Scene #1

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“Have you ever felt like begging someone not to let you go but deep down you've always known he doesn't really care one way or the other if you're there or not?” 

“Hey, I think we should reschedule”


I knew it was too good to be true.


The reason is pretty obvious, really. But still, I wanted to ask him. Because maybe, just maybe I might be wrong.

“Something came up”

Something or someone?

 “You promised to see this movie with me, I have already bought the tickets and everything”

Couldn’t you have notified me earlier on?

“I’m sorry Mirae-ah. Next time, I promise”

There won’t be a next time. Trust me, I know.

“Is something wrong?”

“No, not at all”

“Then why can’t you come?”

I sound clingy I know. I just can’t help it, we haven’t seen each other in weeks and the one time we plan to meet he decides to cancel on me the last minute, all because…

All because of her.

“I forgot I had made earlier arrangements”


“You mean you forgot you had a date with Jisoo”

“I’ll make it up to you I promise”

Stop making empty promises.

“You see her 24/7 Myungsoo while we haven’t seen each other in weeks!”

I should probably calm myself before I say something I’ll regret.

“She’s my girlfriend”

 “And I was your best-friend”

Too late.

The brunette abruptly ended the call.

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Dreamingdaily #1
Chapter 3: Squeal please
Chapter 3: Cmooneee..... sequeeeellll!!!
Chapter 3: hahaha I want a savior too ㅋㅋ
yanabyun #4
Chapter 2: this is beautiful and also heartbreaking...but why stop here? please continue the story
baekhyuneexo #5
Chapter 2: Hahaha. 12.11 is my birthday. So , it feels like a present :)
baekhyuneexo #6
Chapter 2: Ouch. It hurts.
SammieHong #7
Chapter 2: Awwww..poor her...more chapter of her life plz authornim...!!! Let her b happy
Chapter 1: wow... this is so beautiful..
I love this ! Thank you for writing this <3
Chapter 1: It's just that kind of story that I need now ... thank you for write it. It was beautiful ! ♥♥♥♥
Chapter 1: Great! I just love it! (i'm at writing comments, sorry)