A Big Night

The Big Night

October 31st @ 12:38 am

'Everybody! Everybody! Every-Everybody!' SHINee sang. 'Everybody wake up! Wake up!' Their song ended. Managers, friends, and families clapped and cheered for their success of promoting their new album 'Everybody.' SHINee bowed and got off the dance floor. "Congrats SHINee." "You guys were fantastic!" Many nice comments filled the room. Onew was talking to their manager about their schedules. Jonghyun and Key were drinking punch and talking to their friends. Finally Minho and Taemin are singing along with their songs thats playing in the room. Before they knew it, it was time to put the party to a close. SHINee said goodbye to their friends and families and when everyone left their manager told them. "You did great boys. Now I want you guys to go to your hotel and rest up for your concert tomorrow." "Yes sir." 

SHINee walked out of the building, heading to their hotel. "That was so much fun!" shouted Taemin. "Yes it was. It was great seeing our families again." said Key. The others nodded. "At least we can finally rest tonight." said Onew stretching his arms. "I'm really looking forward to some sleep tonight." said Minho yawning. They walked past an alley when suddenly they heard a noise of whispering. Jonghyun stopped walking. "Guys, did you hear that?" He asked. All of them stopped also. "Aniyo." Onew shook his head. Then the whispering came back. "H-Hello? Who's there?" Minho yelled out. Nothing responded. "Its probably nothing. Let's just go." Taemin suggested. They nodded and continued walking. Suddenly they felt someone grabbing them by the waist and pulled them into the alley.

SHINee struggled to get free but failed. They were thrown to the ground. "Who are you?!" Key shouted angrily. "My name is Suho." "I'm Luhan." "The names Chanyeol." "I'm Kris." "And I'm Kai." SHINee stood up off the ground slowly. "What do you want from us?" Taemin asked cautionsly. The one named Kris did a evil chuckle. "Let's just say we are a little thristy." He smirked. One by one, SHINee was grabbed by the shoulders and were slammed into the brick wall. Suho punched Onew in the face but Onew countered with a kick to Suho's shin. Jonghyun was pinned to the wall by his shoulders. He grabbed Luhan's arm and bite him but Luhan punched Jonghyun on the cheek. Chanyeol repeatedly slammed Key into the wall and Key tried to protect himself but failed. Kris was about to smack Minho's head but Minho ducked and he kneed Kris's side. Kris quickly recovered and grabbed Minho's collar of his shirt and slammed his head on the wall. Kai punched Taemin in the head, causing Taemin's head to bleed. The smell of his blood turned their eyes bright red. And they have gotten stronger!

SHINee was slammed once again onto the brick wall. They tried to break free but their opponents were stronger! They gasped at the sight of their eyes. Their grip tightened on their shoulders. Until they quickly leaned in and pierced their necks. SHINee screamed in agony. Kris and Kai were the most hungry out of the others. They let of their neck and SHINee slid down the wall and laid on the cold ground unconscious. "We better go quickly." Suho said. With that the five boys left.

A couple hours later...

"Mmm..mmm.." Key woke up on the ground next to Jonghyun and Minho. "Ah, what happened?" He asked himself. "Ugh, my head." Minho said as he sat up feeling his head. "Are you alright Key?" Minho asked. Key nodded. "Lets wake everyone else up." Key suggested. Minho nodded and shook Taemin. "Taemin...Taemin..." Taemin woke up. "Ow, my head is throbbing." Taemin said rubbing his head. "You'll be alright." Minho said. Minho proceeded to wake up Onew. After a couple minutes of shaking him, Onew finally woke up. "Jong...Jong...Jong!" Key half screamed. Jonghyun opened his eyes and sat up. "Ugh. What happened and where are we?" He asked. "Well, first we were attacked by these guys, we got into a fight with them, and next them we knew they bit into our necks and we all pass out." Onew said. 

"Thats weird. Why would they bite our necks and then pass out?" Key wondered. "Could it be that-" Key was cut off when Taemin gasped. "What Taemin?" "J-Jonghyun's eyes a-are r-red!" Taemin shouted. Everyone looked Jonghyun and was startled at him. His eyes were just dark brown and now they are a dark red. Jonghyun looked at a broken mirror that it is in the alley. And he was startled to his eyes have changed. Jonghyun looked back at the others and noticed that all of their eyes are a dark red. "Guys, all of your eyes are red too!" Jonghyun said shocked. The others looked at their reflection and was startled too.

"Why is this happening to us?" Taemin asked. "Does anyone else feel like they are thristy?" Onew asked the others. Everyone nodded. "Lets go find something to drink." Key suggested. They all got up and began to look for a food stand or drinking fountain. Something for them to drink.

