Spooky Night~ Part 3 (Mini Imagine)

Spooky Night~ Part 1 (Mini Imagine)

Title: Spooky Night~

(Part 3) -Last-




Yongguk: Yeah and I know it'll be fun for the both of us :D


You: Wh...What? *feeling goosebumps*


Kai: Well, I'm okay with it if (Y/N) is okay with it ^-^


You: Umm... I am okay with it! Its only a haunted house anyway *shivers*


Hara: Khaja! :)


You: Wait! Now?!


Hara: Yeah...


You: But its not yet Halloween and you want to be scared now?!


Hara: I know, stop talking nonsense. Come on, Kai is by your side anyway -.-


You looked at Kai, who is pumped about the haunted house. Great, you hate it when it comes to creepy places especially an abandon house.


Hara was walking, linking arms with Yongguk. She was acting cute and all... You are always annoyed when Hara acts cute, she thinks she is a perfectionist. No matter how annoyingly cute she gets, you still love her. Anyway, she was leading the way to the haunted house. It was near a marry go round, so its easy to escape or hide or something.


You start to feel goosebumps and cold. Kai saw you shiver, he then took out his jacket and put it on you.


You: Ah, Kai... Gwenchana.


Kai: Aniya, wear it. You're cold.


Hara: Okay! I got us in! Let's go!


Yongguk: *cheers*


When your line is near the entrance, Hara and Yongguk step in the front door. Boy, it is so creepy.

Then, it was you and Kai's turn.


You: Ohh... Omo...


Kai: *holds your hand* come on... How can it be that creepy?


You tighten your hands with him. You can't believe it!! Kai was holding your hand! It felt like a kid who got their first candy! Kyaaa!


The room was dark, you looked up and down getting ready for any attacks.


Kai: Umm, (Y/N)?


You: Yeah?


Kai: I have something to say...


You: Okay~


Suddenly, something flew right in front of you. You ran away with Kai to the second floor. It was the most scariest thing in your life, even though its fake and everything. It looked so surreal.


Kai: You okay?


You: Do I look okay? It was like about to take my soul!! *panic mode*


Kai: Then, we have to get out of here.


You: Duhh. Wait, are you scared too?


Kai: Me? Pfft... No... *nervous laugh*


You: -.-


Kai: What?


You: Lets continue walking.


You survived the second floor, the last stage of the haunted house is at the back where there is an exit.


There is this room, it is empty. Nothing happen yet... So, Kai decided to break the silence.


Kai: Do you have a boyfriend?


You: Nope...


Kai: Do you want one?


You: Err... Depends... Why?


Kai: Uhh... Because I--


You: Wait! You hear that?


Kai: Um... Nope.


You: It sounds like someone is following us...


You turn around and saw that flying cloth again. You ran for your life, when you saw the exit you can't stand it anymore and quickly stormed outside. Hara and Yongguk were waiting, they seem happy -.-


Yongguk: You two had fun?


You: Fun? You call a spooky haunted house fun?


Hara: Aigoo... Don't care what she says. She's just like that. Anyway, we are going to eat fish cakes. Coming?


Kai: Yeah, we'll be there. You guys go ahead.


You: What is it that you want to talk about?


Kai: Oh... Anyway, you sure you don't have a boyfriend?


You: Yup... Lets go to Hara and Yongguk ^.^


When the two of you arrived, the four of you drank soju. Until that's when you got slightly drunk. Yongguk sent Hara home so its just you and Kai.


Kai: Yah, that's enough. You'll get too drunk.


You: So? I nearly faint in the haunted house hours ago *hiccups*


Kai: So, I have something to say... I've been trying to tell you ever since.


You: *hiccups*


Kai: I like you.


You: *realizes what he said* huh?


Kai: Yes... I like you and I know its weird confessing to you when its nearly Halloween xD


You felt very happy, like the luckiest girl in the world. Your crush, the guy you really like for a long time finally confessed. You smiled like an idiot.


You: Yah... Do you know how long I waited? *eye smile*


Kai: You like me back? O_O


You: *nods* I like you too... I really like you!! ^▽^


Kai smiled happily, you smiled back at him.


You: I better go home... Yongguk will send me back anyway. Annyeong.


Kai: Annyeong and Happy Halloween :)


He hugged you and then he kissed you. You kissed him back. The two of you apart and waved goodbye at each other.


Kai: Annyeong... Saranghae (Y/N)-ah. *whispers*


He watch you as you enter Yongguk's car and disappeared into to the road and he too went back home and can't wait to go trick or treating with you.


The End


Jung Soojae~

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