Chapter 5

You Can't Run Forever


I took my bag from the table before walking out of the room. I went to the kitchen for my breakfast. As I arrived in front of the kitchen door, I heard somebody talking.

“Do you think D.O is hiding something from us?” I knew it was Suho hyung voice. “If you realized, he never talked about his family before.”

“If he hides it, he must have a good reason why he never told about his family before.” I had enough of this; I don’t want anyone to know about it yet.

I cleared my throat before entered the kitchen with a smile.

“Morning.” I greeted Suho hyung, Kris hyung and Chanyeol hyung who were in the kitchen. I took a seat besides Suho hyung as he prepared my breakfast.

“So, how’s your leg?” Suho hyung asked as he put a tray of food in front of me. I muttered thank you to him.

“Its fine but it still hurts. So, where are the others?” I asked him.

“Some of them already head off to the school. Some still are still in their beds. But, it’s still early. So, you can enjoy your breakfast happily.” He answered as he read his notes.

“But, hyung. Can we go to the school early? I need to find some books at the library. Or you want me to drive on my own?”

“No, I’ll drive. Finish your breakfast and we’ll go.”

“Okay.” I smiled at him.

After Suho hyung parked his car at the parking lot, we walked to the main entrance of the school. I walked up the stairs slowly as Suho hyung helped me.

“Excuse me, Do Kyung Soo?” A man stopped me. Suho hyung and I looked at the man.

“Yes, can I help you?” I smiled at him.

“Do you remember me, Kyungsoo-ah?” I narrowed my eyes at him. “It’s been 5 years; I can understand if you don’t remember me anymore.” He seemed hurt.

“Chanyoung hyung?” He smiled. “Wow, you’re handsome now.”

“I knew you would remember me, Kyungsoo-ah.” He hugged me. I smiled as I hugged him back.

“When do you come back to Korea? I though Melbourne’s your new home now.” I .

“Yes, it is. But, you know me. I get bored easily.” He chuckled. “It’s my dad who wanted me to come home. You know, family business.”

“Oh. Actually hyung, I can’t stand too long. My right leg was injured so it’s hurt me a bit.” I pouted at him.

“Really? Let’s go to the café then.” He helped me to walk to the café as Suho hyung walked behind us.

“Guys, I need to go first.” Suho hyung stated when we were still at the hallway.

“Why? I’m about to buy you a drink.” Chanyoung hyung asked.

“I have some discussion to make with my friends in a few minutes. So, I need to go. Anyway, I’m Kim Jun Myeon. But you can call me Suho.” Suho hyung held out his hand.

“I’m Lee Chan Young. Nice to meet you.” Chanyoung hyung took his hand and shook it.

“I need to go, bye.” Suho hyung smiled before walked away.

“Well, let’s go.” Chanyoung hyung smiled and we walked to the café. “Anyway, what’s wrong with your leg?”

“Accident in the kitchen. I heard they mentioned about DK Empire, so I got shock and the knife slipped from my hand.” I shrugged. He helped me to sit at the café.

“You should be more careful. I didn’t know that you have a very serious problem with your dad. I thought your relationship would be better after all these years.”

“I guess it’s not. He let me go once; I doubt that he will get me back. I know him.” I looked to my lap.

“Kyungsoo-yah. You shouldn’t talk like this. I’m sure that he will get you back and make you the CEO of DK Empire.” I chuckled.

“I’m afraid that I’ll be the one who rejects. I’m not the same person anymore since I got out of the house.” I smiled sadly.

“I know how your heart hurts but you must give yourself a chance; to have a better life. You cannot run from your fate, you must learn how to accept it.” He smiled at me.

“I’ll try, hyung. Anyway, are you going to stay at Korea this time?” I asked him.

“Yes, I will. Anyway, there is one more reason I’m here.”

“What is it?”

“Your dad wants you to come back. He hired some people to bring you back. I’m not sure how but I’m sure I’ll see you around anytime soon.”

“Thank you for sharing the information. I doubt that they succeed. I am very stubborn, you know.” He chuckled.

“I know. But, see you soon.” He winked at me before leaving.

What do you think Chanyoung meant by 'see you soon'? Wait for the next chapter...

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Jazz_exostan #1
Chapter 11: OMG
The whole story was so cute and amazing
Miemela #2
Chapter 11: Very simple story but nice.
awww the story is so lovely~~~ i'm glad kyungsoo made the right choice <3
Chapter 4: Poor kyungie(T_T)
Like your story<3