After a half hour, they came upon a park. They were walking and they didnt notice five girls playing frisbee in the dark. "Why would anyone play frisbee this late at night?" Minho asked everyone. Everyone shrugged and continued walking. But as they got closer to them, Taemin started shaking. Followed by everyone else. "I-I need something to drink. I-I need b-blood!" Taemin shouted. SHINee eyed the girls playing frisbee. They walked casually to the five pretty girls.

"Good catch Sulli!" screamed a tomboy named Amber. Two girls by the sidelines clapped and cheered. "Woohoo!" yelled Krystal and Victoria. "Good job Sulli!" screamed Luna. They stopped playing when they saw five handsome men walking towards them. "Can we help you boys?" Amber asked. Key did an evil chuckle. The girls backed away as the boys stepped forward. "Yes. We are kind of thristy right now." SHINee smirked as their eyes glowed in the night. "What are you?" scream Victoria. Suddenly, Jonghyun appeared behind Victoria. His hand around her waist and his other hand covering . "Victoria!" Krystal screamed. But, Krystal was forced on the ground and Taemin pinned her so she wouldnt move.

Sulli tried to help Krystal but Minho quickly grabbed her arm and twisted her arm behind her back. Onew quickly grabbed Luna before she could run while Key grabbed both of Amber's wrists and puts them behind her. SHINee smirked,the girls screamed when SHINee pierced their white fangs into their necks. The taste of their blood was so good. The girls bodies went limb and they fell to the ground, dead. SHINee realized what they did and suddenly felt guilty. They were angry and sad at the same time.

"What have we done?" Onew said scared. SHINee wiped the blood off their chins. "G-Guys are we v-vampires?" Taemin asked. "I can't believe it! We are monsters!" Minho yelled and punched a tree. "We are vampires! Thanks to those stupid boys we encountered in the alley." Jonghyun said. Key then burst out. "That's it! We have to find those boys who turned us into monsters and we can get revenge." Key screamed. "Lets do that so I can kick their asses for what they did to us!" Jonghyun said as he cracked his knuckles. The others nodded. "But where would they be?" Taemin asked. "Usually when you are turned into a vampire, you can sense where your 'master' is hiding." Onew said. Onew closed his eyes and waited. His eyes flew wide open. "They are not far from here. They are in the forest outside of Seoul." They nodded and they quickly found a car that wasn't being used, got inside, and headed off.

Minho drove the car they took and the drive to the forest took forty-five minutes. It was almost five o' clock in the morning when they arrived. SHINee got out of the car and made their way in the forest. "I can sense them near. About 1 mile there is a small warehouse by a river." Onew said pointing the direction where they are. They nodded and continued walking.

SHINee soon came upon the small warehouse. "There it is. Lets go break in and take them down." Jonghyun half shouted. "I don't think that will happen." said a voice followed by an evil chuckle. SHINee quickly turned around and they were quickly kicked in the stomach and were sent flying. They landed on the ground with a thump. "Well well well look what we have here. Our little meals are back for more." the one named Kai. SHINee now realized that those five boys are now counting twelve! "I thought they were only five of you?" Onew questioned. "Haha. No there are twelve of us." said Luhan. "Let me introduce everyone. You already know me, Kai, Luhan, Chanyeol, and Suho. This is Baekhyun, Sehun, D.O., Xiumin, Lay, Chen, and Tao." Kris said. "And we're also known as the EXO clan." 

"The EXO clan?" Taemin wondered. "Listen we know you bastards are vampires but why did you turn us into vampires?!" Key screamed at EXO. SHINee slowly stood up. "Oh well we were thristy." Suho smirked. "Thats it. I'm gonna kill you guys one by one!" Minho screamed. "I'm with you Minho!" Jonghyun shouted out loud. SHINee got into their fighting positions and prepared. EXO got into their fighing stances and prepared for battle. 

A huge battle rage on...

One by one everyone's hand was full of blood...

And lastly only five were left standing...

SHINee stood in front of the bodies of EXO. "Y-ou w-will pay f-for th-is." Suho said weak. "I think we just did." Onew said as he grabbed Suho's heart and ripped it out of his chest.

Dawn came upon the horizon. And there stood five handsome men. Their eyes shining bright red. Eyes with blood color luster. Fangs showing on their lips. Vampires... SHINee are now known as the Vampires who massacred the most powerful vampire clan...EXO!

I know its alittle late but I hope you guys enjoyed my first Halloween story! ^^ It was kind of fun writng SHINee and EXO together! I think I might write another story about them! <3 Anyway, Happy Late Halloween!~



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Chapter 1: Wow it's really good and awesome. SHINee will surely be some hot vampire
Chapter 1: :, ( it's sad that exo died