
Cherry blossom love
The walk back home is boring as usual, same old houses, same rocky road and no one to talk to. Taeyeon dragged her feet across the rocks, carrying her heavy schoolbag. Suddenly,Taeyeon heard something that made her stop in her tracks.Rip! Then followed by a series of thuds on the floor."argh! Waeyo?!" She turned around and started picking up her books and tried to wrap them with her now torn bag that has patches all over it. To make matters worst, it started drizzling and was soon raining cats and dogs. Taeyeon scratched her scalp in frustration and ran as fast as lightning home. Taeyeon stayed up all night waiting for her father to come back from work.She did not know how to tell her father that her bag was torn and that she needed a new one. She prepared supper for him as she knew he would be starving after a whole day of sawing and carving wood. When her father came home, she watched as he ate his supper like a wild dog. After he finished, Taeyeon mustered up all the courage she had and asked," abeoji, can i have a new bag? My bag is so torn and tattered that i can't use it any more..." "Then use my work bag, i can just carry my tools to work." "B-but my friends will laugh at me!" "Does your pride matter so much to you?! You ungrateful brat!" Taeyeon was so hurt that she could not utter a word so she just laid down on the blanket and closed her eyes. She thought about those times when she envied her friends for having such beautiful bags and shoes when she only had a few pieces of cloth sewn together to make a bag. She never had new textbooks, instead, her father went around houses asking for used textbooks. Not only that, it hurts her heart when she sees other children waving goodbye to their parents before going to school. "Why! Why is my life so pathetic and miserable? It's enough to deprive me from receiving my mother's love but why must i be poor too?!" She thought as hot tears rolled down her pink cheeks...
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