wait! Never mind you look pretty comfy back there~"I with a smirk on my face.

"Yahh Jesse. Be quiet." He told me sending me death glares. I cant beleive he thinks im scared of him. Yeah right even his glare is nothing compared to mine.

"Ok, ok dude relax just kidding bro. Im cool sitting up her with Tiffany anyways. You can just stay there."

"Oh, so now you want to include me in the convo. Ithought you were just going to ignore me the whole ride home." Tiffany said staring at me with her arms crossed.

"Yah, Tiff. Chill. I was too into the convo with yoong. Thats why i forgot you and taeyeon were there."

"Hmmmmm....excuses, excuses! Was thats all you could think of "she said looking at me with her arms still crossed. "And since when did i say you could call me Tiff?"

"Ummm...well i just thought of it. Tiffanys such a long name might as well as call you Tiff you know. Oh and taeyeon tell me your addresses i need them to drive you ho-."

"Wait, what about me don't you need to know where i live too, *hummfff* *pouts*. All you care about is tae!" Tiffany shouted at me.

"YAHH! do you really like cutting me off that much, god i didn't even get to finish." I yelled back at her. "Ok, so what i was going to say before i was rudely interupted was that taeyeon could you please give me your address so i can know where to drop you off and tiffany i know where you live, you live with yoong so you don't need to tell me. Aishhh! you should have just ket me finish."

"Oh, i didnt know you were going to say that......" Tiffany says then she goes quiet.

*Akward atmosphere*

"C'mom guys your killing the vibe, you know she didn't mean it, let it go dude." Sunny says to try and help left the mood.

"Yeah, yeah i know forget and move on with life right.....ok well taeyeon where do you live."

*After taeyeon tells Jesse Adresses*

After dropping sunny off now driviing to taeyeons house still Jesse POV

"Alright this is your house right?" I asked taeyeon.

"Yeah, it isthank you jessie for the ride it was fun and bye tiffany see you tomorrow."

"Ok bye noona " "oh bye tae-tae see you tomorrow" Me and tiffany said simutanously.

"Noona?" tae asked suddrnly realising what i asked her.

"Yeah....your older than me so i thought i would call you it ok?" i asked her giving her my puppy dog eyes.

Taeyeon giggles than she says "yeah its fine, and bye guys"She says then goes into her house.

"Alright tiffany i guess its just you and me now huh?"

"Hmmmm" was all she replied.

"Yahh why are you being so quiet?" i whined.

"Hmmmm....just tired." she said back.


Tiffanys POV

"Now is just me and him should i appolgize now to him about cutting him off all te time." I thought looking at him pout. "Hihihi...he's cute he's like a little kid."

"Hey jessie."

"Yeah" he answered.

"have you ever dated before?"

Ummmmm.....yeah?....why?" he asked back looking kind of nervous 

"I wonder why he is nervouse." i thought to myself.

"No i was just wondering becuase you said you've had a crush on Hara for a while now right?"

"Yeah but i dated before i had a crush on her."

"Oh i was just wondering, i wonder how were gong to make you confess to her."

"Hmmmmmm.......aare you really trying to hook me up with hara?"


"Why? What would you get out of this? Is me going out with Hara benifical to you?"

"No. not really its just cause i want to get you guys together." I said but then i got this weird feelingin my stomach but i just brushed it off.

"Oh....well then ok?. That wasnt really an answer i was expecting but ok."

"What were you expecting?"

"IDK like maybe hara was crushing on a guy you like so you wanted her to go out with me so you can have the guy she likes all to yourself." he said sounding confidently like it was the real reason of why i was trying to help them get together.

"Please, if that was the reason i bet you i would have aleady taken that guy away from her even without you."

"Ummmhhhhh....ok watever you say" he said sacasticly.

"Yahhhh! whats that suppose to mean?"

"Well it can mean watever you want it to, i was just saying".

"Your saying that Hara is better than me aren't you?" i said then i pouted.

"Hmmmm....maybe" he whispers but i still hear him.

"Yahh!" i said then i hit his arm."

"HAHAHA! I was just kidding, i dont think hara is better than you i think you both are better than each other in different areas."

I blushed when he said that and i think my heart just skip a beat to. What the heck! Whats wrong with you heart! Thank god he was focus on driving so he didnt see that i was blushing.

Than a question popped into my head.

"Hey Jesses what do you thinkof tae-tae?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like what do you think about her is she pretty, is she funny, do you like her, you know that."

"Oh....well i think noonas really pretty, and she cute, and she has a funny laugh, and i like her, but i don't think i would ever date her and i would say i like her more like an older sister. So yeah thats what i think of her."

"Oh" i said feeling a little happy because he said he only like her as a sister.

"WAIT! Why am i feeling happy. "Yah Pany ah whats wrong with you today huh?" i thought to myself.

Jesse POV

After a while after the question me and tiffany just drove in silence, but not the akward one the comfortable one.

Then we reached her house.

"Hey Tifffany we are here!" i said poking her arm.

"Huh..Oh we're here. Thanks for the ride i'll see you tommorow and oh we should start working on the projct tommorow both of them." sje said than winked.

"Huh oh....aishhh. Fine. We'll talk about this tommorow at school."

"Ok see you tommorow bye." Tiffany says than eye smiles.

"Wahhh that eyesmile tho" i thought to myself.

Then suddenly i remembered.

"Hey Tiffany wait." I said then she turned around.

"Hey i just waned to say that i'm sorry....i'm sorry for yellin at you, i'm sorry for ingnoring, and i'm sorry for forgetting you. I promise from now on i will only do things that help me nver forget you epecially since your gong to be helping me with hara and stuff do yeah....."I said then blushed and looked down.

"Hihihi. Its ok and im sorry too ok for always cutting you off. And i also want to do things so you'll never forget me too ok. Now bye see you tommorow." she said than waved.

"Yeah ok bye tiff" i said than she walked away.

"Hmmmm....whats this feeling. I feel so happy when i'm talking to tiff. Hmmmmm maybe i'm just excited shes going to be helping me."


YAY!!! 8th chapter completed! And i'm also really sorry i haven't been updating i've been really busy, and my laptop broke so i just recently got a new one. I hope yoou guys like ehis chapter was the Jeti moment good please tell me what you thought of it Please *pouts*

HAHAHA But yeah i hope you like it and thank you CrazyReaper for upvoting love you!<3

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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 10: Is there still have a hope ???
Choon79 #2
Please updatee :(
tazkia16 #3
Chapter 10: Update soon thoorrr..
prynzexhane #4
Chapter 10: i wil w8..
prynzexhane #5
Chapter 8: Nice story..i like it..more sunyeon please..
Chapter 8: JeTi slowing blooming love :3
nice chapter.
And i hope u add some HaNi in next chapter.
Thanks (:
Chapter 7: 'YoonFany dont have scandal'
Why so happy jess ??
totoro07_jeti #8
Chapter 6: Can't wait for jeti moment! Jeti hwaiting ^___^