First day of 'big boy' school

First day of 'big boy' school


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Sophie :)


“Umma, I don’t want to,” Jongin whined as he dragged on his mother’s hand. A tired Baekhyun only smiled at his small son before picking him up and strapping him in to the car seat. However, the straps got caught around the little boy and Baekhyun had to lift him out again before sorting the seats out, nearly having a fit and waking the baby who was sleeping in the front seat.

“I know you don’t want to baby but you’re going to make some new friends, neh?” Baekhyun tried to convince the toddler that it was ok as he finished strapping him in. He then checked that Suho, his 6 year old angel was strapped in and ready for school before doing one last check on Sehun, the sleeping baby in the front. Baekhyun had sworn that when he had children he would never buy a family van; however, that’s just what he did. His husband had convinced him when their third little boy was born to buy one as it would be easier. Yes it was easier, but Baekhyun hated the size of the thing.

“No, no umma,” little Jongin whined again, thrashing in the seat. Baekhyun shot his son a look before kissing him on the head and closing the door.


“Annyeong Mrs Park,” a spritely girl greeted Baekhyun at the front of the nursery, a smile that stretched from ear to ear plastered on her face. “I’m Luna and you must be Jongin!” Baekhyun smiled at the lady before bending down to his son’s level and hugging the little boy.

“Be a good boy Jongin-ah! Mummy will pick you up later, neh?” Baekhyun kissed him on the forehead before shoeing him into the nursery. With a small wave Jongin disappeared around the corner to go and have fun.

Looking around, Jongin hesitantly walked into the nursery. The room was colourful and large with five small tables to sit around. In one corner there was a small bookshelf with some bean bags. In another there was a play house with dressing-up clothes and in the other was a water box. Jongin took it all in with wide eyes as he took in the other children as well.

“Ok everyone sit down at a table,” Luna commanded as she led Jongin to the yellow one in the middle. Jongin eyed the other children that sat down with him, taking a liking to the wide eyes boy that sat across from him.

“Ok, everyone say hello and introduce yourselves,” another woman that looked like Luna, or so Jongin thought, came out. Jongin turned back to table and looked expectedly at the other children.

“I’m Taemin,” the little boy sitting next to Jongin announced as he on the straw to a carton of banana milk. “I love to dance!”

“I’m Jongin and I like to dance to,” Jongin announced as he looked at Taemin incredulously. They both smiled at each other, both not believing that someone else liked the same thing as they did.

“I’m Jongup and I dance as well,” both Taemin and Jongin looked at the small boy across the table. They both couldn’t believe their luck; they had found someone else that was like them. It was then that three pairs of eyes looked at the last boy sitting at their table. Could he be like them?

“What about you? Do you dance?” Taemin asked. The wide-eyed boy just shook his head and looked down at the toy owl in his lap before on his thumb.

“Oh then-“

“Ok, everyone can go and play until nap time,” Luna announced suddenly. Before the wide-eyed boy could even blink, the three others at his table had disappeared to go and dance away the time.


Jongin needed the toilet, and he needed it badly. However, he didn’t want to go. He and Jongup were in the middle of learning Taemin’s dance and Taemin was being strict. They had to practice until nap time and they couldn’t stop apparently to the bossy four year old that was in charge.

“Yah! Jongin-ah are you paying attention?” Taemin shouted as he was in the middle of showing them how to jump and point their toes at the same time. Jongin nodded absent minded as he watched.

“Ok your turn.” Jongin nodded again before jumping up and he instantly regretted it. As he landed he felt his flood gates open and before he knew it, there was a damp spot that covered his trousers.

“Eww Jongin wet himself,” Taemin stuck his tongue out and scrunched his nose up before taking hold of Jonup’s hand and dragging him away. Jongin stood there for a second in shock and then burst into tears which quickly attracted the attention of Luna and a certain wide-eyed boy.


“Hey Jongin it’s ok. You’re all clean now. Stop crying little one,” Luna had been trying for the past thirty minutes to get the little boy to stop crying. Once she had cleaned him up, he didn’t seem to stop and she had tried everything, from calling Baekhyun to offering him sweets. She was about to give up when there was a tug on her trouser leg. Looking down she saw little Kyungsoo who had been following her all day. The quiet little boy had been finding it hard to make friends and hadn’t let go of his owl toy all day.

“Yes Kyungsoo?” she raised her eye brows at him before he showed her his Krong toy. She smiled down at the little angel before patting him on the head. Taking a deep breath, she liften Jongin off the changing table and placed him next to Kyungsoo who handed Jongin the toy. Immediately the little boy stopped crying and played with the toy. Before Luna could even smile at the two they ran off to play with their plushies.


“and I made a new friend called Kyungsoo and we played with toys and then it was nap time and then we ate and then we played and then we coloured and then you came and got me,” Jongin concluded his day whilst Baekhyun sat smiling in the front of the car.

“That sounds great baby. Didn’t I tell you there was nothing to worry about.”

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Chapter 1: squish kaisoo >///< aigoooo~ kyeopta *u* Perfect story authornim! :))
silversea108 #2
Chapter 1: Awwww, soo cute little Kaisoo. I wanna see the adorable Kyungsoo. Love him so much <3
Chapter 1: aww cutiepie kai :3 nice story!